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If I were in charge of the project, I’d make better use of the money that’s available.


He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangerous person.


It didn’t take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had an excuse for being late with the assignments.

Unit 6

1我真希望你对这一件事能采取一种更加通情达理的态度。 I wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.

2在那次车祸中我的腿折断了,我儿子的腿也摔断了。 I broke my leg in the car accident and so did my son.


The old woman, overwhelmed by grief, could hardly/barely walk on her own.


It was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.


Where there were flames of war, now there are peace and prosperity.


He is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing power of any medicine.

7由于前途渺茫,一片空白,早年的希望逐渐消失,他对生活失去了信心。 He has lost confidence in life—the future has blurred and gone bland and his early hopes have faded into nothingness.


Little Tom realized that nothing could change the harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his parents’ sudden deaths.

Unit 7


As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don’t have to feel ashamed of being mediocre at it. It doesn’t matter what others think of you.


Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports, but we must make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of what’s important.


We all need some form of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape.


I’ve said over and over it’s time you tidied up your room, but you keep putting it off.


He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isn’t up to professional standards. Can you gibe him some instruction?


Health experts are trying to discourage people from smoking by informing them of its dangers.


Being committed to your job is fine, of course, but you shouldn’t let work eat up all your leisure time.


As far as I’m concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered.

Unit 8


NASA announced that one of the tangible objectives of this nine-day mission was to don research into the effects of space flight on the aging process.

2在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方面投入了大量的资金。 During the Cold War era, the Soviet Union and the United States both spent

substantial fund on space exploration.

3总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公众中引起了很大的争议。 The President’s proposal to scale down/back the government’s social welfare spending has caused a great deal of controversy.


Before the American space shuttle Discovery returned to the Kennedy Space Center, the bad weather in Florida, coupled with the door trouble, put its safe landing in doubt.


So far there is little evidence of life on Mars, but this doesn’t justify the conclusion that space research has no scientific value.


The International Space Station, a collaboration in which sixteen countries are taking part, is the most expensive space-exploration project ever undertaken.


This book describes the period at the end of the 1950s when the pioneers of Chinese space exploration pressed ahead with their research without the help of foreign experts.


This year the profits made in manufacturing industries have exceeded $200 billion, making up one half of our country’s GDP.