【20套试卷合集】上海市静安区、青浦区2019-2020学年英语高一上期中模拟试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章【20套试卷合集】上海市静安区、青浦区2019-2020学年英语高一上期中模拟试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读31848ea55bcfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb162d9ef4

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. --- What’s your impression ________ your new deskmate?

--- She is nervous and shy, but she can speak English fluently, leaving a deep impression _____ me. A. on; to

B. of; on

C. to; on

D. with; to

22. The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than _______ on the small ones. A. one B. this

C. that

D. it

23. A couple of years ago, the population of our town was ________ that of theirs. A. as twice large as C. as twice much as

B. twice as much as

D. twice as large as

24. Tell John not to leave the building unless he _______ that the lights _______. A. makes sure; are turned off C. makes sure; turned off

B. will make sure; turn off D. will make sure; are turned off

25. The boy would rather _______ the story to himself than ______ it with his friends. A. keep; to share

B. to keep; share

C. keep; share

D. to keep; to share

26. --- Do you enjoy your job as a teacher?

--- Not really, and at one time I seriously considered ________ my attempt at it. A. abandoned

B. abandoning

C. to abandon

D. being abandoned

27. The guests _______ to our school’s celebration ceremony last month come from different cities and various

walks of life. A. inviting

B. invited

C. being invited

D. to be invited

28. We have been asked to spend as much time as we can ______ English since we went to senior high school. A. practise speaking B. to practise to speak C. practising speaking D. practise to speak

29. David learned surprisingly fast at the start of the school year, and _______, we all fell far behind him. A. as a result

B. as a result of

C. with the result

D. as the result

30. --- How do you find the report by Jim?

--- Bill got angry about the delay of it, and _______. k%s5$u A. I was so

B. so was I

C. so did I

D. so I did

31. With the police _______ the traffic, we could get back home safely in such hazy weather. A. to direct

B. directed

C. directing

D. being directed

32. --- Have you decided whether to go to Tom’s party tomorrow?

--- Not yet, and I am thinking how I can ________ it. A. get off

B. get away

C. get out of

D. get back

33. --- How nice! Your grandfather looks lively and energetic.

--- Yeah, he _______ basketball frequently for many years when he was young. A. plays

34.The interviewee is _______ prepared to answer the questions and he is almost an expert in this area. A. no more than

B. more than

C. not more than

D. less than

B. played

C. has played

D. had played

35. --- Red or white wine, Bob?

--- Oh, either.________. It doesn’t matter to me. A. That’s ok

B. I’m sorry

C. It’s a pity

D. It’s up to you

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A man wanted to study medicine but couldn’t make up his mind. He went to ask his friend, “Is it __36__ for me to study it now? I’ll be 44 after 4 years of college.” His friend said to him, “Why not? Four years later you will be 44 whether or not you go to college.” He __37__ about it for a night and got the idea. The next day he went to sign at the college.

One of my friends, Jim, did __38__with somebody else a few years ago. Their ship got __39__in the storm at sea and their hope, together with their goods __40__ suddenly. Jim was so __41__by the blow that he became low-spirited and couldn’t __42__ focus his attention on his work. While his __43__who suffered the same catastrophe (灾难) never __44__. His day went on as colorfully as before. My friend asked him how he could __45__it. He said, “When you complain, and feel sad, life goes on as usual; when you are happy and __46__yourself, the world runs as usual. Which do you __47__?” k%s5$u

That’s how a person leads his life. When you are __48__and in a good mood, your future seems sunny and bright. __49__, when you are worried and have something sad in your __50__, your future will turn dark. The latter situation will cost you a great deal __51__ you allow it to last. You will __52__ the joyful things.

