鲁教版五年级上英语Unit 4 Lesson 3 How many pupils are there in your class?教案 联系客服

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Unit 4 School in Canada


莱州市朱桥镇中心小学 邓晓莲

Lesson 3 How many pupils are there in your class?


义务教育课程标准实验教科书鲁教版五四制小学英语五年级上册第四单元第三课《How many pupils are there in your class?》本课是一节新授课,第三课时。

二、目标依据 (一)新课程标准


2、能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。 3、能根据所学内容表演小对话和歌谣。

4、能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂简单的故事、并讲述简单的故事。 5、能模仿范例书写单词。



本课围绕School in Canada这一话题展开。课文情景是通过照片Lucy继续给Li Ming和Danny 介绍她的班级的情况。本节课主要学习运用“How many pupils are there in the class? 和 What are they doing?”这两个核心句型来询问谈论自己班级的情况 ,并能用“There are ….和 Some are …”.这两个句型来回答培养学生在真实的语境中运用英语的能力。通过学习本节课可以对中西方学校文化差异的课定了解,在与他人的交流中增进相互了解,增进同学感情。



通过前两课时的学习,学生基本能熟练掌握There is/ are句型,大部分学生能够达到熟练听、说、认读的效果,并能够运用所学的语言知识,简单的我们学校的,这对本课的学习形成了一个沉淀的知识储备。



1、本课话题句型是:??How many pupils are there in your class?” “What are they doing?”这也是本课的重点句式,听懂、会说、认读并运用该句型询问、谈论班级的人数和进行的活动。培养学生在真实的语境中运用英语的能力。

2、能够听懂、会说、认读单词group、circle、different、tell stories.. 3、能够听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词tell、story、sit. 4、培养学生的交流组织能力和观察能力。


1、本节课主要学习There be句式的特殊疑问句形式,要求学生能够熟练的掌握How many are there … .并正确回答There is/are…

2、要求学生熟练的回答What are you doing? Some are… Some are …




环节(一):热身启动 Step 1 : Greetings

T:Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Miss Deng.

Step2 : 复习旧知,交流导入

T: Look at the pictures, it?s Lucy?s new school. What?s her new school like? 看图引导学生说。 Ss: There is an old building/ a library/ a new gym. There are many trees and flowers. T:In lesson 2,Li Ming let Lucy send some photos. Today, we?ll see the photos of Lucy?s class. Let?s look what?s her new class like?

[设计意图:] 通过看图片复习Lesson 2中Lucy?s 的新学校的样子,Li Ming 向Lucy要照片,自然过渡到Lucy向Li Ming 介绍她的新班级是什么样子的,引出新课。 T: Look at your book, how many pictures are there? Ss: Four pictures.

T: There are four pictures. Today, the text is about three people. They are Lucy, Li Ming and Danny. Ss:---

[设计意图:] 师生随着话轮的推进,引出本课的重点句型,让学生对新句型有所感知,并设下悬念,引出正文的学习。



T: Look at the vedio,answer the question: How many pupils are there in Lucy?s class?(汉语注释) Ss: There are twenty.

Li Ming asks: How many pupils are there in your class?学生读,老师板书。

Lucy: There are twenty.

由点到面操练这两个句子。(师生问答到同桌互问,让几组同学展示。) T:How many pupils are there in our class? Ss:…

[设计意图:]学习重点句式,并结合实际生活提出问题,与生活相结合。 2、对话二

①T:看课件图片,听第二段,回答问题1:What are there in the classroom?出示图片。

Ss: There are so many books and pictures. 引导学生说出There is a map/ computer. There are some


②T:问题2:What do they do here? 再转化为Lucy says: Ss: We read books and draw pictures here.

[设计意图:] 通过听音、阅读学习课文,同时引导学生仔细观察图片,充分利用课本资源,激发他们的自主学习意识。 3、对话三 ①看图回答

T: There are two groups. You know group?用单词卡学习group。What are Lucy?s friends doing in groups?

Li Ming asks:What are you doing in groups?板书,重点操练。 Ss: Some are …. Some are … . 通过课件学习tell stories。 ②跟读。

[设计意图:]在学习文本的时候学新单词group,tell,story,有利于学生结合课本进行感知。 4、对话四

T: Look at the picture, Li Ming says: You?re sitting in a circle. 学习sit 和circle:教师坐在凳子上,边坐下边说sit,学习sit。问学生Are you sitting in a circle? [设计意图:]结合动作帮助学生记忆。

T: 看图四,What are they doing?What does Lucy say: Ss:.We are singing. Sometimes we play games.


T:看图片总结Lucy的班级:There are twenty pupils in Lucy?s class. How many pupils are there in our class?They are sitting in a circle. You are sitting one by one. Is it like our class? Ss: No.

T: Li Ming says: Your class is different. 结合sit学习different,字母i发音一样。 跟读。

[设计意图:]看图感知课文,充分利用课本资源。总结文本,学习different。 5、T:跟读一遍,然后学生之间操练。 T: Now read after the video. S: …

T: Let?s have a role play. Work in groups, 3 students in a group .One is Lucy, one is Li Ming, and one is Danny.

T: Which group?



1、师生互动做示范:看Let?s talk图1, T: Where are they? S:…

T: How many girls? How many boys? How many pupils are there in the class? S: ….

T: What are they doing? S: …….

看图片2 (同样练习图二)

T:Work in pairs. Make a dialogue,one ask and one answer. T:Which pair?

Ss:--- (同桌合作展示)

[设计意图:]随着重点句型的学习,教师将这一问句还原给学生,学生看图对本课的句型How many pupils are there in the class? What are they doing?进行了操练、巩固,并能够灵活的运用。 2.拓展训练

①What are there in our school? There is…/ There are …

How many pupils/ groups/ desks… are there in your class? ②看图片练习What are they doing?

[设计意图:] 将第二课的重点句式和本节课的重点句式结合到一起操练,注意知识的联系性。


T: Now, boys and girls, let?s think ,what did we learn in this class? Ss: …

T: We know how to introduce your class. I think all of you did a good a job in this class.

[设计意图:] 通过课件或小黑板回顾本节课所学知识,形成系统性的认识,并能够灵活运用。

环节 (五) :布置作业

T:Now today?s homework for you : 1、 Listen and follow the tape 3 times. 2、Finish the 3rd excise of page 39.

2、Introduce your class to your friends in other class. 向在别的班级的朋友介绍你的班级。