E英语教程第一册翻译填空 联系客服

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meaningful without、Grandpa is forgetful and often、As a(n) holy man、drug are yet unknown、completely overlooked、bed and stretched before、find a(n) solution to this problem、in order to get、grew out of a visit、solution to last week’s、communicate with each other、across the Atlantic、plays the guitar、January is the first month、three times a day、Breakfast is an important meal, The breakfast I had、only for the rich、among the unemployed、to play table tennis、both retired teachers、

wants to retire next year、short romance the couple、lovely romantic comedy、very thorough and、fruit thoroughly before、around hopelessly finding、It’s a hopeless dream、three credits、A(n) desert is、She figured that、and literature、interesting stuff in it、the title of、have registered for、Underline the new、with motherly、published monthly、a friendly way、walking happily arm、has kindly agreed、much violence on TV、main political parties、the dilemma of whether、company endorses a policy、female character in the book、far beyond what、a(n) ordinary telephone、His ambition is to become、John are crazy about skiing、Liu Yang

dreamed of / aboutbecoming、movie is based on / upon a famous、do has an effect on their children’s、boat heading towards / for the small、His elder daughter、was alone in that、my daily life、much alike、her entire savings、feel ashamed of your、really exist、replace the existing ones、Bob is eager to、great eagerness for、no explanation for、Please explain the、were related to each、Their relation seemed、likely explanation is that、immediate action on、There’s no relation between、volleyball competition、an expression of、cake into 10、expert in the、means of hard、turns into ice、With the、sky grew dark、you feel so、store remains closed、It tastes like、that feels smooth、A(n) crowd gathered、were amazed at、you familiar with、are aching because、a(n) vivid description、team brainstormed for、the footpath、evening newspaper、the bookstore to、daughter is hardworking、going to risk my、having specialized training、no alternative but、direct challenge to、more appeal for、dish with the、anything without my、bright with sunlight、job without Jack、arms with joy.、they were when、She has a very、I have had、child is crying、Yes, I am、he has been transforming、boy was

surprised、designer had already、the descendants of African、large fortune when、something precious、are native to China、Moral beauty、Chinese tradition、The integrity of the judge、a symbol of war、promote well-educated workers、and well-chosen、someone is well-informed、though it was well-meant、very well-dressed、respect for their、obstacle to progress、keep to your、disapproved of their、public prejudices against、which represents a peaceful、a(n) appreciation of poetry、so conventional in the clothes、have delivered their、the outcome of the、You must go、She can’t be、John might come、They must have、You shouldn’t speak、