五年级上册英语课时测试-Module 2 Unit 2 How much milk do you want_外研版(三起点) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章五年级上册英语课时测试-Module 2 Unit 2 How much milk do you want_外研版(三起点)更新完毕开始阅读2d883dad0812a21614791711cc7931b764ce7b2e

Module 2

Unit 2

语音 辨认练



( )2.A.arm

( )1.A.mother

B.warm B.classes

( )4.A.bird

( )3.A.glasses


( )5.A.box B.bottle

语句 应用练

二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(25分)1.Let's ________(buy) some milk.

2.We ________(need)food for our picnic.3.Here ________(be)your oranges.4.Do you ________(like) apples?

5.How much cheese ________(do) you want?三、按要求完成下列各句。(25分)

1.We are going to take some__hamburgers.(对画线部分提问)


2.We need five__boxes__of juice.(对画线部分提问)


3.I have ten oranges.(对画线部分提问)


4.I like cheese.(变为一般疑问句)

第 1 页


5.He can read the shopping list.(变为一般疑问句)


情景 交际练


Sam:Amy,what are we going to do tomorrow?Amy:We are going to have a picnic.

Sam:What are we going to take on our picnic?Amy:____1.____


Sam:Apples,bananas,bread,jam(果酱) and some cheese.

Sam:Yes.How much do we need?Amy:____3.____

Sam:I want to fly a kite.Let's take a kite.Amy:____4.____

Sam:Can I take my dog?Amy:____5.____

Sam:Thank you,Amy.Amy:You are welcome.A.All right.

E.Seven bottles.

B.Good idea.

C.What about milk?

D.Let's make a list.


Unit 2

一、1.S 2.D 3.S 4.S 5.S

第 2 页

二、1.buy 2.need 3.are 4.like 5.do三、1.What are you going to take? 2.How much juice do you need?

3.How many oranges do you have? 4.Do you like cheese?

5.Can he read the shopping list?

第 3 页