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发布时间 : 星期一 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读36be278676eeaeaad1f3309c

你在他们当中是什么角色?What is your role with them? 角色?Role?

你似乎摸透他们Yes. You seem to know everything about them.

他们会做什么,会在哪里What they're gonna do. Where they're gonna be.

如果这能安慰你,重点不在你If it makes you feel any better, this wasn't about you. 请告诉我为什么重点不在我Please tell me why this was not about me. 这是魔术,崔斯勒先生This is a magic trick, Mr. Tressler. 规模扩及全球Played out on a global scale. 你只是幌子You, sir, are the abracadabra. 障眼法The distraction,

他们其实另有计谋 while they set up the real trick.

我损失1.4亿只是障眼法?I was a $140-million distraction? 对Yes.

而你妄自尊大想要对付他们And that very ego that got you involved with them in the first place 首先就让你看不清真相is what keeps you from seeing that.

给我听好? - “我能毁掉你”- You know... - \我了的很Yes, I do know. 但你不会Well, you won't.

你也不会毁掉他们And you won't destroy them. 无论这是什么天大骗局Whatever this grand trick is, 老早就计划好了it was designed a long time ago.

我相信接下来的戏法And I believe that what's about to follow 绝对会更惊人is really going to amaze.

我建议你舒服坐在前排So I suggest you sit back and enjoy your front row seat. 你付了大笔钞票坐到上位You paid quite a lot of good money for it. 无论你的能赚多少Whatever you stand to make

我加倍,只要你揭穿他们I'll double it, if you expose them now. 并毁掉他们And destroy them.

少说有500万I stand to make five million. 我有退缩吗?Am I flinching? 你没有No, you're not.

抱歉伤了你的手I'm sorry for your arm.

没什么抱歉我是喝醉的混蛋No.I'm sorry I was a drunken asshole. 晕头转向的I'm at a loss.

梅利说我很少出外勤他说得对You know, when Merritt said I hardly spentany time away from the desk, he was right.

我是做研究的那是我最擅长的领域I'm a researcher. That's what I do best. 这书是讲什么的?So what's this all about?

人们认为,如果你相信这本书Supposedly, if you buy into it,

“天眼”都是掌握魔术绝技的人The Eye are the keepers of real magic 是魔术练习者的保护人and the protectors ofthose who practice it.

“入会的候选人” “必须无条件服从一连串指令”\for initiationsmust follow a

series of commandswith blind obedience.\

这不可能- 可有人相信- This isn't real.- But there are some who think it is. 可以给我吗?May I? 根据这本书,他们每世纪只有两次吸收新人According to this,they only take new people twice a century.

怎么?骑士团表演这些节目就是为了加入“天眼”?So what? The Horsemen are doing theseshows in order to get into this thing?

我不明白- 我不知道- I don't know.- I don't know.

我是说,这帮家伙可以直接抢银行I mean, I guess these guyscould just rob banks to rob banks. 用不着跑到舞台上They don't have to put on a show for that. 这可能是个神话It's probably just a myth.

可他们这样做完全没道理逻辑上也无法解释But it doesn't make any sense, and I don'tthink logic will solve this for us.

你不会是要说?- 不- You don't say?- No.

我相信,有些东西只有转换思维I believe that some thingsare only discovered 才能发现真相if you take certain leaps. 哦,我得去?Well, I gotta get to... 是啊,是啊Yeah. Yeah.

谢谢,再见- 好的,再见- Thanks. Good night.- Yeah. Good night. 对不起- 没关系- Sorry.- It's all right.

如果“天眼”确实存在我们必须想到他们在监视我们If The Eye did exist, we'd have to assumethey were watching us, right?


我想有人在监视我们不过这不是魔术I think someone is watching us,but it isn't magic.

你的担心是对的,这不是你的电话Your fears are correct.This is not and has never been your phone.

它是完全克隆的,除了这个It's a clone in every way, except for this. 是窃听器Look, a bug.

有人窃听你的每通电话Someone has heard every call, 偷看你的每则简讯read every text.

难怪他们能抢先我们一步That's how they were able to stay ahead of us. 可恶God damn it!

调出亚特斯的讯问录影Get me Atlas' interrogation tape. 遵命,我存在硬碟Yes, sir. I have it on the hard drive. 要播放了Picture's up.

