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Further Listening1

Finding affordable land for housing is a challenge in many of the world's largest cities. Some residents of Tokyo, Japan, have found a solution to this problem. They are building homes on pieces of land as small as 344 square feet (32 square meters)These \live close to central Tokyo and cost much less than other homes in the city. Many micro-homes have several floors and big windows that maximize sunlight. 找打可用的土地来建房子是许多超大城市所面临的挑战。在日本东京的一些居民找到了解决这个问题的办法他们在一块仅有344平方英尺相当于32平方米的土地上建房子。这种“迷你房子”可以让人们比其他的房子花更少的钱而能够靠近东京市区住居。许多“迷你房子”有很多层并且有很大的窗户来最大限度的采光。

Many cities have problems with air pollution and smog. What can big cities do to regulate the amount of air pollution and smog generated by cars and factories? An Italian company has come up with an innovative tool to reduce pollution: smog-eating cement. The cement contains a substance that converts pollution into harmless chemicals. The harmless chemicals wash off roadways when it rains. Smog-eating materials are also being used in roof tiles in Los Angeles, California, the smoggiest city in the United States.


Cities must find creative ways to build public parks, gardens, and out door areas when space is limited. In New York City, the High Line was an unattractive black steel structure that once supported railroad tracks. Today, the High Line has been restored as an elevated urban park. The park was financed by donations, and now it is one of the most inviting public space the city. Visitors can walk through the gardens, relax on the sundeck, and attend public art exhibits and special events .当空间有限的时候城市必须找到创造性的方式来建设停车场、公园和户外场所。在纽约高线公园曾经是一个难看的被钢结构支撑的铁路线。现在高线公园已经被改造成了一个高层城市公园。这个公园通过募捐资金而建现在它已经是这个城市最具吸引力的公共场所。参观者可以漫步穿过公园在上面晒太阳休息还可以参加公共的艺术展览和特别活动。

Further Listening 2

Welcome to Venice, everybody! To start our tour today, I want to tell you about a challenge we face in our beautiful city: floods

You see, a large portion of Venice was built on a salt marsh. City planners had to find a way to maximize space and use every part of the marsh. Builders placed hundreds of wooden logs deep into the marsh. Then they placed building foundations on top of the logs. By doing this, they were able to convert the salt marsh into land for farming. But the salt marsh is like a giant sponge. 迎来到威尼斯,我想要告诉你们我们美丽的威尼斯面临的一个挑战—洪水。 你是知道的威尼斯的大部分建立在盐沼地上。城市规划者不得不找到一种方法最大可能的利用湿地的每一部分。建设者们放置了成千上万的木深入在沼泽中。通过这样,他们可以将盐沼地变成农地。但是盐沼地像一个巨大的海绵。

The weight of the city pushes down on the salt marsh and buildings slowly sink into the water. High tides, called acquaalta are also a problem. Now, Venice floods on a regular basis.Venetian residents are used to the floods, but our old and beautiful buildings suffer. Many structures are damaged by the water and the restoration of these buildings is very expensive.


The city is now building water barriers that will stop sea water from flooding the city. This innovative project is called MOSE,and it will be completed soon. The cost of this project is already more than seven billion dollars. Some people argue that the project violates government regulations and is illegal. Others believe that the water barriers will interfere with the beauty of the city and will cause tourists to leave. Let's hope this does not happen, because tourism generates business for shops,restaurants, and hotels. Financial support is necessary to help pay for the MOSE project. So thank you for coming to Venice!


Further Listening 3

Keeping rivers clean is a challenge for most large cities.In the 1900s, rivers in many cities were polluted by harmful chemicals and raw sewage from nearby industries. Fish were often missing from urban rivers completely. Today, some large European cities are successfully keeping their rivers clean.More and more, fishermen are catching fish in rivers flowing through cities such as London, Paris, and Stockholm. Even fish that require very clean water to live, such as salmon and trout,are being caught.Why are the fish returning? A couple of reasons have been suggested. One reason is the disappearance of industries that used to pollute the rivers. 保持城市河流的清洁是大部分大城市所面临的挑战。在十九世纪,许多城市的河流被附近工厂的有毒的化学物质和未经处理的污水给污染了。在这些城市的河流里鱼几乎绝迹了。现在一些大的欧洲城市在河流的治理方面很成功。越来越多的捕鱼者穿行于河流中捕鱼,像在伦敦巴黎,还有斯德哥尔摩。甚至有些对水质要求很高的鱼也能生,像鲑鳟鱼也被发现过。为什么这些鱼又重新出现了呢,有几个原因不得不提。一个就是以前污染河流的工厂消失不见了。

Tough new pollution laws and water rules have also helped make rivers cleaner. Not all the rivers have been cleaned up,but the signs of recovery are promising for Europe's urban rivers. 强有力的环境污染法规和用水规章也帮助促进了河流的清洁。不是所有的河流都被整顿好了,但是这对与欧洲的城市河流来说是一个很积极的信号