There is a poem that __53__ “Whether you are aware or not, whether you like or dislike, show attention or ignore , flowers bloom luxuriously(怒放)all the same.” Just as flowers keep blooming, fine days are __54__one after another. __55__ to spend your days—joyfully or sorrowfully—will entirely depend on yourself. 36. A. difficult 37. A. cared 38. A. action 39. A. absorbed

B. suitable

C. convenient

D. comfortable

B. thought B. research B. buried

C. worried D. complained D. business

D. involved

C. agreement

C. caught

40. A. escaped 41. A. upset 42. A. still

B. survived C. decreased

D. disappeared

B. embarrassed B. even B. director

C. nervous C. ever

D. amazed D. yet D. interviewer

D. lost face

43. A. partner C. employer

44. A. lost weight 45. A. agree 46. A. enjoy 47. A. decide

B. lost his way

C. lost heart

B. attempt

B. prove B. suggest B. realistic

C. manage C. teach C. imagine

D. understand D. behave D. choose D. negative

D. In the end

48. A. independent 49. A. In fact 50. A. mind 51. A. so that 52. A. remind 53. A. writes 54. A. spending

C. optimistic

B. On the contrary B. thought B. if

C. In other words

C. idea C. unless C. keep C. says C. passing

D. opinion D. even if D. lose D. speaks D. leaving

D. Why

B. remember B. talks B. wasting

55. A. How B. Whether C. Where

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节; 满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



If God could sing, his name must be Declan Galbraith. The boy was born on December 19, 1991 in the U. He is an English singer of Scottish and Irish origin. His grandfather, who was in a band and played several instruments, often took Declan to concerts he was participating in. The mix of Scottish and Irish musical traditions inspired Declan and became his early musical influence. k%s5$u

Declan’s talent was publicly acknowledged (认可) for the first time when, at just 7 years old, he insisted on singing at the annual Rochester Dickens Festival, a two-day event where people were invited to dress up in Victorian costumes(服饰)to celebrate the life and times of the famous novelist Charles Dickens and his links with town. Little Declan, dressed up as a chimney sweep, started singing. Soon after this, he started to enter local talent contests and within a year he had won 15 titles and more than £1000.

His first self-titled album, Declan, with Irish traditional songs and some specially written materials became a big success and charted in the U and Ireland. Within the year of release (发行) , it had 200 000 copies in Germany.

Although Declan is a British citizen and singer, Declan is better-known abroad, especially in China where his songs were chosen as part of the Chinese education curriculum for children learning English. In May 2008,

Declan undertook a successful tour in China, and the cities included were Beijing and Shenzhen. 56. What greatly affected Declan Galbraith in his early singing career?

A. His great success in Irish traditional songs. C. Musical traditions of Scotland and Ireland.

B. His grandfather’s band.

D. Charles Dickens’ novels.

57. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Declan Galbraith liked the novelist Charles Dickens.

B. Declan Galbraith began his success in singing at 7 years old. k%s5$u C. Declan Galbraith sang for his grandfather’s band. D. Declan Galbraith only sang songs about Ireland. 58. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Declan started his success abroad together with his grandfather. B. Declan has a great influence on Chinese children. C. Chinese education sets an example for the whole world.

D. Chinese education depends on Declan’s songs for learning materials.


As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would be cool if you didn’t have a mobile phone nowadays. It might be true to some extent, but as for an adult, a mobile means contact. It connects your work, relatives, friends, etc. It should do great deeds for us.

Months ago, my uncle gave his dear son a phone, because my nephew’s school is far from his home. He can only come back once a term, and the phones haven’t been so expensive yet. However, someone has criticized the young people for playing on mobiles, but not using. They are fond of sending messages, taking pictures and so on. They buy expensive, high level and fashion types for showing. They play on the mobiles day in and day out ….. Holy cow!

So, what happens to youngsters around you? Do they have a phone? What do they use it for? Do you think it’s necessary for teenagers who are still in school to have a phone? POSTER 1

In my view, mobile phones are only a tool for communication purpose, just like any other tools which have the potential (潜力) to be abused and misused. Personally, I can see young people using it for security reason, emergency purpose, etc. If the parents can afford to pay big phone bills for their kids, well, that’s their business, like the old saying goes, “live and let live.”

--- Mary Smith POSTER 2

From psychological (心理学的) point of view, teenagers are more likely to be relaxed or pleasure-oriented.