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Now You See Me(惊天魔盗团)剧本台词

靠近一点Come in close. 再近一点Closer.

因为你以为看到越多Because the more you think you see, 就越容易受骗the easier it'll be to fool you. 什么叫看见?Because what is seeing?

你眼睛在看,其实脑子在过滤,在思索You're looking, but what you're reallydoing is filtering, interpreting,

在探寻其中的含意searching for meaning. 我的工作?My job?

就是接受你给予我的珍贵礼物你的注意力To take that most precious ot giftsyou give me, your attention,

用你的注意力来对付你and use it against you. font color=\芝加哥 星期一{\\r}

我要翻动这副牌I'm going to flip through this deck. 我要你看见一张牌And I want you to see one card.

不是这张,那太明显了Not this one. That's too obvious. 仔细看好Pay close attention.

太快了,再来一次,准备好了?That was too fast. I'll do it again. Are you ready? 好Okay.

有看见一张牌吗?- Now did you see one? 有- Yes.

你心中有一张牌吗?- Do you have one in mind? 有- Yes.

你的牌有在这里吗?Now, do you see your card here? 没有No.

那是因为你看得太靠近That's because you're looking too closely. 我整晚怎么说的?And what have I been telling you all night? 你越靠近The closer you look... 越看不到真相The less you see.

font color=\新奥尔良 星期二{\\r} 现在看着我的眼睛Now look into my eyes. 睡着And sleep. Okay. 起来And...

能拿走我的钞票就给你If you can get this bill from me, you can have it. 尽管来拿吧Go ahead. Take it. Get it.

你能报上名字就给你If you can say your name, you can have it. 好,稍等,挣扎一下All right, just hang out there, wriggle a sec.

我要偷窥你老公的脑袋I'm gonna take a little peek under the hood - of your hubby's brain. - Oh, no, no, no.

我在想像I'm picturing...

别告诉我 当然- Don't tell me. - Of course. 海滩,鸡尾酒Beach. Cocktails.


那是出差Look, it was a business trip.

是很诱人的出差I mean, it is a kind of business. 或许是最古老的行业Maybe the oldest business. 老婆,别误会You know what, Honey Bee, let's... 她不能动,麦克She can't move, Mack.

你在想一个女人的名字You're thinking of a woman's name. 、B、C A, B, c,

D、E、F、GD, E, F, G H、I、JH, L J...

?琴、珍、珍妮J? Jean. Jane. Janet. 谁是珍妮?Who's Janet?

你认识珍妮?You know Janet?

不是你的闺中密友吧?It's not your best friend, is it? 你妹? - 别问了- Your sister? - No, please. 妹妹?天啊!Her sister? Oh, my God.

你不是去出差You weren't away on business. 你是去搞珍妮- You were away on Janet. - No. 你的小姨子Your wife's sister!

好,我们闪避一下Okay, we need to move over here,

她她快抓狂了because it seems likeshe's a little bit upset right now. 你想要当这没发生?You want this to go away?

对 - 拿出你的皮夹- Yes. - Okay, pull out your wallet. 快点,拿出来Come on, get it out.

你都是这样勒索人?Do you shake down everybody like this? 不,只有特定少数人No, only the special few.

怎样?200元合理吗?What is this? Two hundred seem fair?

这是大事,加码到250元You know what? This is a big deal. Let's go $250. 根本是抢劫You're a stick-up artist. 当然Yeah. Of course. 好Okay,

睡着and sleep!

当我弹手指,你不会记得任何事Now, when I snap my fingers, you won't remember any of this. 而你,花心男And you, Warren Beatty,

每次你看到或甚至想到珍妮every time you see or even think of Janet, 你会幻想到我的裸体you're gonna picture me naked.

那可不是养眼画面 - 是啊And that's not a pretty sight. Yeah. 你醒来吧And... You're wide awake!

我们尽力了 有些人就是没办法被催眠Well, we did the best we could, but some people just aren't to be hypnotized.

走吧,老婆 - 我做错了?- I did it wrong? - Come on, Honey Bee. 不,你表现很好- Oh, no, you did it fine. 我带你去吃大餐- Let me buy you dinner.

要疼老婆 - 先去提钱Look after her. Just have to hit an ATM first.

font color=\纽约 星期三{\\r} 各位先生女士Ladies and gentlemen,

我是未来的伟大魔术师I am the next great magician, 我会付100元and I will give $100 to anyone

给破解这戏法的人who can tell me how this trick is done.

