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最高级的常见修饰语有 (by) far, much, nearly, almost, not quite, by no means, very, second, next 等:He is far more careful than I am. 他比我仔细得多。This is by far the best news for a long time. 这是很久以来最好的消息。This is much the most important. 这是最重要的。I think this is the very best dictionary. 我想这是最好的词典。The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河流。Of the three boys Jim is by no means the cleverest. 在这三个男孩中,吉姆绝不是最聪明的。【说明】very不能修饰比较级,却可修饰最高级,但它与一般的修饰最高级的副词有所不同,即它要放在最高级前的定冠词之后,而不是之前(另外,second, third, next等也要放在定冠词之后)。

US Colleges Set Enrollment Record

By June Simms 2009-11-18

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

College enrollment has reached an all-time high in the United States. About forty percent of all eighteen- to twenty-four-year-olds -- or almost eleven and a half million -- were in school in October of last year.

A new report says both numbers are record highs. Richard Fry at the Pew Research Center points to a number of reasons.

RICHARD FRY: \ school is also now at a record all-time high. Almost eighty-five percent

of America's young adults have finished high school. That means they're college eligible. So part of the reason college enrollments are at an all-time high is because the pool of youth that's eligible to go to college is also at an all-time high.\

Another reason for the enrollment increase: the recession. The unemployment rate reached a twenty-six year high in October. The economic downturn has hit young adults especially hard. Richard Fry says their job-holding rate is almost at the lowest point in nearly fifty years.

In a poor job market, many people turn to higher education, especially at two-year colleges. These schools, known as community colleges, have had the greatest enrollment increase. They offer professional training and traditionally cost a lot less than programs at four-year schools.

But experts say the recession has not cut enrollment in four-year programs, even with their higher -- sometimes much higher -- costs. The Chronicle of Higher Education says at least fifty-eight private colleges now charge fifty thousand dollars or more a year.

Lately there have been accusations that some private, competitive liberal arts colleges are trying to avoid being seen as \these schools are discriminating against women and admitting less qualified men.

In August the United States Commission on Civil Rights opened an investigation. Spokeswoman Lenore Ostrowsky says the purpose is to identify if discrimination is taking place in schools. But she adds that there may be lots of reasons why more women apply to colleges, and why colleges admit more women. The Census Bureau says fifty-four percent of full time students at two- and four-year colleges last year were female.

Federal law bars sex discrimination at any school that receives federal money. Most schools do in one way or another. However, the law does not bar sex discrimination in admissions at private undergraduate schools, only public ones.

The commission does not have enforcement powers, but it can suggest changes in the law. A report could take six months to a year.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by June Simms. Transcripts and podcasts can be found at 51voa.com. I'm Jim Tedder. 讲解:



一份新的报告显示,两个数字均创历史记录。皮尤研究中心Richard Fry教授指出了几个原因。

Richard Fry:“完成高中学业的年轻人数量也达到了历史新高。美国大约85%的年轻人高中毕业。这意味着他们可以进入大学。所以,大学入学率创历史记录的部分原因是,有资格进入大学的年轻人数量也达到历史新高。”

入学率增加的另外一个原因是:经济衰退。10月份,美国失业率达到26年来的最高水平。经济衰退对年轻人的冲击更大。Richard Fry表示,年轻人的工作保有率几乎达到50年来的最低水平。




8月份,美国民权委员会展开了调查活动。女发言人Lenore Ostrowsky表示,这次调查的目的是坚定这些学校是否存在歧视现象。



民权委员会没有执法权力,但是他们可以建议对法律进行修改。该报告可能会花费6个月至一年时间。 1.enrollment n.登记,注册,招收,入学,入伍

例句:Middle school enrollments will peak this year. 今年中学入学人数将达到高峰。

University enrollments had risen by 50 per cent. 大学入学人数增加了50%。

2.eligible adj.有资格当选的, 有条件被选中的

例句:He is an eligible young man. 他是一个合格的年轻人。

Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency. 只有本国出生的公民才有资格担任美国总统的职务。

3.downturn n.低迷时期

例句:Nursed the fledgling Business through an economic downturn. 经济衰退中精心料理刚起步的生意 4.charge vt.控诉,加罪于,使充满,收费 5.competitive adj.竞争的, 比赛的

例句:Some kinds of business are competitive. 有些商业是要竞争的。

6.discriminate vi.区别,差别待遇,歧视

例句:The new law discriminates against lower-paid workers. 这条新法律歧视低工资的工人。 7.enforcement n.强制,实施,执行,强迫

例句:law enforcement bodies 执法机构

The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery. 法院效率低是因为缺乏必要的执行机制。

1.In a poor job market, many people turn to higher education, especially at two-year colleges. turn to求助于

例句:He turned to me for help. 他向我求助。

She often turns to the book for guidance. 她经常参考那本书。

2.They offer professional training and traditionally cost a lot less than programs at four-year schools. a lot less 比较级的修饰