安徽省蚌埠市2017-2018学年高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章安徽省蚌埠市2017-2018学年高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读313cfd8554270722192e453610661ed9ad51559a

structures in the area.

21. Which of the four libraries has the longest history?

A. Central Library. B. Trinity College Library.

C. Geisel Library. D. TU Delft Library. 22. What makes Geisel Library different from the others is that

A. Queen Elizabeth I founded the library B. famous writers often deliver speeches there

C. it has a roof of grassy hill D. it is the largest single library in the world

23. In Central Library, you can

A. drink cocktails B. buy souvenirs C. enjoy sci - fi films D. see the old harp


When I was a child growing up in Ohio, the butterflies would sometimes pass through on their way to

Mexico. And it was awesome to see football fields full of them - and I wanted to revisit that on a larger

scale. I knew I had to go to see the migration(迁移)in Mexico.

But I was on a budget. I didn't want to rent a car in Mexico or take a bus to Valle de Bravo, the

starting point for most butterfly adventures, so I called the guys at the Muddy Boot, travel experts in

Mexico who can make almost anything happen at a reasonable rate.

And so ,on January 2, I found myself in the Muddy Boot van(货车) , being driven two hours from

Mexico City to Valle de Bravo, a lovely town on a volcanic lake which is a central point for the butterfly

journeys .I booked a two - night stay at the Hotel Rodavento, all eco - friendly hotel with individual

wooden houses spread throughout the forest and around a lake.

The first sanctuary (保护区)I visited was Piedra Herrada, a popular destination, as it is only 40

minutes away from Valle de Bravo. The climb up is tiring. It is advisable to hire a horse. But the horse

cannot take you all the way, and there is some hiking in thin air, so you must be patient, drink a lot of

water , and be in reasonably good shape.

The walk is more than worth it though . As I struggled to catch my breath, I looked up and lost my

breath again. At first glance, the trees had turned into different shapes, but on closer inspection, every

inch of them was covered with butterflies.

A few flew through the air( Most of them were not warm enough) . As the sun rose, they began to

come alive . Soon the air was filled with flying butterflies , transforming the forest into something magical

and straight out of a fairy tale.

24. Why did the author choose to take the Muddy Boot van?

A. She couldn't afford to rent a car. B. She preferred to travel alone.

C. She wanted to save some money. D. She hoped to reach the destination earlier.

25. What can we learn about Piedra Herrada?

A. It is only accessible by riding a horse. B. It is far from Valle de Bravo.

C. It is full of wild animals. D. It is at a high altitude.

26. What made the author' s hiking worthwhile?

A. Seeing the butterfly migration. B. Breathing in fresh air.

C. Finding trees of different shapes. D. Becoming healthier. 27. What type of writing is the text?

A. A news report. B. A scientific paper. C. A travel diary. D. A commercial ad.


For the first time, researchers have tested a flu vaccine patch (疫苗贴) in a human clinical trial

and found that it delivered as much protection as a traditional injection with a needle. Doctors and public

health experts have high hopes that it will increase the number of people who get immunized (免疫的) against the flu.

Seasonal flu is responsible for up to half a million deaths around the world each year according to the

World Health Organization. A team led by Georgia Tech engineer Mark Prausnitz has come up with an

alternative method that uses \100 0f them, arranged

in order on a patch, can fit under your thumb (拇指). Yet they're big enough to hold vaccine for three types of flu.

None of the study volunteers had serious side effects. The groups that got patches had mild skin

reactions that were not seen in the regular needle group, while the volunteers in the regular needle group

were more likely to experience pain. Overall, 70 percent of the volunteers who got vaccine patches said

they'd rather use them again than get a traditional flu shot (注射). The study authors declared it a

success on all fronts.

The biggest beneficiaries(受益人) could be people in low - and middle - income countries, where

flu vaccines are hard to come by. Reducing pain is nice, but other benefits-the patch costs less,is easier

to transport, doesn' t require refrigeration, can be self - administered and doesn' t cause waste of needles-are even better.

\Patches have the potential to become ideal candidates for vaccination programs,\

wrote Katja Hoschler and Maria Zambon of Public Health England. 28. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A vaccine patch that cures people of their flu. B. A clinical study that protects people from disease. C. A patch that makes flu shots a thing of the past. D. A method that makes traditional flu shots painless. 29. What do we know about the vaccine patch?

A. It is produced by the WHO. B. It causes slight side effects.

C. It delivers vaccine on the head. D. It works badly on 30% of the volunteers.

30. The new patch has all the following benefits except that _

A. it is provided free of charge B. it can be used without a doctor

C. it can he kept at room temperature D. it needs less care in transportation




China has been the birthplace of many of the world's greatest inventions. It