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发布时间 : 星期二 文章易混代词辨析更新完毕开始阅读1ede270a03d8ce2f0066235a


1. few, a few, little, a little

be satisfied with; What a pity that...

例. What a pity that Tina has made ______ mistakes in the English test. (金山) A) just little B) quite a few C) few D) a little

★ 在与only, still连用时用肯定形式,即a few, a little. 例:--- How much time do we have? --- Only _________.

A. a few B. little C. a little D. a lot

2. some & any


(1) 用于

★ 希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句

1. adj. (2) 可数名词(复数) & 不可数名词

some (3) 可数名词(单数) 表“未确指的人、事物或地点”

2. pron. Some... others; Some... the others;


(1) 用于 疑问句

1. adj. ★ 肯定句 (修饰可数名词单数,表“任何一个”)

any (2) 可数名词 & 不可数名词

2. pron. ★ any & either

Would you like some tea?

Mom, could you give me some money?

You may take any of them.

You can get the book at any of the bookstores.

★ some和any构成的复合不定代词适用句型同some和any.

例:--- Is __________ here?

--- No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.

A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody

例:--- Do you have ________ at home now, Allen?

--- No, we still have to get several pounds of fruit and some tea.

A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

例:--- What else do you want?

--- Nothing else. I think I have got _____________ ready. A) Something B) Nothing C) Anything D) Everything 例:The math problem is too difficult for ______ in our group to work out. Would you

please do us a favour?

A) someone B) no one C) anyone D) one 例:(2011宝山一模完型)

Over the years, people have benefited from(从……受益) many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from such accidents as car and plane crashes. Tomorrow, almost everyone has (91) __________ kind of insurance.

91. A) certain B) any C) some D) one 【some用法】可数名词(单数) 表“未确指的人、事物或地点”

3. none & nobody & no one & nothing

none: ≧3;人和物;与of短语连用;多回答How many/much提问的疑问句; no one = nobody: 人;不与of短语连用;多回答who提问的疑问句; nothing: 物;不与of短语连用;多回答what提问的疑问句

例:--- Who has been to Hawaii? --- _______ has.

A. No one B. I C. All of us D. None

例:--- How many students are there in the classroom?

--- _______.

A. Nobody B. No one C. None D. Neither

例:--- I’m hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge?

--- _________, but we have cakes. Would you like to have one?

A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing

4. each & every



【比较】each side of the road & every side of the square

例:There are a lot of colorful flowers on ______ sides of the street.

A) each B) both C) either D) all

5. either – both – neither; any – all – none;

肯定(修饰单数) 肯定(修饰复数) 否定(修饰复数) 两者 either both neither 三者及以上 any all none


1. 找范围(两者 or 三者); 2. 找所修饰名词的单复数; 3. 找谓语动词的单复数; 4. 注意隐藏的范围信息; 5. 句意理解也重要;

例:--- Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or the mobile phone?

--- ______. I enjoy using QQ.

A) either B) both C) neither D) none

例:It's a nuisance(令人讨厌的事) that __________ side of the narrow street is

crowded with cars.

A) none B) neither C) both D) either

例:___________ of the two boys is going to make a further study in the USA.

A) Both B) Neither C) None D) All

例:Tony invited the twins to the party, but ______ came at last.

A) both B) all C) neither D) none

例:--- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

--- I’m afraid ________ day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

例:You can’t take the two tickets, but you may take __________ of them. A) both B) every C) neither D) either

例:--- Which share is meant for me?

--- You can take ________ half. They’re exactly the same.

A. this B. any C. each D. either

例:I’d like to know whether ______ of you is planning for a study trip abroad.

A) some B) any C) both D) all



例:________ my father ________ my mother like playing table tennis.

A) Neither, nor B) Not only, but also C) Either, or D) Both, and

6. other, others, the other, the others, another.

※ other: + n.(pl);泛指

※ others: = other + n.(pl);泛指

1. 两者之间:one... the other... ※ the other:

2. 多者之间:the other + n.(pl) / 数词 = the others (特指)

※ the others: = the other + n.(pl) / 数词 = the rest (一定范围内,剩下所有)

1. another + 可数名词单数:再,另,(三者及以上) ※ another: 2. another + 数词 + n.(pl) = 数词 + more + n.(pl)

例:There is a flower shop on _____ side of the street. Let’s go and buy some flowers

A) another B) the other C) both D) others

例:There are only two students in the classroom. ____ have gone to the playground. A) The other B) The others C) Another D) Others

例:I have got six colour pens. One is read, another is blue and ___ four are all green.

A) other B) the others C) others D) the other

例:It was a terrible accident. One passenger was killed, and ______ was badly hurt. A. the others B. the other C. others D. the rest

例:If you want to change for a double room,you’ll have to pay________$15.

A. another B. other C. more D. each

7. one; it; that;

① it指上文提到过的事物(特定)。(可数&不可数) ② one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个(不特定),如果是复数则用ones。(可数)

③ that常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的名词,避免重复.(可数&不可数)

例:--- Why don’t we take a little break?

--- Didn’t we just have________?

A. it B. that C. one D. this

例:There is only an English-Chinese dictionary in that book-shop. I wonder if you

still want to buy________.

A. it B. one C. another D. any

例:--- Have you got any books on music? I want to borrow _______.

--- Yes. You can find them on the top shelf of the second bookcase. A. it B. any C. one D. them

★ it与名词考点结合

例:I like ______ very much. My mother usually cooks it in different ways.

A) potatoes B) tomatoes C) fish D) noodles

例:My class teacher has given me lots of ___________. They’re very useful.

A) information B) advice C) suggestions D) news