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选项过广, D选项文章没有太多涉及. TEXT B

86. 正确答案为C). 从第二段的前两句话得知:生活方式和态度上的不同是源于收入和工作安全保障问题.

87. 正确答案为A). 从第三段首句可以判断:对中产阶级消费模式的描写更接近事实. 故选A. 88. 正确答案为D). 第三段论述了中产阶级的特点:inclined to take a longer-term view, priority, security, D saving money未涉及到.

89. 正确答案为B). 第四段明确指出: working-class安全感提高的三个因素: 社会安全保障,法律保障和生活水平的提高,只有更多的工作就业机会没有提及. 故选B.

90. 正确答案为A). 选项A说英国社会的各个方面都在发生缓慢的变化.与第一段第二句话意思不符. TEXT C

91. 正确答案为C). 文章前两段很明确的提到了忙碌(occupied with business),社交(in the afternoon gentlemen ?.dine with him)和性情变化无常(sometimes pass me coldly and sometimes bow and smile),只有友好的没有提及.

92. 正确答案为A). 很多情况下,about=around在?附近, 选项中on 和concerning都是关于的意思,可以排除,outside意思不够准确.

93. 正确答案为B). 从前句的criticize就能得出答案. 当Eyre欲帮Jane解释时,Rochester认为Eyre不过是对他更为严厉的批评. stab sb in the back意思是中伤某人,不能字面理解成用刀 刺杀的意思.

94. 正确答案为C). 从Mr. Rochester的言辞中应该可以得出, 他不是在讲述他个人的经历麻烦,而是试图将之前的种种推卸到环境问题上,试图改变Eyre对他的成见.

95. 正确答案为D). 文章最后一段,Rochester期待Eyre能随着时间推移,在今后的交往中更自然,说笑变得无拘无束.首先排除rude和cold. 希望Eyre走出束缚,越飞越高得出, Rochester现在的语气是encouraging. TEXT D

96. 正确答案为D). 文章第一段就提到了unpredictable一词,但是前面用了个副词slightly修饰,仅仅有一点不确定性,所以选D. 其他选项在第一段中都有详细说明. 97. 正确答案为D). 第二段第四行说到:The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression ?.友谊建立的过程是一个细微的,难以察觉的过程.

98. 正确答案为B). 答案从最后一段中找. B选项是从It would have a familiarity with the user’s life as revealed in earlier contact中断章取义出来的. 其他三个选项皆有明确提到. 99. 正确答案为A). 从文章最后一句: the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner可以看出作者对computer的态度是赞许的,文章中也多次使用了褒义形容词: ideal, friendly, enjoyable, benefits, good-humored, etc.

100. 正确答案为C). 文中提到了computer和人之间的friendship,可见他们之间的affectionate relationship. A选项面过广, B选项文章中没有涉及, D选项面过广.



Saving Money or Spending Tomorrow‘s Money

Recently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 student


s in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi‘an, Chengdu and Shanghai, etc. To my surprise, almost 67 percent of students regarded saving money as a good habit. As far as I am concerned, spending tomorrow‘s money today is a better and wiser option.

First of all, spending tomorrow‘s money may improve our living standards and enable us to live a happy and well-to-do life. Still remember the wide-spread story about two old ladies—one is American and the other is Chinese. In her life the American lady spent tomorrow‘s money, enjoying the capacious houses, luxurious cars and all the modern electrical appliances. Before she died, she had paid off all her loans, and she said she had no regret in her life and she had led a happy life. On the other hand, the Chinese one just saved money, living a hard life. When she died, she finally could afford the luxurious houses with her savings, but she had no time to enjoy it any longer. What a poor lady!

What‘s more, spending tomorrow‘s money also plays a significant role in the economy of our country. Since it can spur people to make more money to enjoy life, the consumerism by this trend will undoubtedly drive forward our economy. With the country‘s economy developed, the best beneficiary is our common people. In other word, it is the best way to ensure a life free from poverty and anxiety about future.

All in all, with benefits to both our personal lives and the development of the country, spending tomorrow‘s money in advance will be a sensible choice, comparing with a life of saving money all life long which will surely brings us poverty. SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

April 23rd, 2006 Dear Michael,

I‘m so happy to learn that you are planning a weekend excursion for our class. I‘m eager to join the short journey. Could you tell me more about the journey such as when it will be and where we are going so that I can make preparations ahead of time? I‘ll be looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Yours, Larry