10KV变电所供配电Doc 联系客服

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摘 要




The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and circuitry. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe. The design of substation supplypower distribution should consider many problems.Analyse change to give or get an electric shock a mission for carrying and customers carries etc. make good use of customer data proceed then carry calculation, ascertain the correct equipment of the customer. At the same time following the choice of every kind of transformer, then make sure the line method of the substation, then calculate the short-circuit electric current, choosing the style of the wire and once equipment of electric appliances and so on. This first step of design included:(1) ascertain the total project (2) load analysis(3) the calculation of the short-circuit electric current (4) the choice of line project (5) the choice and the settle of the protective facility (6) The design of prevent mine

Key words:Substation,Load,Short-circuit electric current,The design of

prevent mine

目 1.绪论

1.1工厂变电所的设计??????????????????1 1.1.1电力用户供电系统的分类?????????????? 1.1.2工厂变配电所的设计原则?????????????? 1.2课题来源及设计背景???????????????????2 1.2.1课题来源???????????????????2 1.2.2设计背景???????????????????2


2.1计算负荷的方法及负荷计算法的确定?????? 2.2需要系数法的基本知识???????? 2.3变电所的负荷计算??????????? 2.3.1负荷统计??????????? 2.3.2负荷计算???????????


2.5 无功补偿的计算及电容器的选择???????????

3.变电所变压器台数和容量的选择??????????????7 3.1变压器的选择原则??????????????

3.2变压器类型的选择 ??????????????????????7 3.3变压器台数的选择????????????????????7 3.4变压器容量的选择???????????


4.1主接线的基本要求 ???????????????9

4.2主接线的基本形式与分析 ????????????????13 4.3变电所主接线方案的确定????????????????16 5.短路电流的计算???????????

5.1产生短路电流的原因、危害及计算方法??????????? 5.2高压电网三相短路计算???????????

6.变电所高压进线、一次设备和低压出线的选择…?????????? 6.1高压侧的负荷计算???????????

6.1.1变压器功率损耗的计算??????????? 6.1.2高压侧的负荷计算??????????? 6.2变电所高压进线的选择与校验??????????? 6.2.1架空线的选择??????????? 6.2.2电缆进线的选择??????????? 6.3高压一次设备的选择???????????

6.3.1高压断路器的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.2高压隔离开关的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.3高压熔断器的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.4电流互感器的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.5电压互感器的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.6接地开关的选择与效验??????????? 6.3.7高压侧母线的效验?????? 6.3.8绝缘子的效验?????????? 6.4变电所低压一次设备的选择??????? 6.5低压线路导线的选择??????????

7 变电所二次回路回路方案选择及继电保护的整定…????????? 7.1二次回路的定义和分类?????????? 7.2二次回路操作电源的选择?????????? 7.3二次回路的接线要求?????????? 7.4断路器的控制和信号回路?????????? 7.5变电所的电能计量回路?????????? 7.6变电所的测量和绝缘监测回路?????????? 7.7继电保护的整定??????????

8变电所防雷与接地装置的确定……???????? 8.1确定共用人工接地装置?????????? 8.2防雷保护的选择??????????