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Questions for Fitter, Oiler No 1 and Oilers


1. What are the responsibilities (duties) as Oiler No. 1? 机工长的职责是什么?

The Oiler 1 shall follow the orders of the Chief Engineer or the 1st Engineer, instruct and supervise the personnel under his control and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department. Unless otherwise specified, the No 1 Oiler shall engage in the duties listed below:

1) Shall give order to the personnel under his control, be well aware of the conduct and

skills of such personnel, arrange the job allocation, offer opinions to the Chief Engineer and thus try to improve the safety and efficiency of work;

2) Shall inspect the tools and staging well before beginning of the work, pay attention to

the surrounding area during work and try to prevent danger and accidents;

3) Shall inspect the areas under the management of Engine Department and assist to

maintain the main engines, auxiliary engines and machinery. 4) The handling of ship’s consumable stores.

5) Shall arrange complete circulation of orders, notifications and various rules to the

personnel under his control;

6) Other duties designated by chief engineer or other engineer.

2. What should oilers and wipers do on board? Or what are your duties on board?

The oilers and wipers should be on watch duty, as specified in the vessel. The Oilers and wipers shall follow the orders of the No 1 Oiler, the first engineer and the engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department.

3. Where have you been to as a seaman? Or which ports and countries have you ever been to?

I have been to many places in the world, including Southeast Asia, America, Europe, Australia, and Africa etc.

4. How many people are there in your family?

Questions for Cooks




1. How many years (how long) have you worked a cook on board? 你在船上做了几年厨师了?

Five (one/two/three/four) years. 五年/一年/两年/三年/四年。

2. Name some common vegetables on board you have ever met. 说出你所见到的一些常见蔬菜的名称。(请参见后面附录的主要蔬菜的英文名称)

3. What are the C/ck’s duties on your last vessel? 你在上条船上做大厨时主要职责是什么?

4. When the ship comes to the US port, what precautions should you pay attention to?

船到美国港口前,为迎接港口国检查,大厨应做哪些准备? 美国是港口国检查最为严格的国家,对船上的卫生检查也特别严格。大厨应该为港口国检查做好充分的准备。

5. What is the good temperature for storing such things as vegetables, fruits, meat, flour, and rice? 保存下列东西的最好温度是多少:蔬菜、水果、肉、面粉以及大米?

For the vegetables, fruits, around 4 to 5 degrees centigrade will be fine; for the meat, if I want to keep it for a long period, temperature will be around 18 degrees.

6. What kind of food (dishes) can you make? 能做什么菜啊?

Chinese food 中国菜;western food 西式菜;Sichuan food 四川菜;Beijing Food 北京菜。

附录一: 常用普通船员英语词汇

目 录

一、舵令英语(Wheel Order) 二、车钟命令(Engine Order) 三、缆令(Line Order) 四、锚令(Anchor Order)

五、检查及其他常用语——(Inspection and other Useful Words) 六、梯口值班(Gangway Watching)

七、劳保用品(Working Protection Gears)

八、绑扎用具(Lashing and Securing Appliance)

九、消防救生设备(Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment) 十、船上工具和设备(Equipment and Facilities on board) 十一、 电气设备和部件(Electric Appliance and Elements) 十二、 主机和辅机(Main and Auxiliary Engine) 十三、 各种表(Meters, Gauges and others)


十四、 各种船名(different Types of Vessels)

十五、 伙食和蔬菜名称(Vegetable, Food and Dishes)

一、舵令英语(Wheel order)

1. Port ten (five, fifteen, sixteen degrees) 左舵十(五、十五、十六)度。 2. Starboard ten 右舵十度。 3. Hard port 左舵满

4. Hard starboard 右舵满 5. Midship or amidships 正舵

6. Steady or steady on course. 或 Steady as she goes. 把定当时的舵向。 7. Nothing to port/starboard. 不要偏左/右 8. Steer XXX (course XXX). 走XXX度 9. What is the course? 航向多少? 10. Course now. 现在航向。

11. How is the rudder’s answer? 舵效如何?

12. Keep buoy/mark/beacon/on port side. 反浮筒/标志/浮标让到左舷 13. Finish with wheel. 结束用舵。

14. Report if she does not answer wheel. 船没有舵反映请报告。

二、Engine order (车种命令)

1. Full ahead 全速前进(前进四) 2. Half ahead 半速前进(前进三) 3. Slow ahead 慢速前进(前进二)

4. Dead slow ahead 微速前进(前进一) 5. Stop engines 停车

6. Dead slow astern 微速后退(后退一) 7. Half astern 半速后退(后退二) 8. Full astern 全速后退(后退四) 9. Emergency full ahead 应急全速前进 10. Emergency full astern 应急全速后退 11. Stand by engine 备车

12. Finished with engine 用车完毕

13. Bow thrust full to port side 船首推测器全速向左 14. Bow thrust half to port side 船首推测器半速向左 15. Bow thrust full starboard side 船首推测器全速向右

16. Bow thrust half to the starboard side 船首推测器半速向右 17. Stem thrust full to port side 主推测器全速向左 18. Stem thrust half to port side 主推测器半速向左 19. Stem thrust full to starboard side 主推测器全速向右 20. Bow thrust stop 前推测器停 21. Stem thrust stop 主推测器停


三、缆令(line order)

1. Which side is alongside? Alongside is port/ starboard? 哪舷靠码头?左舷还是右舷? 2. Heave up the line! 撇缆

3. Send out the heaving line/ fore line/ stern line/ aft spring line. 带头缆/带首缆/尾缆/尾倒


4. Heave away. 绞缆 5. Stop heaving. 停缆。 6. Heave tight. 收绞。 7. Make fast. 挽牢。

8. Head off/ stern off. 首先离/尾先离。 9. Single up 单绑 10. Let go 解掉

11. Let go head line/ stern line/spring line/towing line. 解首缆/尾缆/拖缆 12. Clear aft. 船尾清爽。

四、锚令(anchor order)

1. Stand by port anchor. 准备左锚。

2. Stand by starboard anchor. 准备右锚。 3. Both anchors 双锚 4. Let go the anchor 抛锚

5. Let go port anchor. 抛左锚。 6. Let go starboard anchor. 抛右锚

7. One/two/three shackles in water 一/两节入水。 8. Four shackles on deck 四节在甲板上。 9. Slack away the anchor. 松锚。 10. Hold on the shackles 锚链刹住 11. Check the cable 止住锚链 12. Stop heaving 停绞

13. Stand by heave up anchor. 准备收锚 14. Anchor is aweigh 锚离底 15. Anchor is up 锚出水 16. Anchor foul 锚交缠

17. How is the chain leading? 锚连在什么方向? 18. Leading forward/ahead 锚链向前

19. Leading afterward (leading after) 锚链向后 20. Leading to port 锚链向左

21. Leading to the starboard side 锚链向右 22. Chain across ship’s head. 链过船头

五、检查及其他常用语——(inspection and other related useful words) 1. Inspect the pumps please. 请检查一下泵。 2. Check the bearing. 检查一下轴承。

3. Check the whole system for leakage. 整个系统查漏。