新视野大学英语第三版读写第二册unit 2教案 联系客服

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a mathematician. (Para. 8)

Meaning: If we study only mathematics, very possibly we will be a person who only competes for jobs as a mathematician.

Meaning beyond words: We can be more competitive if we study the humanities, together with mathematics.

8. If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen. (Para.9)

Meaning: Suppose I am the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and I’m recruiting two applicants. Both of them took the required basic scientific courses, but one is a philosophy major and the other just premed. I would surely choose the one with the philosophy background.

Note: In American culture, the “dean” is usually the head of a “division” or “college” within the larger unit of the university.

pre-med: a. (AmE) relating to classes that prepare a student for medical school, or to the students who are taking these classes医学院预科的;针对医学院预科生的 My sister wants to become a doctor, and she is now a pre-med student. 我妹妹想成为一名医生,她现在是医学院的预科生。

Step Three Language application 45 minutes 1. focus on an advantage/disadvantage essay

Generally speaking, the outline of writing an advantage/disadvantage essay falls in one of these three formats: 1) advantages and disadvantages; 2) advantage only; 3) disadvantages only. When you write such an essay, remember that you are giving information, a method that is called exposition or expository writing.

Begin your essay by introducing your topic and explaining that you are exploring the advantages or disadvantages of the topic. Mention in your thesis statement the advantages and disadvantages you will discuss in the essay. Use transitions to make your ideas flow smoothly. The following transitional words are very common when writing an advantage/disadvantage essay: firstly, in other words, this means that…, finally, in conclusion, to sum up… 2. Sample appreciation (Text A Para 4-10)

Introduction----Body (advantages of studying the humanities) ----Conclusion


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3. Writing practice

Directions: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outline you can follow.

Topic: Advantages of taking physical education (P.E.) courses Introduction:

Thesis statement: Taking P.E. courses can be advantageous to all college students Body:

Advantage 1: Learn valuable communication and teamwork skills Advantage 2: Handle heavy coursework more effectively

Conclusion: Taking P.E. course at college can benefit students in developing useful social skills as well as better coping skills for their stress at school. More topics:

? Advantages of taking liberal arts courses ? Disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts

Step Four Summary 5 minutes 1. Revision of the useful expressions in succession speculate about/on stand up for in the form of in favor of in the company of

2. Revision of the functional patterns

Step Five Reading Skills and Comprehension(阅读技巧和阅读理解)20 minutes I. Reading Skill: Reading for major details

II. Reading Comprehension: Go through Text B and answer the relative questions after Text B on page 54

III . Language points: explain important language points in Text B.


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1. Exercises after Text A & Text B

2. Essay writing: Advantages of taking physical education (P.E.) courses 3. Oral reproduction:

Write a letter to the Curriculum Committee and present it to the class 4. Preview Unit 2.

郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.

郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册教师用书[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.

夏纪梅. 现代外语课堂设计理论与实践[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.

