2019年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试卷及答案(C类) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试卷及答案(C类)更新完毕开始阅读1ad55512ab00b52acfc789eb172ded630b1c98a1


A. will replace B. replace C. are replacing D. have replaced 41. She married a very nice young architect from Belfast, ____ she met on a bus during her journey to Northern Ireland. A. who B. when C. which D. where 42. It is a kind of illness that can result in total blindness if ____ A. to leave untreated B. is left untreated C. leaving untreated D. left untreated

43. ----I’m so disappointed with my son! He just wouldn’t practice the piano! ----Take it easy. You can lead ____ to water, but you can’t make it drink.

A. a duck B. a horse C. a cow D. a dog

44. ----Good morning, Madam! I’d like some information about the course. ----Certainly. ____

A. I’m afraid I don’t know more than you either. B. Is there anything I can do for you? C. What exactly would you like to know? D. How much information did you know?

45. ---- How do you feel about countries that don’t try to reduce global warming? ---- ____, those countries care more about money than saving the planet.

A. As far as I’m concerned B. It’s none of our business C. We’re not to blame D. Things are under control

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

According to recent surveys, 72% of all Americans believe that the United States government is (46) hi____ information about UFOs. Almost 68% of people think that the government has secret knowledge of extraterrestrial life. It is not (47) ____ (surprise) that the government has come under more and more (48) pr____ to

declassify its UFO records and make them public. A variety of different groups have been involved in these efforts.

One group to become involved is called CFI, the Coalition for Freedom of

Information, John Podesta, who was White House Chief of Staff during Bill Clinton’s (49) ____(president), is one of the many high-powered people active in this group. CFI’s aim is not to prove the (50) ____(exist) of extraterrestrial life, but to make it easier for scientists in general to study unexplained aerial phenomena. Podesta and his group has asked the Pentagon to declassify its UFO records and therefore provide scientists (51) ____ data that will help in the study of UFOs.

CFI has requested the release of information on several UFO cases, starting with the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, incident. This incident took (52) ____ in 1965 when a large acorn-shaped object, the size of a small car, crashed in Pennsylvania. Some



analysts say it could have been the spacecraft Kosmos 96 that had been launched towards Venus by the Soviet Union, but failed to escape Earth’s (53) g____. Others say the object did not look anything like spacecraft built on Earth in 1965.

(54) Add____, the people of Kecksburg want to know what happened. On that (55) af____, hundreds of eyewitnesses watched a fiery streak of light descend from the sky towards Earth. Officials explained that nothing was found or recovered and that maybe the fireball in the sky was a meteor. But many witnesses say they saw a number of military personnel from the Army and the Air Force search the woods, and later that evening, saw a large military tractor-trailer coming from the area carrying a large object under a tarp.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)

Read the following passage. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the questions using information from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Section A (10 marks)

Questions 56-60 are based on the following passage.

The average automatic teller machine (ATM) is not very smart. It will give money to anyone who has the right card and punches four or five keys in the right order. Some analysts estimate that as many as 30% of ATM transaction worldwide are cases of theft. To increase security at cash machines, some banks have tried to make their ATMs a little smarter. A small camera on the machine looks directly into the eye of every customer. It scans one iris and compares the tiny patterns of ridges, dots, and other features to a code in its computer. If there is a match, the ATM will start

counting out cash. If not, a message is automatically sent to the nearest police station. Iris-scanning is one fast-growing form of biometric identification --- determining who someone is by examining features the body. One of the earliest biometric

techniques was fingerprinting. The line on fingerprints are unique to each person, so not even identical twins have the same fingerprints. Fingerprinting has become famous as a way of finding out who committed a crime, but it very often fails. A careful criminal can swear gloves, avoid touching thing, or even alter his fingerprints by burning, cutting, or scraping them. In the search for a more reliable system, security experts have focused on the eye.

