综合英语3部分Paraphrase答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章综合英语3部分Paraphrase答案更新完毕开始阅读1c1bdee3a58da0116c174968

1.When we start to tell a first lie, we would enter a very complicate situation, as the first lie often requires more other lies to cover it up, thus the whole structure of lies becomes so complex that it ensnares the liar.

2.One is more likely to tell lies, his ability to tell the truth from the falsehood is dulled, and he may become less cautious against being caught.

1.When they start school, children are curious and ready to try every means to explore the unknown. However, they end up losing the pioneering spirit after years of formal education.

2.”Advanced ” learners are likely to make some mistakes. For example, they may become excessively satisfied with their progress or, on the contrary, put too much pressure on themselves to accomplish further achievement.

1.Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: it is thought about before being prepared; it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared; and when it is ready, it is enjoyed with excessive amount of time. 2.The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts: one is the increased desire for sensual pleasures and freedom from age-old customs in the West; the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater.

1.It would be unwise to pursue a goal that is bound /doomed to fail, even though it might be noble to pursue if the goal were achievable.

2.I think the essence of wisdom is to try one’s best to free oneself/one’s horizon from the strict confinement/control/rule of the present time and space as much as possible.

1.Good poets have stopped writing poems,because there are fewer and fewer readers and fellow poets. They cannot depend on poetry writing for a living, and there is no more poetic society from which they can draw inspirations and stimulations.

2.The point of poetry is to express and record emotions. So when you read poems, you will observe the emotions of the poet and when you write your own poem, you need to observe and organize your own.

1.I planned to be/keep observant and silent so that nobody would notice/note/be aware that I was a newcomer in college. 2.For three days, I myself had been preoccupied with humiliation and shame, and ate only various junk food from a vending machine which had been cleverly fixed outside my dorm room.

3.It didn’t matter whether or not you were widely accepted or admired. And running with the tide was not a law of existence any more on college campus.

1.He had dedicated all his time to his work and had no hobby at all, except that he played a golf game every month, which cannot be taken as a hobby anyway. 2.Their daughter said that, when the children were still small, her father had become a company man and her mother had given up any attempt to keep him at home.

1.People in the United States tend to drive for basically every purpose, so much so that they have forgotten that they still have legs and about what their legs can do.

2.I admit that I have never realized I had been so stupid.

3.…but later I came to know that I was probably the only one who had ever attempted to cross that intersection on foot.

1.People got the modern idea at some unspecified or unknown time/ sometime in human history that they can have fun whenever they ask for it, that they should have fun; otherwise they would be leading a dull and bitter life as Puritans.

2.We have long assumed that fun was easy to have, but now we are paying a price for that shallow-mindedness, i.e., our party is hardly as much fun as we has expected it to be.