厦门中考情景交际句子(修改稿) 联系客服

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1.想知道对方的名字,你会如何问: What’s your name?

2.他人询问你的姓名时,你应该这样回答: My name is ×××

3.初次见面,临别前,应如何道别: Nice to meet you! Goodbye!


Do you know Mary’s telephone number? / What’s your telephone number? 5.看到桌面上有一本书,但是,你想知道它的主人,你应该怎么问朋友Tom: Whose book is this? / Is this your book?

6.同学问你,桌面上的尺子是你的吗?不是的话,你应该如何作答: No, it is not mine. / No, it isn’t.

7.你想知道某个事物用英文怎么说,你应该怎么问: What’s this in English?

8.当听到朋友Kevin介绍,却不知道如何拼写,你要怎么问: How do you spell it in English ?

9.你想确定失物招领处的手机是否是你朋友的,你应该怎么问他: Is that your mobile phone in the lost and found?

10.周六,你想将Mike介绍给John认识,应该怎么介绍: John,this is Mike!

11.老板派你去机场接外国客户Smith先生,看到一个男人向你走来,你如何确定他是否是Smith先生: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith?

12.Jack向确定树下的那个女孩是否是你的妹妹,他会如何问你: Is the girl under the tree your sister?

13.你想展示自己的全家福给朋友Kerry,展示前,你会如何说: Kerry, here is my family photo!

14.早上起床,发现自己的书包不见了,你会如何询问你的母亲: Mom, where is my backpack?

15.出门后,在路上发现手机不在,想知道手机是否在家里,应该怎么问: Is my mobile phone at home?



Would you mind taking this notebook to Kate? / Please take the notebook to Kate. 17.Cathy想知道你是否有网球拍,她会怎么问: Do you have a tennis racket?


Can you go camping with us this weekend? / Let’s go camping this weekend. 19.朋友请你一起打网球,你感觉不错,你会怎么说: That sounds good. / That’s a good idea.

20.你想知道Jim是否喜欢西红柿,要怎么问: Jim, do you like (to eat) tomatoes?

21.你想知道Samuel早餐吃什么,应该怎么问: Samuel, what do you have for breakfast?

22.你想知道这个黑色手表的价格,你会如何问服务员: How much is this black watch? 23.服务员看到顾客进来,会说什么: Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

24.服务员如何知道顾客想要哪种颜色的,会怎么问: What color do you want?

25.当别人对你表示感谢,你应如何回答: You are welcome.

26.想知道Jason的生日,你如何问别人: When is Jason's birthday? 27.如何询问别人的年龄: How old are you?


Do you want to see a film with me? Would you like to watch a movie with me? 29.如何询问Johnson喜欢什么种类的电影,应该怎么问: Johnson, what kind of movies do you like?

30.如何向他人表达自己喜欢戏剧,不喜欢京剧: I like dramas, but I don’t like Beijing Opera.


31.Authur向知道你最喜欢的男演员,他要怎么问: Who is your favorite actor?

32.如何询问朋友,是否要加入艺术俱乐部: Do you want to join the art club?

33.Micheal很会演奏乐器,如何知道他会不会弹钢琴: Micheal, can you play the piano?

34.如何得知,格林小姐对孩子友好,你应该怎么问: Is Miss Green good with children? 35.如何请求别人帮助你的英语: Can you help me with my English?

36.想知道别人的上班时间,你应该怎么询问: What time do you go to work?

37.向知道此时的时间,你应该怎么问: What time is it?

38.别人想知道你喜欢物理的原因,她会怎么问: Why do you like physics?

39.朋友问你为什么最喜欢体育课,你要怎么回答: Because I love doing sports! / Because it’s exciting.

40.小雨的数学学得很好,你想知道他的数学老师是哪位,你应该如何问: Who’s your math teacher?


1.假设你有一个外国笔友,有人想知道你笔友的国籍,她会怎么问: Where does your pen pal come from? / Where is your pen pal from? 2.有人问你来自何方,你应如何作答: I’m from Xiamen. / I come from Xiamen.

3.别人想知道你的居住地址,她会怎么问:Where do you live? 4.想知道朋友讲什么语言,你会怎么问: What language do you speak?

5.你想知道邮局的位置,你会怎么问: Where is the post office?


6.麻烦别人时,一般都会说:Excuse me.

7.Allen知道你喜欢熊猫,她还要了解你是否喜欢其他的动物,她会怎么问: What other animals do you like?


① What does your father do?

②what is your father’s job? ③ What is your father? 9.别人想知道你的梦想,他会怎么问:

What is your dream? / What do you want to be? 10.你想知道Venus正在做什么,你很可能会这样问:

What are you doing now?


What is the weather like in Beijing?


How is it going?


What does Mike look like?


What is your friend like?


What do you usually do on rainy days?


How was your last week?


What did you do last week?


Where did you go on vacation?


What do you think of the film?

20.对某件事,难以忍受,你应该如何表达:I can stand it! 21.在公共场合,看到有人在抽烟,应该如何阻止(两种方法):

① Don't smoke here. ② Would you mind not smoking here?