2021版英语一轮讲练复习浙江专用人教版核心素养测评: 十四 必修3 Unit 4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2021版英语一轮讲练复习浙江专用人教版核心素养测评: 十四 必修3 Unit 4更新完毕开始阅读25c0e4064128915f804d2b160b4e767f5bcf80ee



According to the Guinness World Records, a Sitka Spruce (锡特卡云杉) growing on New Zealand’s southernmost island is the loneliest tree on Earth. Not only is it the only tree on Campbell Island, but the nearest other tree can be found over 200 km away on the Auckland Islands.

Bluff, Campbell Island is one of the harshest places in the world. With strong winds blowing almost all year round and less than 600 hours of sunshine, it’s not exactly a good place to live in, which is probably why, except for occasional visits by research scientists, it, has remained deserted for over half a century.

It is believed that the Sitka Spruce on Campbell Island was planted by Lord Ranfurly, a former governor of New Zealand, sometime between 1901 and 1907. It’s not clear why he decided to plant there, but according to some sources he said that the island was not productive, and took the first step to cover it with forestry. His idea was never going to work because of the harsh climate of the area, but somehow the Sitka Spruce survived.

Apart from its reputation as the loneliest tree on Earth, the Sitka Spruce of Campbell Island has a series of other particularities. First of all its shape makes it look more like a giant cauliflower than a tree. This

is believed to have been caused by repeatedly cutting down its trunk every year, for decades. Another interesting thing about the world’s loneliest tree is that, though it is over 100 years old, it has never produced cones (球果).

Who knew a lonely tree growing 200 km away from its nearest cousins could be so interesting?

【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍世界上最孤独的树。 5. What does the underlined word “harshest” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Loneliest. B. Rarest. C. Hottest.

D. Severest.

【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段中With strong winds blowing almost all year round and less than 600 hours of sunshine, it’s not exactly a good place to live in“这里一年四季都有强风, 日照不足600小时, 不太适合居住, ”由此推知划线词的意思是“剧烈的, 严峻的”。故选D。

6. What can be learned about Lord Ranfurly? A. He was a governor for ten years. B. He made Campbell Island productive. C. He attempted to get Campbell Island forested.

D. He realized the Sitka Spruce could survive in New Zealand.

【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第三段but according to some sources

he said that the island was not productive, and took the first step to cover it with forestry. 可知, 关于Lord Ranfurly我们能了解到他试图让Campbell Island森林化。故选C。

7. Paragraph 4 is mainly about ______of the Sitka Spruce. A. the unique shape B. the special features C. the high reputation D. the growth process

【解析】选B。段落大意题。根据第四段第一句Apart from its reputation as the loneliest tree on Earth, the Sitka Spruce of Campbell Island has a series of other particularities. 可知, 第四段主要是关于the Sitka Spruce的特点。故选B。 8. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To introduce the loneliest tree in the world. B. To promote tourism on Campbell Island. C. To emphasize the importance of forestry. D. To honour Lord Ranfurly.

【解析】选A。目的意图题。根据倒数第二段中First of all its shape makes it look more like a giant cauliflower than a tree. This is believed to have been caused by repeatedly cutting down its trunk every year, for decades. Another interesting thing about the world’s loneliest tree is that, though it is over 100 years old, it has never produced cones. 可知, 这篇文章的目的是介绍世界上最孤独的树。故选A。 Ⅱ. 完形填空世纪金榜导学号 After I struggled to get over my first wife Ceorgia’s death, my life finally returned to normal.

But a few weeks after she was called to heaven, I was cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a 1 , I decided on frozen peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it 2 from my hands and crashed to the floor. The peas rolled everywhere. I tried to use a 3 , but with each swipe the peas rolled across the 4 , bounced off the wall on the other side and rolled in another 5 .

My mental state at the time was 6 . Losing my wife is an unbearable 7 . I got on my hands and knees and pulled them into a 8 . I was half laughing and half crying as I 9 them. I could see the humor in what happened, 10 it doesn’t take much for a person dealing with grief(悲痛)to break down.

For the next week, every time I was in the kitchen, I would find a pea that had 11 my first cleanup. Eight months later I 12 the refrigerator to clean, and found those few 13 peas. At that time, I was in a new 14 with a wonderful woman I met at a party. After we married, I was 15 of those peas under the refrigerator. I 16 that my life had been like that bag of frozen peas. My wife was 17 . I was in a new city with a busy job and a son having trouble adjusting to his new 18 and the loss of his mother. My whole life is falling apart.