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6.Games a .I can read b.Listen and do 7.Read after the tape. 8.Answer the questions. 9.Listen and repeat. Ⅳ . Consolidation 师1.Game. 2.Write some sentences. Ⅴ. Homework 生 1.Read the text. 2.Activity Book Lesson 6 教学随笔 活 动 过 程 教后记


课题 教学 目标 Unit 4 Easter Lesson 7 课 时 计 划

第 1 课时 总 7课时 1.知识目标:a.掌握本课新词:Easter, paint, hide和look for b.进一步区分和巩固一般将来时和现在进行时。 2.能力目标:能将一般将来时和现在进行时在实际情景中进行运用。 3.文化意识:帮助学生了解复活节的由来以及与复活节有关的活动和东西。4.情感目标:通过本课的学习,使学生对所接触的国外文化习俗感兴趣,乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 重点 掌握新词Easter, paint, hide和look for,并应用句型“be going to do”和“be doing” 难点 在情景中进行交流和应用。 教具 1.Some pictures of new words.2.a recorder Ⅰ.Warm-up 教学随笔 1.Greetings. 2.Sing an English song “A Happy Song”. 3.Watch VCD about the Easter Ⅱ .Prensentation 师1.Unit 4 Easter Lesson 7 T: What is the film about? Yes,复活节,Easter. Easter ,Easter. Today we’re going to learn Lesson 7. It’s about Easter. 生 2.T: Look at the screen. What’s the Easter?Let’s have a look. When Easter is coming,people often hide the colored eggs.They ask children to find the eggs.Today, let’s play this game together, 活 OK? 3.T:(Show an egg .)Look, what’s this?Now, I’m going to paint the egg. 动 (show the word: paint.learn it) 4.T: Now I’m going to paint the egg.What’s your favorite color? Blue? OK, 过 paint it blue.Look, I’m painting the egg.Who would like to try? Look, she is going to paint the egg. 5.T:Well, look at the egg. Now I’m going to hide the egg. learn 程 the wor:hide 6.T: So, who would like to hide the egg? Look, she is hiding the egg. 7.T: Look at the egg, now I’m going to hide the egg in your seat. Who would like to look for it? 育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰

8.T: They’re going to look for the egg. Now, let’s play again. 教学随笔 This time, you should say:They’re looking for the egg. 9. T: Look at the screen. What’s the difference between the two sentences? 10.T: Easter is coming. Mrs. Miller is going to make some Easter eggs. Let’s go and have a look.Learn to say on page 29. Ⅲ.Practice Make sentences with “be going to do”and “be doing”. 师Ⅳ.Let’s chant. Ⅴ.Homework 1.Read the text. 生 2.Activity Book Lesson 7 活 动 过 程 教后记


课 时 计 划

课题 教学 目标 Unit 4 Easter Lesson 8 第 1 课时 总 8 课时 1. 词汇:Bunny,cute,chocolate, Easter card, Easter Bunny, Easter present, chocolate egg,chicken egg 2.功能:能简单谈论复活节 3.情感:继续培养学生了解西方文化的意识 重点 能简单谈论复活节. 难点 教具 ①Some pictures of the words .②a recorder Ⅰ.Warm-up 教学随笔 1. 1.Greetings. 2. 2.Let’s chant: Looking for Easter Eggs Ⅱ.Review 1.The words and phrases: 师 Easter,paint,hide,paint the eggs, hide the eggs,look for the eggs. 2.Ask students to show their Easter eggs and speak out their colors. 生 Ⅲ. Prensentation 1.Unit 4 Easter Lesson 8 2.T:Yesterday,we learned something about Easter, Today,we’ll go 活 on to learn something about Easter. T: When is Easter? Lead to answer:In March or April. It comes in March or April. 动 On Easter,people send easter cards to each other.There is a mascot—easter bunny.It can paint eggs, it can hide the eggs in the garden. 过 3.Learn the phrases: chicken eggs. chocolate eggs.easter present .cute 4.Show a picture and ask: 程 Who are they? They are Sally,Wang Tao and Chen Ling. 5.Point to the card and ask : What’s this? It ‘s an easter card. 6.Point to the rabbit and ask :What’s this? Answer it by oneself: It’s the Easter Bunny. It’s so cute. 育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