机械毕业设计英文外文翻译370汽车前照灯自适应发展综述 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章机械毕业设计英文外文翻译370汽车前照灯自适应发展综述更新完毕开始阅读1ed589f3bceb19e8b8f6ba7c

enough; Lines of the ground does not level off; When parking lights and the level of the instrument headlamp distance is not accurate; The longitudinal axis and inspection instrument vehicle guide not vertical; Instrument range is not accurate. These are caused by the unqualified headlamp factors, among which light inspection instrument because every year by special inspection agency calibration and qualified rear can use, therefore, the vehicle itself problem is the main reason. Vehicles unit, drivers and keep the repair personnel should be paid much attention to. Automobile lamps adaptive system to, corner sensor, abundant between front axle, control unit altitude sensor (ECU), and stepper motor of headlights. The basic principle is: when the automobile longitudinal swing, ECU acquisition sensor signal, through the internal control strategy, control the stepping motor rotation, thus promote headlamps turned the corresponding point of view, the main design to car longitudinal swing automobile lamps automatic adjust the Angle made drivers can have greater vision, reduce the driver's blind area, and avoiding risk, improve the security and stability of the car, this is very important.

With more and more bright lights at night at the same time, improve visibility, how to avoid strong light onto the driveway, and to cause to car drivers of smooth shadow produces visual residual, losing the ability to identify and road conditions should be a body in a dangerous situation, so

can effective improve the scope of the automotive lighting and Angle, is improve the night driving safety important issue. In addition to the steering wheel steering Angle according to the head lamp or so direction adjustment, reduce the parameters of the night vision blind Angle, but also must pay attention to the fluctuation level, because body vulnerable to load average or not is the way, ups and downs changes, resulting in body produce Angle, joint influence round the point of view of the project lamp. Pledge lamp too high, easy to make projection Angle to car drivers have dazzle light problem, when cast Angle is too low, the line of sight of driving itself could be a deficiency, or less than myself or others will be exposed to danger, so level (elevation Angle) control is necessary to maintain the stability of the lighting Angle. The head lamp level control from the early passive manual adjustment, half active into the present automatic type, half is active in a car the adjustment, automatic type is braking can also do real-time adjustments. Level automatically adjust the system based on the foundation of the original setting Angle, through the height difference sensors detect body under circumstances, calculate the light cast Angle offset, upwards or to adjust HID DengZu, maintain proper illuminate Angle. Advanced level automatically adjust the Angle projection system, will also make adjustment screw with speed. A high speed will further, in beam to real time see the greater distance road conditions, slow speed, lighting Angle to correction, avoid exposure

to the driveway. Intelligent lamp is the lamp of the technology another development the mainstream. Adaptive headlights integrated operation speed, steering Angle and the degree of body forward has happened to adjust the parameters as the direction of the light source, so according to strictly can only be regarded as passively accept driver needs to adjust the lighting Angle, and active steering head lamp still had some differences. Released in 2008 and is expected to active the head lamp system, to receive more information to determine the appropriate again after the head lamp brightness and Angle projection, to the so-called active safety state. In addition to the existing wheel shaft height difference sensors, steering sensors,, the electronic control unit can order early to drive system, adjust the lighting Angle and light type.



