福建省宁德市2018届高三上学期期末质量检测英语试题 含答案 精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章福建省宁德市2018届高三上学期期末质量检测英语试题 含答案 精品更新完毕开始阅读18fc6bf39c3143323968011ca300a6c30c22f1c2

their 50 .

“Ike, how much do you need?” the mailman asked. My dad said he needed $33 for the

51 , and the mailman took out $50 52 and handed it to my father.

My dad said, “I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back.” The mailman 53 an arm around my father and said it would be okay whether my dad paid him back or not.

The mailman noticed me and said, “Isaac, 54 won’t be this way forever. If you or your

son will 55 today, there will be times when 56 needs your help. Help them within your 57 and tell them what happened today. This will be my 58 . Merry Christmas.”

59 he lives, my father helped others when he could, and I’ve done my best to do my part

in paying his 60 back. 41.A. slept stayed

42.A. looked through knocked down 43.A. upset confused 44.A. removing approaching 45.A. packed up given up 46.A. gone due 47.A. for though 48.A. simple important 49.A. set free

D. searched

B. clothes

C. cards


B. questioned

C. put out

B. boring

C. tough


B. but

C. so


B. modest

C. reasonable


B. saved up

C. used up


B. cleaning

C. observing


B. surprised

C. ashamed


B. looked at

C. knocked on


B. lived

C. worked


50.A. bills belongings 51.A. rent tickets

B. holiday C. mail D.

52.A. suddenly anxiously 53.A. reached put

B. immediately C. unwillingly D.

B. stretched C. twisted D.

54.A. things stories 55.A. miss ignore 56.A. everyone anyone

B. problems C. events D.

B. spend C. remember D.

B. nobody C. someone D.

57.A. imagination sights 58.A. answer regret 59.A. As long as As much as 60.A. money generosity

B. means C. spirit D.

B. payback C. debt D.

B. As soon as C. As far as D.

B. present C. courage D.

第II卷(非选择题 满分50分)

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

A long time ago in China, there was a famous poet named Qu Yuan. He was one of the

emperor’s most loyal 61 (servant). However, the emperor’s advisers were very jealous of Qu Yuan. They said terrible things 62 made him look bad. 63 (fortunate), the emperor believed them and forced the poet to return to his village in the south of the Yangtze River. Upset about 64 (lose) the emperor’s trust, Qu Yuan decided to end his own life. So, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he jumped into the Miluo River and drowned 65 (he). The people in the village felt Qu Yuan was 66 noble man and were sad to hear about his death. So, as a way of paying respects, they 67 (throw) bamboo leaves filled with rice into the river and beat on the drums. This was 68 (keep) the fish from destroying his body. And to honor the poet’s memory, the village made rice dumplings and held boat races on that same day every year. Now, this time of year 69 (call) “Dragon Boat Festival”. We celebrate it to remember Qu Yuan’s devotion 70 the emperor.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。




I took an English exam the other days. During the exam, one of my closely friends, who is not

good in English, kept asking me for the keys to the questions. I refused to help him cheat in an exam. He was so much angry with me that he would not talk to me any more. Later, I manage to have a face-to-face talk with him. I explained to him that I had not helped him cheat in the exam. Then he realized he wrong. Now he study hard every day but we are good friends again. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


的课本剧表演,请你写封邮件通知你校交换生Tom来观看演出,并建议他先了解该剧的内容。 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不记入总词数。

参考词汇:课本剧textbook drama Dear Tom,

I am Li Hua.

Yours, Li Hua



第一、二、三部分: 1-5 ACCAC


11-15 BBABB

16-20 CACCA 36-40 GDCAF

21-25 CBACC 41-45 BAADC 61. servants

65. himself

26-30 BBCDB 31-35 ACBAA

46-50 DBCCD

51-55 ABDAC

56-60 CBBAD

64. losing

62. which/that 63. Unfortunately

66. a

67. threw 68. to keep 69. is called

70. to

(大、小写错误不得分) 第四部分: 短文改错:

I took an English exam the other days. During the exam, one of my closely friends, who is

not good in




English, kept asking me for the keys to the questions. I refused to help him cheat in an exam. He was so much


angry with me that he would not talk to me any more. Later, I manage to have a face-to-face talk with him. I


explained to him that I had not helped him cheat in the exam. Then he realized he ∧ wrong. Now he study hard




every day but we are good friends again.


书面表达:One possible version: Dear Tom,

I am Li Hua. I’m writing to tell you there is going to be a textbook drama performance at the

student activity center of our school at 4 pm next Wednesday. The performance is based on a very famous play “Thunderstorm” by Cao Yu, a master in the drama field in China. I know you have a great interest in Chinese drama and have also studied it a great deal. I bet it will greatly