从《共产党宣言》序言看马克思主义的与时俱进 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章从《共产党宣言》序言看马克思主义的与时俱进更新完毕开始阅读244b3745af45b307e8719782

关键词:《共产党宣言》序言 马克思主义 历史唯物主义 与时俱进 理论创新

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The Communist Manifesto (Manifesto for short infra) is a programmatic document of international communist movement as well as a Marxist classic. Marx and Engels have written seven of its prefaces successively after they published the Manifesto. These seven prefaces become an integral component which cannot be canceled in the text of Manifesto. Moreover, they are the supplement and illustration made to uphold and develop the basic idea and fundamental principles of Manifesto. In consequence, Manifesto still retains youthful vitality after 160 years. By studying the prefaces of Manifesto, we can easily get the spirit of it, and realize the theoretical innovation of Marxism in it. Today, the Chinese Communists represented by Hu Jintao, lodge a claim that we should fully promote the socialism with Chinese characteristics in reformative and innovative spirit in new historical period in 17th national congress of Chinese Communist. In respect that Chinese Communist want to stand in the forefront of the times, lead Chinese people to open up a new prospect of development, they have to intensify their self-improvement by reform and innovation. Chiefly, we should reform the existing theory, which requires that the Marxist theory workers have a in-depth study and get the thought of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and \Represents\to develop and amend theories that have fallen behind, to make them better serve China's socialist modernization construction.

This thesis has an in-depth study based on such background. One basic core of Marxist theory is historical materialism, which is a science of the general laws of human social development and an important insurance as Marxist theory develops. Marxist theory is scientific and evaluative rather than dogmatic. As history developed, matters that Marxist theory involves have changed. It is the keystone of this thesis.

There are four parts in this thesis:

Part one, preface. In this part, historical evolution of Manifesto and its preface is expatiated. And the research background, meaning, ideas and methods are described.

Part two: the theoretical basis of innovation in Marxist Theory is historical Materialism. We can draw a conclusion that Marxism is a theory of development through the explanation and application of historical materialism which have done by Marx and Engels. What is more, we can make an analysis with the perspective of historical materialism on theories proposed by four-generation leaders in China.

Part three is the research and analysis on seven prefaces of Manifesto. In this part, what prefaces have developed, replenished and amended on the content of Manifesto is illustrated and pointed out.

Part four: the prefaces of Manifesto reflect the theoretical characters of keeping pace with the times of Marxism. Persisting in keeping pace with the times of Marxism is a necessary demand of seeing Marxism as a scientific study, and Chinese Communist should develop and perfect Marxism with Chinese characters by this spirit. In this process, Chinese Communist has persisted in truth, and has made bold innovations, which made the content of

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theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characters richer. As a result, the theoretical system can better guide the practice of our socialist modernization.

Key words: The Communist Manifesto, Preface, Marxism, Historical Materialism, Keep pace

with the times, Theoretical Innovation.

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目 录

中文摘要???????????????????????????????Ⅰ 英文摘要????????????????????????????????Ⅲ 引 言??????????????????????????????1 一、《宣言》序言中马克思主义理论创新精神研究的理论基础??????????5 (一)历史唯物主义的概念及主要内容???????????????????5 (二)历史唯物主义对我国理论研究的影响?……???????????6

1. 毛泽东时期?????????????????????????? 6 2. 邓小平时期???????????????????????????7 3. 江泽民时期???????????????????????????9 4. 胡锦涛时期??????????????????????????10

二、马克思主义理论的与时俱进在《宣言》序言中的主要体现??????????12 (一)及时修改《宣言》中某些已过时的观点???????????????12 (二)补充修改《宣言》中不够完善的内容???????????????13

1. 1883年德文版序言???????????????????????13

2. 1888年英文版序言???????????????????????13 (三)紧密联系各国的无产阶级革命???????????????????13

1. 1882年俄文版序言???????????????????????14

2. 1892年波兰文版序言??????????????????????15 3. 1893年意大利文版序言?????????????????????15 三、《宣言》序言中马克思主义理论创新精神对中国共产党理论创新的影响????16

1. 马克思主义理论创新的实质是继承和发展?????????????16

2.中国共产党理论创新的发展过程 ?????????????????18 结 语????????????????????????????????21 参考文献????????????????????????????????22

后 记???????????????????????????????24

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