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节被认为是中国的“情人节”(Valentine's Day)。

Every year, some big businesses organize various activities, and young people send gifts to their lovers. As a result, the Qixi Festival is considered to be Chinese \

3.七夕节来自牛郎与织女(Cowherd and Weaving Maid)的传说。相传,每年的这个夜晚,


The Qixi Festival is derived from the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid. The legend holds that on this particular night every year the Weaving Maid in heaven meets with Cowherd. 4.所以,在七夕的夜晚,人们可以看到牛郎织女在银河(the Milky Way)相会。姑娘们也


So, people can see Cowherd and Weaving Maid meeting in the Milky Way on the night of Qixi.

On this night, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage.



But, with the changing of times, these activities are diminishing. All that remains is the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, a sign of faithful love, continuously circulated among the folk.

Unit 5

1.丝绸之路(Silk Road)是我国古代一条连接中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路,由


The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia. This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name \



As an international trade channel and a bridge of cultural

exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization.



Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of \Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road).


The strategy of \mutual benefits, emphasizing mutual benefits, win-win, as well as common development of the related countries.


Once proposed, the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road.

Banked cloze

1.The Internet has made English learning much easier. English

learners used to be (1) (obliged) to spend their time in libraries looking for the books that would help them in their language studies. It was very inconvenient because a lot of materials could only be found in (2) (tedious) and uninteresting textbooks and readers. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. This is especially (3) (beneficial) for those who wants to learn English earnestly. In order to achieve fluency in

English, you need to be comfortable using at least 10,000 words.

The (4) (abundant) materials on the Internet make it possible for you to choose appropriate content to read and listen to. These materials

can be (5) (adjusted) to your level if you input some key words in the search engine. But how can you remember the (6) (bulk) of unfamiliar words? In this case, the Internet (7) (evidently)makes it easier to learn vocabulary. You can use online dictionaries to instantly find out their grammatical (8) (functions) and the specific meaning of these words. The Internet helps you to

(9) (efficiently) accumulate vocabulary based on lively and

interesting language content, which greatly reduces your (10) (distress) caused by inability to remember the new words. The efficiency of this vocabulary learning is one of the reasons why the Internet has become an ideal place to learn English.

2.Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think

creatively and critically, to analyze, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow us to gain new (1) (insight)into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics, humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts (2) (education)since the ancient Greeks first used them to educate their citizens. Research into the human experience helps to (3) (boost) our knowledge about our world. Through the work of

humanities scholars, we learn about the values of different cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, and about the (4) (mystery) of how history is made. Their efforts depict the great accomplishments of the past, help us understand the world today, and give us tools to imagine the (5)(prospect) of our future. Today, humanistic knowledge continues to (6) (promote) the ideal foundation for