教师信息管理系统 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章教师信息管理系统更新完毕开始阅读379baafbb0717fd5360cdcc5


摘 要



本系统采用了目前比较流行的ASP作为前台的开发语言。ASP作为开发语言具有简单易学的特点,但是功能还相当强大。后台选择Access作为数据库,用Access作中小型系统的数据库不失为一个好的选择。另外采用Dream weaver来美化网页,效果很是不错。 关键字:ASP , Access , 教师信息管理 , 数据库技术 , 网站建设



The Internet develops soon quickly today, the Internet becomes more and more popular to people and obtain by people. People release and deliver the important t information quickly by Internet. It plays an important role in politics, economic life. Much information is mainly passed by Internet, and obtains information in the internet \according to certain inspectional way which will need of the information carries down up and down from the website. So the website construction at the internet applied is obviously important, it become much important in the information-based construction of government, and the business enterprise business unit .So people put more and more attention on internet. Internet does well for us.

In order to improve the teacher's information management system, improve the work efficiency, avoid the mistake of the artificial management in the meantime, so I manufacture the teacher the information management system. This system is divided into five parts: writing teachers’ information to database, modification teachers’ information, and searching teachers’ information in database, printing teacher's information and managing teacher's numbered account. In a word, the management can satisfy the management of teachers’ information for the school. In the meantime because of this system according to the B/S structure, so show its function by the form of the website can also adapted the development of Internet’s flying to soon currently of present condition.

This system uses a popular language ASP as programming language. Being the development language ASP is easy to study and understand, but the function is still very strong. The backstage choice---Access is a kind of database. This kind of database can make medium or small scaled system. It’s a good chose indeed. Adopting another tool Dream weaver to beautify a web page, the result is very good. Key words: ASPS, Access, The management of teachers, Database, The website construct


目 录


引 言


时代的发展和科技的进步,使得传统的教育方式暴露出知识更新速度慢、资源不足等弊病。而INTERNET的高速发展,为我们带来了新的机遇,为远程教育的发展和应用创造了有利的条件。随时随地,学习答疑,人们所梦想的学习方式有了实现的可能。当前,世界各国纷纷致力于基于Internet的远程教育系统的研究。如美国西北大学得到美国NSF支持开发的COVIS工程,美国斯坦福大学、瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)和新加坡国立大学(NUS)三校互联的基于Internet的远程学习环境。国内的一些大学也开始研究和实施在Internet上进行远程教学,如上海交大所研制的基于Internet的网上教学系统Web School (http://www.dlc.sjtu.edu.cn),清华大学所研制的个体化的学习环境等。


师资队伍建设是学校最基本的教学建设,是提高人才培养质量,办出高职特色的关键。因此,建立一支人员精干,结构合理,师德崇高,造诣精深,专兼结合,特色鲜明,相对稳定,满足高等职业教育发展需要的教师队伍已列入了各地、各院校领导的议事日程,并采取了多种措施,下大力量着手建设,基于WEB的师资管理系统就开始落入各级关心师资力量建设的领导的眼中。 基于WEB的师资管理系统作为远程学习系统的一个重要组成部分,它不仅应当具有传统的作业发布与提交等功能,而且应该充分发挥Internet的优势。使作业库的更新与维护更加方便,它还应突破传统的作业的表现方式,以多媒体的形式来体现作业的内容,使得作业的表现形式更加多样,学生对于内容的理解更加清晰。我们认为未来的网络是包含大量信息的多媒体的网络,随着网络技术的发展,带宽不再成为制约多媒体信息的障碍。我们在学校教学系统中利用Access和ASP(Active Server Pages)技术设计和实现了基于WEB的师资管理系统原型。