好,快转Okay, fast forward.

继续,停住Go on, go on. Freeze!

单格播放,继续Okay. Frame by frame. Go on. 正常播放Play it through.

停住,放大Stop. Zoom in tighter. Tighter.

他趁机拿走我的手机There. That's where he took my phone. 那是发送器吗?Is that thing transmitting?

只有通话或传讯时才会发送Only when you're making a call or sending a text. 况且我移除了Plus I removed the bug.

装回去再开机All right. Put it back in and turn on the phone.

他们不知道我们发现窃听器They don't know that we know about the bug. 现在起我们超越他们As of this instant, we are ahead of them. 我们要保持下去We need to keep it that way. 了解吗?Understand?

找出并追踪我真正的手机Find my real phone and track it.

20分钟前就追踪了,在纽约市Already did. As of about 20 minutes ago, it's in New York City. 很好Good.

我要切断他们的所有通路I wanna cut 'em off at the knees. 他们有电子装置?切断They got power? Cut it.

他们有电话、电、水?They got phones, electricity, water? 切断Cut it.

揪出他们Squeeze 'em out.

让他们感觉到我们的存在I want 'em to feel our presence. 派一架飞机给我And get me an airplane!

防火墙无效了,他们知道吗?The firewall's down. Do they know about this? 他们是谁?They who?

就是他们,我们的老板\我们的老板是谁?Who are we working for?

我们准备替他们坐牢?And are we prepared to go to jail for them? 别疑神疑鬼了Stop being paranoid. 这种事常有It really does happen.

对你常有,对我们不见得It happened to you. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us. 我没把握能做到,我不想坐牢Guys, I don't know if can do this, all right. I don't want to go to jail, you know?

那就别搞砸Then don't screw up.

你老是要大家把你当大人You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. 那就表现得像大人Now might be a good time to start acting like one. 照计划走Stick to the plan.

守在这里,烧掉所有文件 Stay here and burn it all.

我不明白我在这里干嘛I don't know what I'm doing here.

我不明白你在别的地方能干嘛I don't know what you would do anywhere else. 我在这里是为了发大财I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 就这样,然后我就走人That's it. Then I'm gone.

任务结束后你想干嘛都行You can do whatever you want when this is over, Merritt. 但在那之前,你要照计划走But until then, you stick to the plan. 大伙儿,他们来了Hey, guys. They're here. 我的人准备进去了- My guys are ready to go. 速战速决- Let's do this quickly... 不行 - 为什么?- No. - What?

她在这里没有管辖权She doesn't have jurisdiction here. 她是国际刑警,跟我一道She's Interpol. She's with me. 她留下She stays.

什么?什么?What? What?

待在车里Stay in the car. 走吧Let's go.

动手吧Okay. Let's do it. BI!FBI!

女士优先Ladies first. 别动Don't move!

告诉我,我的钱花得值得吗?Tell me. Is my money being well-spent? 超级值得Exceedingly well. 那你告诉我Now you tell me,

你想怎么处理四骑士?how do you like your Horsemen? 炖煮或油炸?Fricasseed or fried? 剁成好几块Shredded.

我会吩咐主厨I'll tell the chef. 别动Freeze! 迪伦!Dylan! 等我Hold on! 过来Come here!

5楼没问题,6楼待命Five is clear. Standing by for six. 你这小浑球You little shit!

你在玩什么把戏?- What game are you playing? - What game are you playing? 6楼没问题,前往7楼We're all good at six. Move to seven. 收到,去7楼,快走Copy that. Going to seven. Go, go, go! 过来Come here! 过来Come here!

好,等等All right, hold on, hold on! 有没有搞错?- Really? 对- Yup. 可恶Ow! 可恶You...

别逃You little... 该死Shit! 该死Shit!

给我Give me that!

所有单位,快守住北口All units, cover the north exit now! 伊凡街没问题Clear on Evan.

堵住所有可能的出口Block every possible exit. 回来Hey! Get back. Shit.

BI,算吧,车借我,谢了- FBI. Sort of. I need your car. Thanks. - What? 什么?What?

停车!停车!Stop! Stop!

很好,跟着他Good. Follow him!

休想再叫我待在车里,休想Don't ever tell me to stay in the car. Ever. 我没收到战术指令I didn't have tactical command.