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借鉴教案 教学内容:Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home 教学目标: 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:story,did,yesterday,night 2.学生能理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念 3.学生能理解并运用:walk/walked 重点、难点: 1.词汇:story,did,yesterday,night 2.理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念 教学准备:教学光盘 教学过程: 一、Class opening. Lead them do the games: 1、What `s missing? 2、What day is it ? Q: What day was yesterday? 二、New concepts. Make a chart on the blackboard as show below. Today Yesterday play played walk walked talk talked look looked Li Ming Danny and Jenny went on a trip to Beijing where are they now? 二次备课 南街学校教案

Play attention to the new word “gift”. and sentences. Did you miss me? Did you have a good trip? It’s for you. 三、practice 1. Read the text. 分角色读课文并表演。 指导学生朗读时的语音语调,养成良好的按意群朗读的好习惯。 2. pair work: Listen and do. 七、 Homework: Activity Book Lesson 19 板书设计: Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home Today Yesterday play played walk walked talk talked look looked 课后反思: 借鉴教案 教学内容:Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home 二次备课 南街学校教案

教学目标:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:had,went,saw,ate 2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Did you miss me?Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday? I ate an orange. 3.能理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念 4.能辨别这些动词的现在时和过去时形式:have/had go/went See/saw eat/ate 重点、难点: 辨别这些动词的现在时和过去时形式:have/had go/went See/saw eat/ate 基本句型结构: Did you miss me?Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday? I ate an orange. 教学准备:教学光盘 教学过程: 1问候 T:Let’s begin our class. Hello boys and girls S: Hello, teacher. —— 师生交流情感,解除拘束感 T; How are you ? S: Fine, thank you , and you ? T: I’m fine ,too 2游戏“Travel” —— 复词规则动词过去式 教师手持”Today”, “Yesterday”两张卡片在全班来回走动,让学生抽此卡片。 教师用动作给出一些常用的动词, 如:教师作“走,跳,玩,谈话等”的动作,学生抽到卡片后就说 S1:Today ,I walk . S2: Yesterday , I walked. Today: Yesterday: go went 南街学校教案

see saw eat ate have had am was 4听录音并跟读课文第一部分 5出示课件,根据所给内容说话 Jenny的旅行计划 The first day Tian’anmen Square The second day Palace Museum The third day Wangfujing 6听录音并跟读第二部分内容 7练习,完成活动手册第一题 8布置作业:总结所学常用规则和不规则动词的过去式,并在现实生活中主动应用 板书设计 Lesson 20Jenny Goes Home Today: Yesterday: go went see saw eat ate 课后反思: