2013届高考英语 二轮语法强化训练14 形容词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2013届高考英语 二轮语法强化训练14 形容词更新完毕开始阅读1ecbd83a43323968011c924d

20.Americans eat ________vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A.more than twice C.twice as many as

B.as twice as many D.more than twice as many

答案 D [more than表示比较,意为“比??多,多于??”;另外,“倍数+as+many/much+名词+as...”是一种固定的倍数表达方式。] Ⅱ.试说新语(每题1分,共7分) 21.identify(熟义:v.鉴定;说明身份)

One can't identify happiness with wealth. 22.ill(熟义:adj.生病的)

It's no good speaking ill of others. 23.immediate(熟义:adj.立刻的,即时的)

Is there a post office in the immediate neighborhood? ________


His success was due to industry. 25.inspire(熟义:v.激励;鼓舞)

His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. 26.instruct(熟义:v.命令,指示)

I instruct you in English.=I teach you English. 27.follow(熟义:v.跟着;效仿)

He followed a legal career.







答案 21.v.认为某物等同于 22.adj.& adv.坏的/地 23.adj.最接近的 24.n.努 力,勤勉 25.v.启发 26.v.教,训练 27.v.从事(某职业);遵循(某生活方式)

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