新视野大学英语综合教程4的Book4-unit1-2答案详解 联系客服

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war toll战争伤亡人数

take a heavy toll造成重大伤亡(或损失)

The earthquake took a heavy toll on several villages. take a/its toll造成损失(或危害、伤亡等) The flood took a toll of 3,000,000 lives.

2. v. sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals

Unit Two

? lucrative: adj. producing much money; profitable

This is a lucrative business.

? manufacture: vt.

1. make goods on a large scale using machinery This firm manufactures cars. 2. invent; make up

You’ll have to manufacture some kind of excuse.

? approximately: adv. more or less exactly

approximate: adj. fairly correct or accurate but not completely so

The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900.

? eliminate: vt. remove, esp. sb./sth. that is not wanted or needed; get rid of

She has been eliminated from the swimming race. Pattern: eliminate sth. from sth.

Can we ever eliminate hunger from the world one day?

? in the air: in the earth’s atmosphere; uncertain, not yet decided

Hundreds of birds suddenly rose in the air.

Our plans are still in the air. 我们的计划尚未确定。

? start up: begin or begin working, running, happening, etc.

Put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the car up.

? alert:

1. vt. warn sb. that there may be danger, trouble, etc. The policeman alerted me to the danger. 2. adj. attentive; watchful Pattern: be alert to danger

The squirrels are quite alert to dangers.

Pattern: alert sb. to sth.

CF: alert 指思维敏捷而高度集中,注意着可能发生的事件,尤其是危险的、恐怖的事件,并迅速做出反应。例如:A hunting-dog must be alert.


attentive 强调能够把注意力集中于某事上而不分心、不走神。例如: I wish you would be more attentive to what your teacher has told you.

3. n. a condition or period of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action Pattern: on the alert

The hunters are on the alert for wolves.

? prototype: n. the first model or design of sth. from which other forms are copied

or developed

prototype equipment prototype model

NB: proto- 前缀,表示“最初的,原始的”,例如: protocluster 原星团 (cluster 丛)

protogalaxy 原星系 ( galaxy 星系, 银河) protovirus 原始病毒 (virus 病毒)

? monotonous: adj. dull and never changing or varying; constant and boring

The teacher’s voice was so monotonous that it sent me to sleep.

? hazard: n. a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk

There are many hazards in a journey across Africa. Collocation:

at all hazards不顾一切风险; 在任何情况下 in hazard在危险中, 受到威胁 by hazard偶然, 碰运气 be on the hazard在危险中

? vibrate: v. (cause sth. to) move rapidly and continuously backwards and

forwards; shake

Tom’s heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house vibrate.

frequency: n. the rate at which sth. happens or is repeated, usu. measured over a particular period of time

This radio signal has a frequency of 800,000 cycles per second. convert: v. change from one form or use to another pattern: convert sth. to/into sth.

I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars. Coal can be converted to gas.

? correlate: vt. have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects

or depends on another

Research workers find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures. Pattern: correlate sth. with sth.

They are trying to find out if these behavior patterns correlate with particular changes

in diet.


? drastically: adv. in a drastic way

drastic: adj. having a strong or violent effect

Drastic measures are needed to improve the performance of the company.

? application: n. the action or an instance of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to

practical use

The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.

? be poised to do: be ready to take action at any moment

The automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign.

? mount: v. fix (sth.) in position for use, display or study; put (sth.) into place on a


Mounting the engine in this way was in improvement.

She mounted the photograph on the back of her diary book. 她把照片裱贴在她的日记本上。

? magnetic: adj.

1. having the properties of a magnet The iron has lost its magnetic force. Cotton is not magnetic.

2. having an unusual power or ability to attract He has magnetic personality. 他有吸引人的个性。

? take control of: control

The new manager didn’t know how to take control of his company.

? bunch:

1. v. group together (both active and passive)

The children were all bunched together in the corner of the room. 2. n. a group of items or individuals gathered or placed together A bunch of grapes A bunch of keys A bunch of flowers

? incorporate: vt. make (sth.) part of a whole

His newly published book incorporates his earlier essay. He was incorporated a member of the college.

? decrease: v. become or make sth. smaller or fewer

They are making further efforts to decrease military spending. Opposite: increase


CF: decrease, reduce & lessen


decrease 一词使用广泛,特指数量的减少。例如: Water consumption had to decrease to avoid a drought.

reduce 词义很广。既可指大小、数量、范围或程度的缩 小,也可指等级、地位或经济状况的下降。例如:

They reduced the size of the apparatus by two-thirds.

This has greatly reduced the threat presented by typhoons.

lessen 是比较正式的用词,用于客观地表示程度、价值或数量的减少,而不带任何偏见。例如:

Production in the textile industry has also lessened sharply.

The value of money lessens during inflation.

? expansion: n. the process of becoming greater in size, extent or importance

Under heat, the metal undergoes considerable expansion. These are plans for the expansion of our school building.