新版pep六年级英语下册第二单元检测试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章新版pep六年级英语下册第二单元检测试卷更新完毕开始阅读23a29011da38376bae1fae9a


年级_______ 姓名________ 得分________ 一、找出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. drank B. lived C. want ( ) 2. A. museum B. hotel C. show

( ) 3. A. sister B. better C. faster

( ) 4. A. before B. both C. after ( ) 5. A. eight B. first C. third

二、写出下列单词的过去式。( 10分)

1. do _________ 2. wash ___________ 3. see __________

4. have _______ 5. go _______ 6. is _______ 7. stay ______

8. read ________ 9. sleep ________ 10. live ___________ 三、选择填空 。(20分)

1. Did he ______ the library on Tuesday ?

A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning 2. Tom visited his uncle ____________.

A. now B. next week C. last week 3. My father __________ dinner at six o’clock . A. washed B. cooked C. lived 4. It _______ good , thank you.

A. did B. are C. was 5. _________ did you go yesterday morning ? I went to the library .

A. Where B. What C. When 6. They ________ a flower show last weekend . A. saw B. seeing C see 7. My father usually ________ to work by car .

A. go B. goes C. going

8. I played the pipa _____________ .

A. tomorrow B. every day C. yesterday 9. We want to __________ the Great Wall.

A. visit B. visits C. visted

10. His schoolbag is ________ than mine .

A. cute B. bigger C. small 四、根据中文提示,将句子补充完整。(10分)

1. My parents _______________(看电影) last night . 2. Some children ______________(感冒) last month . 3. Where did you go ______________________(前天) ? 4. Tom was very tired . So yesterday he _________________.


5. I’m going to _________________(画画) in the park . 6. Did he __________________ (去购物) last night . No, he ___________________(待在家里).

7. Tom will _____________(参观博物馆) __________(下个周末).

8. My uncle sometimes ________(吃午饭) at one o’clock.


( ) 1. How was your weekend ? A. I played football.

( ) 2. What day is it today ? B. It was Sunday .

( ) 3. What day was yesterday ? C. It was great .

( ) 4.Was it interesting? D. It is Monday . ( ) 5.What did you do yesterday ? E. Yes, it was . 六、连词成句 ,注意句子开头的字母要大写。(10分) 1. TV / I / at / stayed / and / home / watched / .


2. was / your / how / weekend / ?

____________________________________________________ 3. last / you / do / what / did / weekend / ?

____________________________________________________ 4. you / else / do / anything / did / ?

____________________________________________________ 5. I / at / stayed / your / home / with / grandma / .

____________________________________________________ 七、从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10分) A. It was fine . B. We had a football match . C. It was Sunday . D. Yes, but I was very happy . E. Yes, I won the game . A: What day was it yesterday ? B: _____________________________

A: What was the weather like yesterday ? B: ____________________________ A: What did you do ?

B: I saw a film . What about you ? A: _____________________________ B: Did you win the Game ?

A: _____________________________ B: Were you tired ?

A: _____________________________ 八、阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F) 。(10分)

Hi, I’m Joe. I like watching TV and listening to music very much. Before dinner I listened to music and after dinner I watched TV every day last week. On Monday, there was a football match between Chinese team

and American team. It was exciting. I watched the cartoon on Tuesday evening. There was a good movie on Thursday. I watched evening news(晚间新闻) before I went to bed on Friday evening. On weekend, I watched DVDs. Do you like watching TV like me?

( ) 1. Last week, he watched TV every day . ( ) 2. There was an exciting football match on


( ) 3. He watched weather report on Friday evening . ( ) 4. He watched the cartoon on Monday evening . ( ) 5. He likes listening to music very much . 九、书面表达。()

Bob和弟弟度过了一个愉快的周末。他们都做了些什么呢?参考表格所给短语,写一篇50词左右的短文。(作文另附) Saturday(morning/afternoon) Sunday(morning/afternoon) went to a park / saw a film went to a park / saw a film washed their clothes did homework / watched TV