2017-2018学年上海牛津沪教版英语六年级下册全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2017-2018学年上海牛津沪教版英语六年级下册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读17a83010f6ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cba1a8d98

2. “Listen and say” Students will have a picnic every month. Students will grow a lot of plants in the playground. Students will study online at home. Students will not carry any books . Step Three: Help Kitty and her classmates complete the letter . Step Four: Read the letter by yourselves. Step Five: Summarize Step six: Homework Write your wishes on your paper . 板书设计 Unit 3 Our school in the future There will be a lot of plants in our school There will be a library in our school. We will not carry so many books.

Unit 3 Our school in the future Period two 教学目标 孩子们能用一般将来时表达自己的意愿和想法。 教学重、难点 Words: even space lesson Phrases: other things , carry books, on a small computer 教学用具 Recorder 教学过程 Step One: Warming up 1. Greeting 2. 畅想我们学校的未来。 ( 同桌之间竞赛,看谁说的句子多 ) Step Two: Joe’ s school in the future. 1. Show PPT to children . ( 出示课件, Joe畅想未来的学校 ) 2. Joe’s school of the future. ⑴ They will be under the sea , on the mountain, even in space. ⑵ Robot will help us find books in the library. ⑶ We will use computers in all our lessons . ⑷ We will do a lot of things online . ⑸ All our books will be on a small computer . Step Three: Read after little teachers. Step Four: Read by themselves. Step Five: Summarize 1. Retell 2. Grammar Will是情态动词,后跟动词原型。 Step six: Homework 用 We will 或者 We won’t 造句。 板书设计 Unit 3 Our school in the future ... will be ...

Module 2 Work and play

Unit 4 Art Period one 教学目标 1. 能听说读写重点单词和词组brush paints colorful artist carefully, an oil paining, Chinese ink painting, on the right, on the left 。 能运用重点句型就个人对事物的喜好进行提问。 2. 通过对话和写作练习等活动,可以简单的评价和介绍一副绘画作品。 教学重难点 Words: brush paints colorful artist carefully an oil paining, Chinese ink painting, on the right, on the left Sentences: Which one do you like ? I like ... 教学准备 Recorder 教学过程 Step One: Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Review . T: There are many pictures in our classroom . S: Which one do you like ? T: I like the picture on the right. S: Great ! T: What about you ,kitty ? S: I like the picture on the left. ( Show “ on the right \\ on the left” on the blackboard .) Step Two: New lesson 1. Show the main phrases . ⑴ Show the two pictures to children . { oil painting, and Chinese ink painting } ⑵ Which one do you like ? ⑶ Show the dialogue to children A: Which one do you like ? B: I like the paint on the left . \\ I like the one on the left . A: Why?

B: It’s beautiful . It’s colorful. T: Great ! It’s an oil painting . It’s colorful . It’s a Chinese painting on the right . It’s black and white . 2. Listen and say . ⑴ Read the dialogue . ⑵ Teach your little students ⑶ Read again . Step Three: Ask and answer . Ask and answer your questions with your classmates . Step Four: Think and nbsp;. 1. Know about the picture “Sunflowers” 2. Step Five: Summarize Step six: Homework 1. Read “listen and say”two times . 2. nbsp;something according to the model in page 26. 板书设计 Unit 4 Art A: Which one do you like ? B: I like the paint on the left . \\ I like the one on the left . A: Why? B: It’s beautiful . It’s colorful. T: Great ! It’s an oil painting . It’s colorful . It’s a Chinese painting on the right . It’s black and white .