新人教版高中英语选修八强化练习:unit 3 section 3(含答案) 联系客服

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__6__, he will not be __7__ tonight. However, we have found a __8__ substitute who we hope will __9__ you with comparable entertainment.” The crowd groaned (抱怨) in __10__ and failed to hear the announcer mention the name of the stand-in, the atmosphere __11__ from excitement to depression. The stand-in __12__ tried his best to give the performance. When he had finished, there was __13__ but an uncomfortable silence. No one __14__. Suddenly from the balcony, a little boy stood up and __15__, “Daddy, I think you are __16__!” The crowd broke __17__thunderous applause. We all need people in our lives who are __18__ to stand up once in a while and say “I think you are wonderful”. And at times others are __19__ this from you. Are you telling them how wonderful they are? Say it now and make someone's day more __20__. 文章大意:每个人尤其是在困难的时候都很想有人为自己加油鼓劲儿。不要吝惜你的赞美的话语,大声说出来吧。

1.A.increasing C.decreasing

B.pouring D.stopping

答案:A 演唱会门票的销售额直线上升。increase“增长,增加”,符合文意,故选A。

2.A.tidied C.packed

B.deserted D.closed

答案:C 夜幕下的歌剧院挤满了购票的人们。tidy“使整洁”;desert“抛弃,扔掉”;pack“挤进,塞进”;close“关闭”。选C。

3.A.tension C.amazement

B.excitement D.sadness

答案:B 人们期待和激动的心情溢于言表。tension“紧张,不安”;excitement“激动,兴奋”;amazement“惊奇”;sadness“悲伤”。结合语境可知选B。

4.A.control C.office

B.charge D.stage

答案:D get on the stage“登上舞台”。故选D。 5.A.support


C.understanding D.help

答案:A 感谢你们热情的支持。support“支持”。故选A。 6.A.work C.mood

B.illness D.storm

答案:B 由于生病,他今夜不能演唱了。由上文中的“feels unwell”可知是因为生病才不能表演的。故选B。

7.A.competing C.performing

B.debating D.speaking

答案:C perform“演出,表演”,符合语境,故选C。 8.A.suitable C.cautious

B.frank D.strict

答案:A 但是我们已经找到了一个合适的替代者。suitable“合适的”;frank“坦率的,直率的”;cautious“谨慎的”;strict“严格的”,结合语境可知选A。

9.A.equip C.connect

B.burden D.provide

答案:D 我们希望他能给大家带来同样的欢乐。equip“装备,配备”;burden“使负担,装载”;connect“连接,联合”;provide“提供,供应”。结合语境可知选D。

10.A.delight C.consideration

B.disappointment D.sorrow

答案:B 失望的人群发出不满的抱怨声。由上下文可知选B。 11.A.developing C.turning

B.separating D.moving

答案:C 气氛由兴奋转为沮丧。turn from...to...“由??转为??”,故选C。 12.A.singer C.host

B.actor D.conductor

答案:A 替代歌手竭尽全力地表演。故选A。前文的“A famous singer”也是提示信息。



C.nothing D.anything

答案:C 当他演唱完毕的时候,只有一种令人不安的寂静。nothing but“仅仅,只有”。结合语境可知选C。

14.A.answered C.laughed

B.applauded D.listened

答案:B 没人鼓掌。applaud“鼓掌”,故选B。 15.A.talked C.whispered

B.sang D.shouted

答案:D shout“大声说,喊”,符合语境,故选D。 16.A.grateful C.shameful

B.wonderful D.pitiful

答案:B grateful“感激的”;wonderful“精彩的”;shameful“丢脸的”;pitiful“可怜的”。结合语境可知选B。

17.A.down C.up

B.off D.into

答案:D 人群爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。break down“破坏,出毛病”;break off“中断,折断”;break up“拆开,打散”;break into“闯入,突然做??”。结合语境可知选D。

18.A.unselfish C.willing

B.lucky D.proud

答案:C be willing to do sth.“愿意做某事”,故选C。 19.A.expecting C.benefiting

B.receiving D.taking

答案:A 有时候其他人正期待着你能对他们说这样的话。故选A。 20.A.meaningful C.tiring

B.pleasant D.relaxing

答案:B 现在就说吧,让某人的一天过得更快乐。听到赞美的话,人们会很开心,故选B。


The first time I saw dog meat, I cried. I was walking down a small side street in an

ancient town located in Yunnan Province, when I noticed a terrible smell. I became curious to find out the source of it, and noticed a man selling a type of meat I was unfamiliar with. It was proved to be dog meat. While I gave the seller a dirty look and quickly moved on, others casually walked by without noticing. Instantly I tried to imagine what the short life of this dog was like. For an animal that gives me so much joy, which has unique personalities and displays human-like emotions, it's hard to comprehend why a human wants to kill and eat such a creature.

I have asked a number of people about their thoughts on dog meat. An old American man who lives in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province recalls waiting for winter so he can select a dog to be dished up, just as one can select a fish to be served in a seafood restaurant. He says you know you are eating dog meat because of the strong smell and taste unlike any other meat. On the contrary, another old American recalls being invited out to dinner and witnessing a paw clinging to the inside of a hot pot. His reaction was to politely decline the invitation to eat this hot dish and stick to the fried rice. One Chinese woman I know hates seeing dog meat on the streets, as it reminds her of her pet dog QQ which was stolen. She later found her dog on the street to be served as a snack. Many young Chinese I talked to refuse to eat dog meat because they have dogs as pets, and can't imagine eating dog meat for lunch. However, their grandparents seem to recall a time when they ate dog meat, and they would be very happy with a dog leg.


1.Why did the writer give the seller a dirty look? A.Because he or she was very interested in the seller. B.Because he or she disliked the smell of the dog meat. C.Because he or she was angry at the seller's killing the dog. D.Because he or she thought of his or her lovely pet.

答案:C 意图理解题。由第一段中的“Instantly I tried to imagine what the short life of this dog was like.”及“it's hard to comprehend why a human wants to kill and eat such a creature”可知答案。

2.What can we infer from the passage? A.The author had a deep affection for dogs.