陕旅版小学英语六年级上册导学案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章陕旅版小学英语六年级上册导学案更新完毕开始阅读35e2fac583c4bb4cf6ecd146


教师根据学生的答案引出新课,引到学生说出正确答案。 They will go to the park to play in the holiday.

二、呈现目标,任务导学:(Presentation) 句型学习: Where is \\are ?? They are\\it is?

当我们想要询问某人或某物的位置时,我们一般都要用到句型Where is \\are ?? They are\\ it is? 主语是单数,则后面谓语系动词要用’is’, 同样主语是复数,谓语系动词则要用‘are’.

三、强化训练,当堂达标:(Practise and consolidation) 小结:

当我们想要询问某物或某人的位置时,一般要用 ‘where’来询问,用介词 ‘on, in, under, behind’来回答。教师还可以补充 ‘next to, in front of, on the left of, on the right of’等介词短语。

四、课后作业,布置预习:(Homework design)

1.课文第二部分对话背诵并熟练掌握重点句型的运用。 2.预习下节课内容。



1.注重《英语活动手册》听力部分的练习。 2.课文韵文部分的理解与熟练掌握。 学习重点:

1.注重《英语活动手册》听力部分的练习。 2.课文韵文部分的理解与熟练掌握。 学习难点:

课文韵文部分的理解与熟练掌握。 导学过程:

一、问题指向,预习现行:(Warm up) 1.检查家庭作业的完成情况。

2.学生自主完成《英语活动手册》听力部分的练习。 二、呈现目标,任务导学:(Presentation)


2.4---5人成立小组,分组完成《英语活动手册》笔试部分。 3.教师随堂指导。

三、强化训练,当堂达标:(Practise and consolidation) 1.教师播放课文录音,学生听并且跟读 2.Do the exercises.

Pair work. Complete the sentences according to the pictures. ( Let’s practiseⅠ) 根据图片选择系动词。

主语是单数时,谓语系动词就用is, 主语是复数时,谓语系动词 就要用 are.

Linda and Mary are on the swings.

The children are under the tree. Li Shan is behind the door.

The little rabbit is in the hat.

四、课后作业,布置预习:(Homework design) 1.集体订正《英语活动手册》笔试部分答案。 2.小组长负责批阅。

3.预习下节课单词部分。 五、课后反思:(Notes)

Lesson 5 It's next to the office building

课时:3 第一学时


1: Listening and speaking: Excuse me,where is the library?/ It's next to the gym./ But where is the gym?/ It's over there,near the office building. /It's in the middle of the school./Thank you./You are welcome.

2: Words :buildings a library a gym in the middle of 【学习重难点】


课前准备: 1. Word cards. 2. Radio and tape.

3. The picture of building,library. 【导学过程】 1.Warm-up

a. Sing the song“Where is Mimi?\ b. T and Ss greeting each other.

c. Act out the dialogue of “Listen and read”, Lesson 5. 2.Presentation: 练习“Where is??”句型,多次练习使学生能够理解“Where is??”,

将一些工具、教具之类的辅助材料放在讲桌上,让学生根据老师的命令找出相应的实物,老师通过多次询问“?在哪里?”,帮助学生熟悉和学习句型“Where is??”

T:Where is my book? Ss: It's on the desk.. T:Where is my ruler?. Ss: It's in the box. T: Where is my pencil?. Ss: It's under the chair. T: Where is my picture?. Ss: It's under the desk. 3. New teaching. ⑴. words: 1). buildings

拿出一张画有高楼大厦的图片,向学生询问: “What is it?”[小精灵儿童网站] 先让学生辨认图片,启发学生回答,在关键时刻告诉学生高楼大厦的英语用“buildings”来表示,引导学生朗读、拼写单词,直到会读、会写为止。

2). a library

拿出一张画有图书馆的图片,向学生询问: “What is it?” 先让学生辨认图片,启发学生回答,在关键时刻告诉学生图书馆的英语用“library”来表示,引导学生朗读、拼写单词,直到会读、会写为止。

3):a gym

拿出一张画有健身房的图片,向学生询问: “What is it?”


4),in the middle of

?? 拿出一张老师站在学生中间的图片,向学生询问: Where is teacher?


4:make sentences use new words.



1.学习如何询问建筑物和其他物品的方位,继续掌握一些方位介词的含义和使用。例如,next , near, in the middle of,

2.能够会说会用本课的重点句型: Where is?.?

It’s next to the building.

It’s near the gym.

It’s in the middle of the library.

3. 能够会说会用以下表示地方的名词 computer room, music room, classroom, teacher’s office, park, gate.


1.能够更加熟练掌握并且准确运用句型 Where is ?? 来询问建筑物或其他物品的准确方位。

2. 掌握 next to, near ,in the middle of等方位介词的准确使用。 课前准备:

教师准备录音机,磁带,单词卡片,课文挂图,学生准备建筑物卡片。 【导学过程】

1.热身(Warming up)


This weekend ,Dongdong is going to go to the Zhongshan park. But he doesn’t know where the park is. He is lost. Then he see a policeman standing on the street. He wants to ask him.周末,东东想要去中山公园。但是他不知道公园在哪儿。他迷路了。忽然他看见大街上有位警察叔叔,(老师扮演)他就去问路。

S1: Good morning

T: Good morning. What can I do for you?

S1: I want to go to the Zhongshan Park. Can you tell me where it is?

T: It’s next to the zoo. S1: But where is the zoo?

T: It’s in the middle of the city. S1: Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

2. 新课展示(New Presentation)

1) 教师利用单词卡片进行本课重点句型 ‘Where’s?? It’s next to the library.’以及重点方位介词 next to, near,in the middle of 的学习。


T:Excuse me,where is the library? Ss: It's next to the gym. T:But where is the gym?.

Ss: It's over there,near the office building. T: Office building?

Ss: Yes,look,it's in the middle of the school T: Thank you.

Ss:You are welcome.

②:待学生将课文中的对话连贯通读后,系统讲解课文中的重点句型。 4.小结:

表示地点和位置的介词: (1)at