2019高考英语浙江专用优编增分练:题型组合练含答案(1) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019高考英语浙江专用优编增分练:题型组合练含答案(1)更新完毕开始阅读33243f6c15791711cc7931b765ce0508763275e1





My track and field coach,Mr Jones,had decided to get the team to take part in the 4×100m race.It would be the first time that we were running in such a race.We needed to work as a team to improve our speed.The most critical moment was the passing of the baton(接力棒) at the right time to the next runner.

Mr Jones had chosen me to start the race.The next runner would be Susan.In the beginning,whenever we practised passing the baton,something would go terribly wrong.I would either be going too slowly or she would be taking off too late.We needed to perfect it.At the same time,I had to make sure that I would not go beyond the yellow line.

Finally it was the day of the race.We were confident that the gold medal would be ours.Each of us had improved in our running speed.Our passing of the baton had been perfected during the practices.

My reactions were exact and accurate as I started running.Everything felt the way it should as I sprinted towards Susan.I held the baton in my sweaty palms,promising myself not to let go.My long legs moved me as fast as I could go round the corner.As I came closer to my final steps,my heart was beating faster than usual.The cheering by the spectators(观众) got into me and I became nervous.“What if we lose?” I thought to myself.It was then that I saw Susan in the far distance.

I held out the baton and continued running quickly towards Susan.Susan yelled “Slow down,slow down!” However,it was too late.The official held up the red flag.It was then that I realized that I had gone beyond the yellow line.

语篇解读 本文主要讲述了作者参加一次接力跑比赛的经历。 1.What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to? A.Going too slowly. C.Passing the baton.

B.Taking off too late.

D.Going beyond the yellow line.


答案 C

解+析 代词指代题。由第二段第三、四句“In the beginning,whenever we practised passing the baton,something would go terribly wrong.I would either be going too slowly or she would be taking off too late.”可知,“We needed to perfect it.”这句话的意思是:我们需要完善传递接力棒。故选C。

2.Why was the author confident of winning the race?

A.They worked as a team and were supported by the spectators. B.They had perfected the running speed and the passing of the baton. C.They had learned how to avoid breaking the rules in the race. D.They gained an advantage of a stable state of mind in the race. 答案 B

解+析 细节理解题。由第三段后三句“We were confident that the gold medal would be ours.Each of us had improved in our running speed.Our passing of the baton had been perfected during the practices.”可知,作者对赢得这场比赛有信心是因为他们改善了跑步速度和传递接力棒。故选B。

3.How would the author feel after the race? A.Proud. C.Puzzled. 答案 D

解+析 推理判断题。由最后一段最后两句“The official held up the red flag.It was then that I realized that I had gone beyond the yellow line.”可知,作者犯规了,肯定输了比赛,由此可推知,作者一定很失望。故选D。



Henderson Island is a coral island raised above the South Pacific Ocean.No people live on it.The island is 9.6 kilometers long and 5.1 kilometers wide.It has an area of 37.3 km2.Henderson


B.Grateful. D.Disappointed.

Island became a World Heritage Site in 1988 because of its bird life.

All the four kinds of special land birds (Henderson Crake,Henderson Fruit Dove,Henderson Lorikeet and Henderson Reed-warbler) can only be seen on Henderson Island.There are also fifteen non-local seabirds.Other local things include nine kinds of plants (of the sixty-three kinds on the island),four kinds of land snails(蜗牛) (of the sixteen kinds),and one butterfly (the only kind on the island).

Although no people live on Henderson Island,archaeological evidence suggests that a small Polynesian(波利尼西亚) group lived here between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries until it disappeared.The reasons for its disappearance are unknown,but are probably related to the similar disappearance of the Polynesians on Pitcairn Island.The Hendersonians would have depended on them for many of the basics of life.

On January 29,1606,Henderson Island was discovered by Portuguese sailor Pedro Fernandes de Queiros,who named it San Joao Baptista.On January 17,1819,the island was rediscovered by British Captain Henderson of the British East India Company,and named Henderson Island.On March 2,1819,Captain Henry King,sailing on the Elizabeth,landed on the island to find the Union Flag already flying.His crew scratched the name of their ship into a tree,and for some years the name of the island was Elizabeth or Henderson.

In the early 1980’s,American businessman Arthur M.Ratliff expressed interest in buying Hendersons Island,and establishing a small settlement with an airstrip,farm and large houses.But the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office refused it at last,after environmentalist groups persuaded them to protect the natural ecology and environment of the island. 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了世界遗产地——亨德森岛及其历史发展过程。 4.What contributes to Henderson Island becoming a World Heritage Site? A.Its unique land birds. C.Its beautiful coral. 答案 A

解+析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Henderson Island became a World Heritage Site in 1988 because of its bird life.”和第二段第一句“All the four kinds of special land birds...”可

B.Its special wildlife. D.No living people on it.


知,亨德森岛成为世界遗产地是因为其独特的陆鸟。故选 A。 5.Who first came to Henderson Island? A.British Captain Henderson. B.British Captain Henry King. C.A small Polynesian group.

D.Portuguese sailor Pedro Fernandes de Queiros. 答案 C

解+析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“archaeological evidence suggests that a small Polynesian (波利尼西亚) group lived here between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries...”可知,一小群波利尼西亚人是最早来这儿的。故选C。

6.Henderson Island got its present name . A.after it was first discovered on January 29,1606 B.after it was rediscovered on January 17,1819 C.until Henry King sailed on Elizabeth and landed on it D.until in 1988 it became a World Heritage Site 答案 B

解+析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“On January 17,1819,the island was rediscovered by British Captain Henderson of the British East India Company,and named Henderson Island.”可知,在1819年1月17日,英国东印度公司的亨德森船长重新发现了这个岛屿,并将其命名为Henderson Island。故选B。

7.Ratliff’s offer to buy the island was turned down because . A.the British Commonwealth Office disagreed B.his small settlement caused damage to it C.he wanted to buy it at a lower price

D.environmentalists convinced officers to take it as reserve 答案 D

解+析 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知:在二十世纪八十年代初,美国商人拉特利夫表达