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发布时间 : 星期日 文章2003江苏省专转本英语真题以及答案更新完毕开始阅读1c5156c0aa00b52acfc7caa3

A. the school master made a lot of money and got rich B. the school master became very famous among young students

C. more and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays D. more and more young students came to study at his school

8. According to the passage, young people can pay less for their stay in the hostel if ____.

A. they share their food with each other

B. they can prove they have joined the hostel organization C. they have brought enough equipment with them D. they can prove that they are from a foreign country

9. In the author's opinion, young people can learn a lot during the days they speed \because ____.

A. they meet a lot of people from different places

B. they have such useful classes in the hostel as they don't have in schools C. they have more interesting activities than at school D. they are very much interested in life in the hostel

10. Which do you think might be the proper tide for this passage? A. Youth Organization. B. International Travel C. Education Out of School. D. Summer Holidays.

Passage 3

One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is, of course, the

voice of the

advertisers. It shouts at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers; waves to us from

every page of the newspaper; signals to us from the roadside bill-boards all day and flashes

messages to us in colored lights all night.

Advertising has been among England's biggest growth industries since the war. Perhaps the

reason is that advertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer.

At the stage of designing and developing a product, there is quite enough to think about without

worrying over whether anybody will want to buy it. The designer is busy enough without adding

customer-appeal to all his other problems of man-hours and machine tolerance and stress factors. So

they just go ahead and make the thing and leave it to the advertiser to find clever ways of making it

appeal to purchasers after they have finished it, by pretending that it confers(赋予) status, or attracts love, or signifies manliness.

Other manufacturers find advertising saves them from changing their product. And manufacturers

hate change. The ideal product is one that goes on unchanged forever. If, therefore, for one reason or

another, some alteration seems called for-how much better to change the image, the packet or the

pitch made by the product, rather than go to all the inconvenience of changing the product itself.

11. Which of the following can best describe the author's attitude toward modem advertising?

A. Indifferent B. Shocked C. Disappearing D. Approving

12. According to the author, which is NOT the designer's chief concern when he designs a product?

A. Stress factors B. Man-hours.

C. Machine tolerance D. Customer-appeal.

13. It is stated in the passage that those responsible for giving a product customer-appeal are ____.

A. customers B. designers C. advertisers D. manufacturers

14. According to the author, when some change in a product is necessary, a manufacturer will choose to ____.

A. lower the production cost B. hire a better designer C. improve its quality D. alter its image

15. The best title for the passage might be ____. A. Advertising since the War B. Advertising and Manufacturers

C. Advertising-England's Biggest Industry D. Advertising and Purchasers

Passage 4

All that we really need to plot out the future of our universe are a few good measurements. This

does not mean that we can sit down today and outline the future course of the universe with anything

like certainty. There are still too many things we don't know about the way the universe is put

together. But we do know exactly what information we need to fill in our knowledge, and we have a

pretty good idea of how to go about getting it. Perhaps the best way to think of our present situation

is to imagine a train coming into a switchyard( 调车场). All of the switches(转辙器)are set before the

train arrives, so that its path is completely determined. Some switches we can see. others we cannot.

There is no ambiguity if we can see the setting of a switch; we can say with confidence that some

possible futures will not materialize and others will. At the unseen switches, however, there is no