这是本地餐厅的普通汤匙I have an ordinary spoon from Mel's Deli, right here in Brooklyn. 看好了Check it out.

请大家仔细注意Now, everyone please pay very, very close attention.

因为我要用念力把汤匙弄弯Because I'm about to bend this spoon with my mind. 谢谢,谢谢,传给大家看Thank you. Thank you. Pass that around. 这是什么? - 你在干嘛?- What's this? - What are you doing, man? 看来有汤匙和柄Look at this! Looks like we got a spoon and a stem. 我有其他戏法I've got other tricks.

或是你该给我100元Or you could give me my 100 bucks. 说到做到You said you would. 高级皮夹Nice wallet.

你眼力不错 - 谢啦You have a very good eye, sir. Thanks. 皮夹Wallet.

我的皮夹,我的手表My wallet. My watch! 阻止那家伙!Stop that guy!

阻止那个皮衣男!Stop that guy in the leather jacket! 他干走我的皮夹!He's got my wallet! font color=\洛杉矶 星期四{\\r} 好,洛杉矶Okay, Los Angeles,

准备好最后的高潮?are we ready to end this thing? 好Yeah!

当计时器归零When that timer hits zero,

满缸的食人鱼会从天而降a tank full of flesh-eating piranhas will fall from above. 美女要上手铐,对吧?A lady has to have handcuffs. Right, girls? 、2、3 One, two, three!

救命啊!快来人!Help! Stop it!

她是玩真的,出不来了She's serious! She can't get out! 赶快救她Go get some help! 搞什么Help, dude!

别挡路,让开Get out of the way! Move! Move! 搞屁,太扯淡了Come on! This is bullshit!

想出这把戏的人是变态虐待狂!Whoever thought of this is a sick sadist! 我是你的头号粉丝I am your biggest fan.

从你狂亲我的脸就能看出I could tell by the way you're attacking my face right now. 先关门Close the door.

魔术师,过来Bad apartment building. Magician, come here. - Okay. 等等- Wait, wait. - What? What? 你怎么变的?How did you do that...

大楼上的方块7?The seven of diamonds on the side of the tower?

对 - 那是业界秘密- Yes. - That's a trade secret.

我给你暗示,要贿赂大楼的电工I'll give you a hint. It involved bribing the tower electrician. 多少钱?How much? 0元50 bucks.

好难喔- But it's so hard. 谢谢- Oh, thank you.

每次都是7点吗?Is it always a seven?

我有52种方法变出那个戏法I could do that trick 52 different ways. 你能在我身上变出52种戏法吗?Can you do 52 different tricks on me? 我会想办法I'll see what I can do. 魔术师Magic man!

我喜欢你的表演I love your shampoo. 等一下 - 什么?- Hold up. - What? 你该离开了You need to leave. 没搞错?Are you kidding me?

我的天,太尴尬了Oh, my God, this is so embarrassing.

你专干这种事?变戏法骗女人?Is this what you do? Some kind of sick trick you do to women? “东伊凡街45号”\

放心啦,我会打给你Don't worry about it. I'll call you. 你没有我的号码You don't have my number.

我会用魔法查到,晚安I'm magic. I'll find it. Have a good night. 大烂人You are such an asshole. 嗨Hey!


丹尼?嗨Danny? Hey.

你拿到纸牌了?You got a card, huh?

替你高兴,恭喜No, no, no, it's good for you. Congratulations.

我要进去勘察场地了All right, so here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go inside. I'm gonna scope the place out. 在外头等我出来,别进去You wait out here. I will come back and get you, okay? Do not come in. 丹尼,我不再是你的助理了Hey, Danny! I'm not your assistant anymore. 发型很帅Nice hair.

你在忙什么?So, actually, what have you been up to?

你明知故问I think you know exactly what I've been up to, Danny.

我看到你在我网站上的匿名PO文I saw all your anonymous posting on my website. 你有网站啊?You have a website. That's good. 很好,自我宣传Good for you. Get the word out. 好吧Okay.

显然我们都不是唯一人选So apparently none of us was the only one chosen. 我先放下身段吧Let me be the first one to kick my ego to the curb. 借过一下Yeah. Excuse me. 门锁住了- Door's locked.

是吗?我来检查- Is it? I'll check.

你,等等,别告诉我You. Now, hold it, don't tell me.