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Module 3 Literature


本模块以Literature为话题,介绍了著名英国古典文学作家查尔斯?狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的生平和他的作品《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《远大前程》(Great Expectations)的片段,旨在通过这样的话题,使学生运用所学的知识谈论小说中的人物及其情节,更多地了解作家的作品及其作品的时代背景和深刻的社会意义。通过学习能将小说中的精彩片段表演出来,让学生了解如何对人物和事件进行描写。通过本模块学习,学生要对小说与文学有个辩证认识,学会鉴赏文学的魅力。

Introduction 通过电影Oliver Twist的一幅剧照介绍了著名作家查尔斯?狄更斯(Charles Dickens)。并设计相关的问题对剧照中的人物和故事发展进行预测,在一定的练习中了解和熟悉所涉及到的词汇和短语,让学生进一步熟悉这些词汇,为本模块的学习奠定基础。

Reading and Vocabulary (1) 部分通过阅读《雾都孤儿》中的一段标题为“Oliver Asks for More”片段,设计了以下的任务:1. 学会对素材片段进行概括,培养学生的总结能力和对文章中心的把握能力;2. 学习相关的词汇和短语,为进一步理解课文扫清障碍,培养学生学习生词的能力,解决了方法问题,同时设计一定的练习,巩固所学习的词汇;3. 在词汇学习的基础上,通过完成素材中的句子填写练习,完成从词到句的功能转变,让学生不仅能学习词汇,而且能更好地巩固一定固定意义的句子结构。

Grammar (1) 部分通过观察课文中的例句,要求学生能够识别倒装句的基本形式,并能运用倒装表达强调意义。

Speaking (1) 部分是阅读文章后所展开的一项活动,要求学生能够模仿其内容和角色进行适当的角色扮演练习,并对人物进行评价。

Vocabulary and Listening 部分为《雾都孤儿》的精彩片段,旨在听的基础上去理解这部小说,并完成四项任务:1. 提供一定的句子和词汇,扫清了听力中可能产生的障碍;2. 提供问题,预测听力内容和问题答案,引导听力任务的顺利进行;3. 听取一段精彩的片段,判断所预测的问题答案是否正确,然后回答问题;4. 要求听第二遍,完成信息获取。任务环环相扣,遵循听力训练的规律,真正为学生提供了模拟真实的听力材料。

Grammar 2 and Function部分列举一些句子,让学生通过先观察然后回答问题的方式了解通常情况下的强调句型,并进行适当的训练。同时将这样的练习运用到实际的语境中,即对小说中人物进行评论,进一步巩固强调句的运用。


Speaking (2)部分分组进行训练,要求学生能用所学习的句型发表对听力部分所学习素材的评价和看法,并对故事情节的发展作一些猜测。

Everyday English 部分围绕日常生活中常见的交际用语,主要通过选择题的形式使学生熟练掌握这几个表达。


Reading and vocabulary (2)部分实际上是《远大前程》(Great Expectations)的故事梗概,通过这样的素材设计了三个活动:1. 文章的主旨大意和词汇;2. 通过回答问题,对文章内容的进一步理解;3. 通过阅读配的图画,判断人物之间的关系。

Writing 部分就提供的人物,要求学生围绕人物进行简单描写,尽可能地运用自己的语言,然后分组讨论,对文章最后两段进行改写,使故事结尾不同于原著。

Reading practice部分以“Dickens? London”为标题,提供的文段是对作家狄更斯写作和生活背景的简单介绍,有利于学生更好地了解作品的背景及其深刻的社会意义。通过提供的任务学习,让学生更好地掌握一定的阅读理解的方法和技巧:如文章体裁、文章主旨大意、文章的细节等等,而且让学生用自己的语言完成一定量的句子填空,熟悉和运用适当的句型。并在此基础上学会描写自己的家乡。

Cultural Corner部分是一篇介绍著名作家查尔斯?狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的生平和他的作品的文章,通过学习有助于学生更好地理解这两部小说,帮助学生拓展词汇,增加作品理解的空间。

Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生小组活动,表演查尔斯?狄更斯 (Charles Dickens) 作品中的一幕,加深对作品的理解。

Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。

II.教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点

(1) 掌握一些与小说故事情节描写有关的词汇; (2) 学习倒装句; (3) 学习强调句。 2. 教学难点

(1) 正确理解和听懂相关小说的片段,并能进行表演和发表看法和评论; (2) 正确使用倒装句和强调句;

(3) 学会从小说的背景、情节、人物了解文学的内涵,并能以此为结构描述自己家乡




第一、二课时:Introduction, Cultural Corner, Reading Practice 第三课时:Reading and Vocabulary (1, 2) 第四课时:Grammar (1, 2)

第五课时:Vocabulary and listening, Everyday English, Listening and Speaking


第六课时:Speaking (1,2) Writing, Module File


Periods 1~2 Introduction, Cultural Corner, Reading Practice


Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss? interest in learning about novels.

2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe stories and about the living background of the writer. .

3. To get Ss to know something about Charles Dickens. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Introduction

1. To arouse Ss? interest in learning this period, ask them to look at the film picture on page 29 and read the passage. Then answer the questions in Activity 2 in order to predict the story—Oliver Twist.

Suggested Answers:

(1) Oliver looks like beggar in rags.

(2) He?s in a small factory or a big church and he is asking for something to eat or… Workhouse in the story maybe a place where you should work but you are not paid, but get little to eat.

(3) Maybe he is asking the man to give him something to eat because he is so hungry.

(4) The other boys are looking at Oliver and hope Oliver will be given a punishment by the man.

(5) In my opinion, the man is cruel and unkind.

(6) After that Oliver is going to be locked in a dark room or kicked out of the church or workhouse.

2. Matching the definitions with the words in Activity 1. Step 2. Cultural Corner

Purpose: To get Ss to find out more information about the famous novelist.

1. Give Ss the works that Dickens wrote to let them know what a great writer he is. Ask Ss to say something about Dickens and his works if they know.

Fictions ( publishing years) The Pickwick Papers (1836-1837) Oliver Twist (1837) Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) The Old Curiosity Shop (1840- 1841) Barnaby Rudge (1841)


《匹克威克外传》 《雾都孤儿》 《尼古拉斯?尼古贝》 《老古玩店》 《巴纳比?拉吉》 3

A Christmas Carol (1843) Martin Chuzlewit (1843-1844) Dombey and Son (1846-1848) David Copperfield (1849-1850) Bleak House (1852-1853) Hard Times (1854) Little Dorrit (1855-1857) A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Great Expectations(1860-1861) 《圣诞欢歌》 《马丁?朱什尔维特》 《董贝父子》 《大卫?科波菲尔》 《荒凉山庄》 《艰难时世》 《小杜丽》 《双城记》 《远大前程》(又译《孤星血泪》 2. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and then give the main idea of each paragragh. For your reference:

Para 1: Charles Dickens? birth and his schooling (education) and his childhood as well. Para 2: Charles Dickens? work or experiences, which has influenced his fictions and stories.

Para 3: Charles Dickens? writing experiences.

Para 4: Charles Dickens? influence and contributions.

3. Ask Ss to read the Cultural Corner carefully and discuss the questions on page 41. Suggested Answers:

(1) His father was in prison, and he had to make a living by working in a factory as a child; He worked for a newspaper and a political journalist in his novels.

(2) The story has a happy ending. Oliver Twist at last found out who his parents were and found a loving home.

(3) Dickens often wrote about the social problems related to the poor people, who lived a hard life, so that the lives of the poor were improved. 4. Ask Ss to understand the difficult sentences.

(1) His father was put in prison because he could not pay his bills.

(2) He was very unhappy, but later in life, he was able to write very well about poverty because he has actually experienced it himself.

(3) Dickens always had a huge amount of energy.

(4) However, it brought child poverty to the attention of the public, and for this reason alone it is a very important novel. Step 3. Reading practice

1. Ask Ss to finish Activity 1 to predict what the passage is about, according to the title “Dickens? London”.

2. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and decide the structure of the passage. For your reference:

Part 1 (paras 1~2): A general introduction to Dickens? London, Dickens? cast of characters lived in London, and London was a filthy city for rich and poor people alike in the middle of the 19th century.