Like a fingerprint, every iris is, for all practical purposes, unique. Each person’s right iris is even different from his or her left one. A low-cost digital camera, like the kind installed at ATM machines, can easily detect hundreds of different features in the iris. The chance of two irises having the same features is close to zero. Tests have shown that iris-scanners are very hard to fool. They can tell the difference between a real iris and a false one. They can see right through colored contact lenses, eyeglasses, and even mirrored sunglasses. Although many criminal are willing to burn or cut their fingers in pursuit of the perfect crime, few would be willing or able to alter their




To make iris-scanning work, a computerized database has to match certain iris features with certain people. This means that each ATM customer has to allow a bank to photograph his or her iris and keep that highly personal information in a computer. Some people have worried, however, that an increased use of iris-scanning will lead to a dangerous loss of privacy. By mounting iris-scan cameras in public places,

governments could track a private citizen all day long without the person’s knowledge. This would be a great advantage to the police, but it could also give corrupt officials a new way to control their opponents. The military’s development of tiny robots suggests that government iris-scanners could even invade private homes!

Questions 56-60

Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, with only one word for each blank.

ATM transactions are often cases of theft, where an unauthorized user takes (56) ____. To decrease insecurity, some banks have installed iris-scanning machines at ATMs. These small cameras scan the user’s iris, recording its features and (57) ____ them to a digital file. Every person has a (58) ____ iris, making iris identification highly reliable. Earlier efforts at biometric identification often relied on fingerprints. However, fingerprints can easily be (59) ____ through cutting, burning or scrapping. Iris scanners are so effective that they can even see through contact lenses and mirrored sunglasses. Use of iris scanners would provide great advantages to the police. However, others worry about a loss of (60) ____.

Section B (10 marks)

Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.

Seed catalogues feature hundreds of flowering species. For the persons just beginning garden this can be bewildering, and below are the details of some popular choices, nearly all of which should be sown in the spring. With the exception of busy lizzies, which need a little care, they are all very easy to grow from seed. Dahlias

These are sturdy plants bearing showy flowers in a wide range of rather gaudy colors. Sow in a frame in April and plant the seedlings out when frosts are over. Dahlias flower throughout the summer and into the autumn. When autumn frosts begin to make them look unhappy, you should dig up the tuberous roots and save them. A frost-free loft, shed or garage is the ideal place. The following spring you plant the tubers instead of sowing seed again. Lupins

Lupins are hardy perennials. This means that the plants will stay in your garden and carry on flowering year after year. Seed sown in April will usually give you some spikes of colors in the first summer, and year by year the plants get bigger and the flowering stems get taller and grander. Selective breeding has led to the introduction of some fine, bicolored varieties in some dazzling shades. The short-lived flowers



make a real misunderstanding spectacle.

Busy lizzies Like dahlias, busy lizzies need to be started off under glass, as they cannot stand frost, and panting out is best done in May. Outdoor flowering ends in September, so beat the frosts and bring your favorite specimens indoors to give your home some sinter color! Indoors they will carry on flowering

indefinitely, though you may like to plant them out again when spring returns. Like pansies (below) they do very well in sun or shade, but the soil must be moist. Most varieties grow to be a height of only 20 cm or so. Potentillas

Potentillas are hardy shrubs. In other words, the woody branches spring from ground level—there is no central trunk. Seed is probably best sown in autumn, in which case you should keep the plants in a sheltered spot until April offers favorable conditions for planting out. Once flowering begins in early summer the best varieties (such as Melton Fire) will stay in bloom almost ceaselessly for years on end while at the same time spreading out to provide ground cover or a low hedge. Pansies

Pansies have a good long flowering season year after year, and some varieties can be sown in spring to give truly splendid results the first autumn. Unlike dahlias and lupins, which can easily grow a meter tall, pansies grow no higher than 10 or 20 cm. Their soil, position and moisture requirements are just like those of busy lizzies but pansies differ in being hardy. Give them a try!

Questions 61-63

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

61. Both dahlias and lupins, which are sown in April, need protecting from frost. 62. Brought indoors in autumn, dahlias, busy lizzies and potentillas will carry on flowering almost non-stop.

63. Among all the flowers busy lizzies are not very easy to grow from seed.

Section C (10 marks)

Questions 66-70 are based on the following passage.

When looking for love, people may go to some extreme lengths. They might go on blind dates set up by family and friends. They might write personal ads to place in newspapers. Or they might use a computer to help them in their search for a soul mate by joining an online dating services. Some people have even tried to find their perfect match through game shows on television. Many of these TV dating shows, including The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire? have proved to be ratings blockbusters, with millions of viewers watching each week to find out which of the contestants will find true love.