2017年江苏省扬州市区值、梅岭中学等六校中考英语三模试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017年江苏省扬州市区值、梅岭中学等六校中考英语三模试卷更新完毕开始阅读17ae4667814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa0082ee



1.(1分)﹣Mike, don't eat apples. It is _____ second one you've eaten. ﹣Oh, no, mum. I want to eat _____ third one.( ) A.a; the B.an; the

C.the; a D.the; the

2.(1分)﹣Do you know the Pakistan girl Malala, the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize?

﹣Yes. Her _____ makes the whole world shocked.( ) A.achievement B.advantage

C.agreement D.attention

3.(1分)﹣Excuse me, where is Daniel?

﹣He together with his friends _____ Yangzhou Museum.( ) A.have been to B.has been to C.have gone to D.has gone to 4.(1分)﹣Which of these two shirts will you take? ﹣I'll take _____, to give me a change sometimes.( ) A.all B.both C.either


5.(1分)﹣Didn't Frank know the cause of the accident? ﹣Yes. He kept quiet about it _____ lose his job.( ) A.not in order to C.in order not to

B.in not order to D.in order to not

6.(1分)﹣What's your plan for the coming summer holiday?

﹣I'll devote as much time as I can ________ some voluntary work.( ) A.to do


C.do D.to doing

7.(1分)﹣_____ useful suggestion you offer! Thank you very much. ﹣You're welcome.( )

A.What an B.What a C.How an D.How 8.(1分)﹣_____ did the Belt and Road Forum last? ﹣Two days. From 14May to 15May in Beijing.( )

A.How long B.When C.How soon D.What time

9.(1分)﹣How is the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales? ﹣It's the most wonderful one _____ I have ever seen.( ) A.who B.that C.which


10.(1分)﹣Do you know _____?

﹣I'm not sure. Maybe she's a teacher.( ) A.who the woman with glasses is B.who is the woman with glasses C.what the woman with glasses is D.what is the woman with glasses

11.(1分)﹣﹣﹣I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups. ﹣﹣﹣I quite agree.Sometimes it's even ________ than grades.( ) A.less important

B.more important

C.the least important D.the most important 12.(1分)﹣Bob, why are you so late?

﹣Sorry, Dad! When I _____ home, I met an old friend.( ) A.went

B.was going

C.am walking D.was walking

13.(1分)﹣Excuse me,Mum.When can we have dinner? ﹣Not until it in half an hour.( ) A.is prepared B.has been prepared C.will be prepared D.was prepared 14.(1分)﹣So you missed the meeting.

﹣_____. I got there five minutes before it finished.( ) A.Not at all

B.Not especially

C.Not exactly D.Not really

15.(1分)﹣Learning a language isn't easy. It takes time. ﹣I agree. _____. There's no short cut.( ) A.Practice makes perfect B.Slow but sure wins the race

C.All roads lead to Rome D.Rome wasn't built in a day


16.(15分)Do you know Yang Liwei? On 15October 2003, he flew into space as the first Chinese(16) . On the afternoon of 27September 2008, Astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the(17) Chinese to walk in space. More and more Chinese astronauts will go into outer space to explore the mystery and (18) research experiments(实验).

Space travel is not an (19) journey. It is no walk in the park. If you think being an astronaut is just fun and attraction, you might need to read up on all the side effects. Have you noticed that when the spacecraft (20) into space, astronauts' (21) turned a little unusual? They puffed(胀大的,膨起的) out. Do you know why?

(22) of our bodies are made up of fluids(液体). On the Earth, gravity pulls most of the fluids towards our legs. When one (23) , the blood pressure in the feet can be as high as about 200mmHg. In the head, however, it's only 60to 80mmHg. (24) the gravity that one feels on the Earth is missing. Much blood rises into one's head from the feet and legs, and(25) equal blood pressure throughout the body﹣about 100mmHg.

More blood gathers in one's head, and it (26) the skin on the face outwards and makes his or her face look puffy. (27) , the extra fluid in the head may lead to blocked noses and some other unexpected problems. Meanwhile, because much blood is leaving the feet and legs, his or her feet and legs have(28) blood pressure and become thinner, creating what some people call \.

When an astronaut returns to the Earth, his or her(29) is influenced by gravity gain. Because of the effects of gravity, much blood leaves the head and

goes back to the feet and legs and his or her face is (30) puffy.

16. A. pilot 17. A. first 18. A. carry on 19. A. easy 20. A. raises 21. A. feet 22. A. A quarter 23. A. lies 24. A. In space 25. A. turns to 26. A. pulls 27. A. So far 28. A. less 29. A. faces 30. A. already

B. astronaut B. second B. carry out B. interesting B. raised B. legs B. A half B. jumps B. On Mars B. falls to B. pushes B. However B. more B. blood B. still

C. visitor C. third C. take on C. unusual C. rises C. faces

D. scientist D. last D. take out D. exciting D. rose D. heads

C. One﹣third D. Two﹣thirds C. stands C. In the air C. leads to C. floats C. In fact C. lower C. mind C. never

D. sits

D. On the ground D. compares to D. rushes D. As a result D. higher D. moods D. no longer

三、阅读理解(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项. 31.(6分)MOVIE: Roman Holiday CHARACTERS﹣Princess and Reporter SCENE 8﹣Reporter's small flat

Princess: They'll be dry in a few minutes.

Reporter: Suits you. You should always wear my clothes. Princess: It seems I do.

Reporter: I thought a little wine might be good.