新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元练习更新完毕开始阅读265e04cbb42acfc789eb172ded630b1c58ee9b34

A . there is B . am C . have D . has (2) A . on B . in C . at D . to (3) A . but B . and C . also D . when (4) A . find B . give (给) C . put D . help (5) A . of B . in C . on D . under (6) A . name B . books C . friends D . store

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(7) A . a B . this C . many D . two (8) A . They B . That C . This D . It (9) A . let B . need C . give D . know (10) A . brothers B . uncles C . names D . friends

三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)

22. (8分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 B

This cute little rabbit named Miffy is one of the most popular rabbits in the world. You may see her everywhere, on things like pens, notebooks and toys.

Miffy first appeared as a cartoon character for a children's book by Dutch artist Dick Bruna in 1955. However, on Feb. 16, 2017, Bruna left her forever. He died at the age of 89 in his hometown of Utrecht in the Netherlands (荷兰). The idea of Miffy was born when Bruna was having a holiday with his family in a seaside house. He saw a rabbit jumping around and it caught the attention of his baby son. So the artist made up a bedtime story about the rabbit for his son every night. Later he drew the stories into cartoon books.

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Since then Miffy has become a friend of kids around the world. But what makes Miffy so popular? Probably it is because of the way Bruna drew it. He only used a few strong lines and several bright colors in his drawings. Miffy only has two dots (圆点) as eyes and a cross as a mouth. Even when she cries she only has one tear, because one drop is enough to show Miffy's sadness. Miffy is just like a little girl, simple, quiet and sometimes a little shy. But she is always open to new experiences.

The best place for all Miffy lovers is the Miffy Museum. It is like a small world. There you can find Miffy's house and her everyday experiences, such as going to the doctor and going to the zoo. You can walk into the world of Miffy and her friends.

(1)Miffy is ________ years old now. A . 34 B . 55 C . 62 D . 89

(2)Which can describe the correct order of Miffy's birth according to Paragraph 2? ① Bruna made up a bedtime story about Miffy. ② Bruna's baby son saw a rabbit.

③ Bruna drew a cartoon books about Miffy. ④ A rabbit jumped around the seaside house. A . ④②③① B . ④②①③ C . ①③②④ D . ①③④②

(3)Miffy becomes so popular possibly because ________. A . children can see it everywhere B . she has one tear when she is sad C . Bruna draws her in a simple way D . she enjoys having new experiences

(4)The best title of the passage can be ________. A . Bruna, Father of Miffy B . Miffy, a friend of kids

C . Netherlands, the birthplace of cartoons

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D . Miffy Museum, a small world of Miffy 23. (10分)阅读理解 Dear Li Chen,

How are you? Thanks for your letter. History and math are my favorite subjects too. I think they are interesting. l know your school is over(结束) at 5:30 p.m. it's too late! Our school is over at 3:40 p.m. every day. Then I can do many after-school activities with my classmates.

On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, I have a drawing lesson from 4:00 to 5:00. I'm good at it. My dream(梦想) is to be an artist. On Tuesday afternoon, I have a swimming lesson. I don't like sports, but my mother thinks it can help me keep(保持) healthy. On Wednesday afternoon, I'm free. I usually go to the school library with my best friend, Kate. Our school library is very big. We can read many kinds of books there. On Friday afternoon, I go back home early. Then my parents take me to my grandparents' home and have a big dinner with them.

I'm free on weekends because I don't have too much homework. I usually go shopping with my friends or watch TV at home. I feel happy.

Yours, Alice

(1)We can learn that Li Chen's favorite subjects are . A . history and math B . art and math C . English and history D . art and P.

(2)Alice has a drawing lesson for on Monday afternoon. A . half an hour B . an hour C . two hours D . hree hours

(3)What does the underlined word \ A . 音乐家 B . 艺术家 C . 教师 D . 作家

(4)Alice on Tuesday afternoon.

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