多功能水族箱控制系统的设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章多功能水族箱控制系统的设计更新完毕开始阅读1680b41bc381e53a580216fc700abb68a982ad89


With the improvement of people's material life and the pursuit of high quality of life, technology products such as aquatic animals gradually entered people's family, hotels, shopping malls and other places. However, currently on the market of aquatic animals box temperature detection, level control, change water, feeding and a series of operation needs to be artificial. This not only makes the process is cumbersome, but also indirectly increase the labor costs.

In this paper, based on the analysis of the function of most aquatic animals box on the market at present and research, put forward a kind of multi-functional intelligent control system of aquatic animals box design. STC89C51 microcontroller as the core chip, the system combines all kinds of sensor technology, integrating a variety of control functions, including tank thermostatic control, level control, automatic lighting, automatic timing change water, automatic feeding, feeding, etc., and set up control parameters according to individual demand. This paper briefly from the function, components selection, hardware circuit design and software design of the control system is expounded.

The system after a long time to electricity to run the test, can hold the control parameters in the range of allowable error, this shows that the system has high reliability. In addition, the system also has the operation simple and convenient, parameters, real-time display, etc. At the same time the system flexible design, simple structure, low cost, easy to large-scale production, can be widely used in household and hotel and places of aquatic animals box is suitable for installation.

Key Words:automatic control; Series MCU; aquarium; sensor technology

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引 言




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1 绪论

1.1 课题背景与研究目的


而从最开始的功能单一的一个养动植物的水容器渐渐变成今天形状繁多、功能复杂的水族箱这一相对完备的生态系统,这不仅体现的是人们对美的重新认识和对高生活水平的追求,也体现了现代科学技术的革新和进步。在最开始,水族箱多见于展览馆、海洋公园等的公共场所供大家观赏,但是随着生活水平的显著提高,而且也得益于科技和养殖业的飞速发展。水族箱已经走进了寻常百姓家。近几年来,以水草、各种鱼类为主的被称作“水中微缩的鱼草园林” 水族箱变得越来越流行,深受人们的喜爱。




1.2 国内外研究现状



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