江苏省盐城市2018届高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷(含答案) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章江苏省盐城市2018届高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷(含答案) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读27c0381526284b73f242336c1eb91a37f0113200

M:Wow. I wish I had seen it instead of the boring movie filled up with advertisements.

Text 2

M:I’d go on a boat trip around the world.

W:Oh, I wouldn’t. I’d get so bored. I’d rather fly or drive.

M:No, I’d like to relax on the boat, sunbathe all day long, and have a waiter bring me a cold drink just when

I want one.

Text 3

M:Have you got the time? I forgot to bring my watch. It must be over 3 o’clock. W:Yes, actually it’s twenty past three.

M:Oh, that means the meeting will begin in twenty minutes.

W:Don’t worry. I heard the meeting has been put off. We still have forty minutes left.

Text 4

W:Everything here looks really good. What are your specials today?

M:We have our usual soup and salad. They are potato soup and vegetable salad. W:Those are my favourites. It will be very difficult to make a choice.

Text 5

M:That’s quite a lot of books you’re carrying. Let me help you with those.

W:I’m just going to put them on the desk just around the corner. I shall be able to manage without help. Thanks anyway.

Text 6

W:OK, dinner’s ready. Owen.

M:This looks delicious. The chicken smells great. W:How was your first day at the summer job?

M:Pretty good. The factory is kind of big and noisy, but the people seem nice. This lady, Gloria, showed me around and told me all the rules. W:Is Gloria the boss?

M:No, a guy named Carson is the head. He wasn’t there today. W:Oh, Owen, you were saying that you haven’t met the boss yet.

M:No, but I met his son, Mark. He will be the boss once he gets more experience. He spent last summer loading the delivery trucks, but this year he’s going to be operating the machines with me. W:Great.

Text 7

W:We need to have a serious talk. M:About what?

W:Your attendance — or rather, lack of it. M:OK, so I’ve missed a few classes.


W:A few classes? I’ve been told you’ve missed six out of eight times in two different classes! That’s really setting yourself up to fail. You’re about to be in big trouble. M:What’s the big deal about missing some classes? W:The big deal is that you’re here on a student visa. M:So?

W:So if you don’t attend classes regularly, you won’t be a full-time student — which your visa requires. M:What are you going to do? Turn me into the Police?

W:Oh, of course I’ll have to report you if you continue missing your classes. Then I’m afraid you’ll have to pack your things.

Text 8

W:You look very anxious this evening. Is there anything wrong? M:I am worried about my 15-year-old niece, Helen. W:What’s worrying you?

M:I’ve seen a big change in her. She used to be very outgoing and sociable but now she is having problems withother children at school. Now she is totally someone else. W:Really?

M:Yes, now she is quiet and doesn’t want to talk to anyone else. Her teacher said things are going backward in her study.

W:Her parents must be very anxious about her.

M:No, not really, both of them are too busy to worry about their daughter. I think I need to talk to them and ask them to spend more time with Helen.

W:Take it easy. It is something natural. I was outgoing when I was a little girl, but became very shy in teenage years, so don’t be nervous about your niece.

M:Maybe you are right, but I will talk with my brother anyway.

Text 9

W:Welcome back everyone. Now I’m talking to Nick Parker, the singer with the band Krispy. Hello, Nick, welcome to our show. M:Hello.

W:Nick, I have one question. Your sister, Mel, is in the band too, isn’t she?

M:Yeah. We’ve been playing and singing together since we were young. Dad took us to hear the great bands playing live. Mel and I put on shows at school. But Mum didn’t want us to get too serious about our music. She thought we should concentrate on our study. However, we were still enthusiastic about our music.

W:Then how was your band formed?

Two musicians from music schools saw us playing in a concert. They asked if we’d like to form a band M:

with them. We agreed to try it out. W:How about the band in the first year?

M:To our surprise, the audiences enjoyed our performance in the local concert. Then we recorded two songs and sent them to a music company. They asked us to join them, but our parents said we had to finish college first.


W:Have you had any disappointments?

M:Everything we’ve recorded has done well. Three singles have gone to number one, and our first album has sold over a million copies. We have got thousands of fans. However, I’ve been ill recently so we’ve started recording our second album late, which is a pity.

Text 10

M:Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for your listening. I’m Doctor Reid. Today I will discuss the effect of sleep on school students with you. The first thing is whether a lack of sleep affects teenagers. The answer is “Yes”. Many teenagers are getting little sleep and there are concerns that this could have a serious long-term effect on their health but we don’t know for sure yet. Researchers are also looking into how far a lack of sleep affects young people with low spirits. But one study has clearly shown that high school students getting low grades also get on average one hour less sleep than students getting As. Then why aren’t teenagers getting enough sleep? It’s a problem that seems to affect all teenagers, not just the ones who eat the wrong things or who don’t take any exercise. I think too many teenagers watch TV in their rooms or play computer games until very late. Some students say they stay up late because they can’t get to sleep if they go to bed earlier. Well, don’t have any soft drinks or any drinks that include hot chocolate before sleeping. Reading a book you know well or listening to a story, rather than music, should help your brain to relax. So you shouldn’t do your homework just before going to sleep. It would be better for schools to stay open for longer so that pupils can do their homework before they get home. Another thing that some schools have tried successfully is to begin the school day half an hour later and end the school day half an hour later, which seems like a good idea to me, and I really recommend that.


2018届高三第四次模拟考试 2018.5

第一卷 (选择题,共85分)




1. How long has the man run in his old running shoes?

A. 300 miles. B. 400 miles. C. 500 miles. 2. Why does the man think the woman should join him?

A. He thinks she will have more fun. B. He wants to meet her roommate.

C. He thinks it’s safer to go in a large group. 3. Who are the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and employee. C. Salesperson and client. 4. What does the man say about his neighbor?

A. He is humorous. B. He is not handsome. C. He is very successful.


5. What makes the man appreciate his dog?

A. The dog protects his house. B. The dog is easy to take care of. C. The dog helps him get exercise.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. Smoking. B. Building styles. 7. What will the speakers do tonight?

A. Cook together. B. Go out. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why do colleges require the SAT?

A. To compare students easily. B. To see if their schools are good.

C. To see if students are fluent in English. 9. What does the woman recommend?

A. Taking several classes. B. Taking each test once for practice.

C. Buying some books to prepare for the tests. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How did the man lose weight?

A. By avoiding meat. B. By eating big salads for dinner.

C. By eating enough vegetables at each meal. 11. For which meal does the man have mushrooms?

A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. 12. What does the woman think about the man’s diet?

A. It sounds difficult to stick to. B. He should give up junk food.

C. He eats an unhealthy amount of vegetables. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. How many children do the speakers have?

A. Two. B. Three. 14. What does the woman like about the kitchen?

A. It’s bright. B. It’s big. 15. What is the woman concerned about?

A. The size of the house. B. The price of the house. C. The location of the house. 16. What did the man suggest at last?

A. Buying this house. B. Living in another community. C. Keeping the old job.


C. The use of balconies. C. Dance on the balcony. C. Dinner. C. Four. C. It looks modern.