新课标高考作文24个话题写作必备语块 联系客服

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1. 保护生存环境 protect living environment

2. 保护环境 protect/preserve the environment

3. 保护生态环境 preserve/protect the ecological environment

4. 提高人们的环保意识 raise people’s awareness of environment protection 5. 爱护树木花草 care for trees and plants 6.骑自行车上班 ride bicycles to work 7.课本/垃圾回收利用 recycle textbooks/trash 8.乘坐公共交通 take public transport

9.正确处理垃圾 deal with rubbish properly 10.节约能源/水 save energy/water

11.不随地扔垃圾/吐痰 don’t litter/spit everywhere 12.分类垃圾 sort the garbage

13.禁止滥用塑料袋 ban abusing plastic bags 14.禁止在公共场合吸烟 ban smoking in public places 15.减少污染 reduce pollution

16.控制人口增长 control the population growth 17.降低青少年犯罪 lower the rate of teenage crime 18.智能手机 smart phone 19.深化改革 deepen reform

20.把??考虑进去 take sth. into consideration

21.科学发展观 the Scientific Outlook on Development

22.走中国特色社会主义道路 follow the path of socialism with Chinese


23.无法忽视这一事实 there is no denying the fact that 24.不可否认 we cannot ignore the fact that

25.毫无疑问 there is no doubt that; undoubtedly

学校为了提高我们的环保意识,开展了一次“低碳生活,从我做起” Low carbon life, starts from me 的活动。活动呼吁我们认真考虑低碳生活的有用措施。我们讨论出:1. 不随地乱扔垃圾、吐痰;并正确处理垃圾,做好垃圾分类。

2. 节约资源,包括水,电,粮食等。

3. 不滥用塑料袋,改用可重复使用的环保袋。 4. 出行多乘坐公共交通;骑自行车也是不错的选择,既可以保护生存环境,又可以锻炼身体。

Recently, in order to raise our awareness of environmental protection, our school carried out an activity whose theme is “Low carbon life, starts from me”. The activity calls on us to take the useful measures into consideration seriously. After discussion, we think that we should not litter and spit everywhere and in terms of dealing with rubbish, we can sort it. In our daily life, we should also save resources, including water, electricity and food, and furthermore, when going shopping, we should use reusable recycle bag instead of plastic bags. If we want to go out, we can take public transport, and of course, riding bicycles is a good choice because it can not only protect living environment but build up our body strength.



1.文物 cultural objects/relics

2.古迹,历史遗迹 historical site; places of historic interest 3.保护文化遗产 protect cultural relics/heritage 4.灿烂的历史文化 the brilliant history and culture 5.了解我们的民族文化 learn about our national culture 6.民族自豪感 a sense of national pride 7.废除奴隶制 abolish slavery

8.一代一代传下来 be passed down/on form generation to generation 9.起源于 had its origins in; originated from/with 10.被描述成 be described as 11. 被公认是 be acknowledged as 12. 被认为是 be considered (as/to be) 13. 据说是 be said to be

14. 一位剪纸大师 a master of paper cutting

15. 开始存在,产生 come into being/come into existence 16 .掌权,上台 come into power

17. 具有悠久历史的国家 a country with a long history

18. 以其文明的历史而著称 be famous for its history of civilization 19. 一个文明古国 a country with an ancient civilization

20. 有丰富的自然资源和旅游资源 be rich in natural and tourism resources 21.学习中国历史 study Chinese history 22.带领某人参观某地 show sb. around 23.唐朝 The Tang Dynasty

24.五四运动 the May Fourth Movement 25.前一年 the previous year 连句成篇

1. 中国,一个有着灿烂历史文化的文明古国,拥有丰富的自然资源和旅游资源。(同位语,非限制性定语从句)

2. 为了了解我们的民族文化,Mr.Zhang带领我们参观了博物馆,在那里,我们了解了剪纸。(定语从句)

3. 剪纸是传统的民间艺术,历史悠久,起源于1000多年前。(现在分词做后置定语)

4. 据说,从清朝时期开始盛行,然后一代一代传下来。

5. 了解了一些中国的文化遗产后,我们都产生了强烈名族自豪感。(现在分词做时间状语)

China, a country with an ancient civilization, which has the brilliant history and culture, is rich in natural and tourism resources. In order to learn about our national culture, Mr. Zhang showed us around the museum, where we have known about paper-cutting. It is a traditional folk art with a long history, dating back to more than 1000 years ago. It is said that in Qing Dynasty, paper-cutting became popular and were passed down from generation to generation. Having learnt about some Chinese heritage, we all have a sense of national pride.


话题23:社 会

1.弱势群体 disadvantaged groups

2.稳步增长 rise/grow steadily/the steady growth (of…) 3.做好事 do a good deed 4.自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth. 5.对??负责 be responsible for 6.工作经验 working experience

7.积极参加社会实践 take an active part in the social practice 8.对??有影响 make a difference to 9.认为??是理所当然 take it for granted 10.与某人分享/共用(??) share (…) with sb 11.将某事归功于某人 owe sth.to sb.

12.满足需求 satisfy/meet the needs (of…) 13.自改革开放以来 since reform and opening-up 14.得出结论 reach/come to/draw a conclusion 15.劝他戒烟 advise him to give up smoking 16. 做??有困难 have difficulty (in) doing… 17. 不遗余力做某事 spare no efforts to do sth 18. 由??引起 arise from; result from

19. (想法或注意)被想到;某人想到(某主意) occur to sb 20. 碰巧做某事 happen to do sth; it happens that 21.为社会作贡献 make contributions to the society 22.调整自己以适应新生活 adjust oneself to the new life

23.根据表格/曲线图中所给的数字 according to the figures given by the


24.随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development/groth of economy 25.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/recognized that…


1. 自改革开放以来,随着经济的快速发展和稳步增长,社会要求我们有更多的社会责任感。

2. 我们要调整自己以适应社会的发展。

3. 另外,我们应该不遗余力地为社会做贡献,满足社会发展的需求。 4. 除了保护我们的生存环境外,我还应尽力帮助弱势群体。 5. 人们普遍认为,只有对自己和社会负责,才能让我们的生活更美好。(only倒装句)

Since reform and opening-up, with the rapid development and the steady growth of economy, society has required more responsibility of us. We should adjust ourselves to the development of society. Furthermore, we should spare no effort to make contributions to the society to satisfy/ meet the needs of development. Aside from protecting our living environment, disadvantaged groups also need our help. It is commonly believed that only if we are responsible for ourselves as well as society can we make our lives better.



1. 相声 a cross talk 2. 京剧 Beijing Opera 3. (书)出版 come out

4. 根据,以??为基础 be based on

5. 以??为(故事发生)背景 be set in… 6.在??中担任主角,主演 star in 7.作为??而著称 be known as 8.在??中受欢迎 be popular in

9.当代文学 contemporary literature 10.民间文学 folk literature

11.传统的民间艺术 traditional folk art

12.艺术展览 an art exhibition/gallery 13.我最喜欢的画家 my favorite painter

14.写了许多剧本/短篇小说 write many dramas/short stories 15.欣赏诗歌 appreciate poetry 16.写了三篇散文 write three essays

17.从事文学创作 engage in literary creation 18.把小说改编为电影 adapt novels for movies

19.得到诺贝尔文学奖 gain the Nobel Prize in Literature 20.没有灵感 without inspiration

21.一部现实主义小说/一幅写实画 a realistic novel/drawing 22.抽象派艺术/画家 an abstract art/painter 23.生动的描述 a vivid description

24.一位杰出的艺术家 an outstanding artist/a distinguished artist 25.莫言的一部代表作 one of Mo Yan’s masterpieces


1. 莫言,是我最喜爱的作家,作为杰出的小说家而著称。(同位语)

2. 他一直从事文学创作。其中,他的一部代表作《红高粱》被改编为电影。 3. 他的作品将虚幻与现实相结合,并加以生动的描述,深受人们欢迎。(非限制性定语从句)

4. 2012年,莫言获得了诺贝尔文学奖。

5. 据说,他还非常喜爱中国的传统民间文化,如相声、京剧等。

Mo Yan, my favorite writer, is knowns as an outstanding novelist. He has been engaging in creating literary works, and one of his masterpieces named Red Sorghum was adapted novels for movies. He combines illusion and reality with vivid descriptions in his works, which are popular with many people. In 2012, he gained the Nobel Prize in Literature. Moreover, it is said that he likes Chinese traditional folk art, such as cross talk, Beijing Opera, etc.