上海市奉贤区2020届高三英语二模考试试题(含解析) 联系客服

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A. Google’s RE

【答案】63. A 64. C 65. D 66. B 【解析】

本文属于新闻,主要讲述煤炭是全球的主要能源,但是产生了大量的二氧化碳,造成全球变暖,为此谷歌公司计划通过旗下的慈善机构来发展和鼓励新能源,为碳平衡做出努力。 【63题详解】

推理判断题。根据第二段Coal supplies 40 percent of the world’s electricity and more than half of U.S. power, and if current trends continue, it is expected to grab an ever increasing share because it is a plentiful and cheap fuel for big consumers like the United States and Russia. But coal is also the worst fuel in its production of the global warming gas carbon dioxide.可知,煤炭占了全球40%的能源,为美国提供了超过一半的能源,但是也是最差的能源,因为会产生大量的二氧化碳,故可知,考虑到其巨大的市场份额以及环境影响,是一种有争议的能源,故选A。 【64题详解】

推理判断题。根据倒数第二段This portion of the initiative will be funded through the company’s philanthropic arm, Google.org, which is not a traditional charity but can make equity (股票) investments in companies. Brin and Page have pledged (抵押) 1 percent of Google’s equity and profits toward efforts including climate change and global poverty.可知,所有的启动都会从谷歌的慈善项目Google.org获得资金,该慈善项目不是传统意义的慈善机构,而是可以用公司的股票投资,谷歌创始人已经把谷歌1%的股票和盈利做了抵押,用于投资气候变化和全球贫困问题,故可知,Google.org是一个慈善机构,为人类谋福

祉,故选C。 【65题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段The RE


Section C

Directions: Read the following passage, Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Venice Carnival

The annual Venice Carnival is in full swing, with thousands of revelers (狂欢者) gathering the city’s canals and squares in elaborate costumes and extraordinary masks ____67____.

The Carnevale di Venezia is thought to date back to the 11th century, making it one of the world’s oldest. Carnivals are held in many Catholic countries: such as Spain and Brazil, where they serve as a last chance to cat, drink end be merry before the deprivations or Lent, the 40 days of fasting (斋戒) that precede Easter.

It is thought that the masks allowed Venetians to hide their identities, allowing the poor to mix with the wealthy, breaking strict social order, even

if only for a brief and controlled period.

____68____ The theme of Carnival 2020 is “Tutta cope della Luna,” or “Blame the moon”, marking a half-century since man first walked on the satellite

To prevent overcrowding, authorities have installed turnstiles at the entrances to the historic St. Marks’Square, closing it off to new visitors once 23,000 revelers have entered. Costumed revelers are also searched as they enter the square.

Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges. The islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers ____69____ The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Although most visitors stick to the traditional Carnival costumes of baroque gowns and be jeweled masks for women and black capes and threatening masks for men, more and more people are opting for their own unique interpretations.

Some visitors use Carnival as an opportunity to show off a fantastic creation they’ve always reamed of wearing. It doesn’t have to be Venetian ____70____ At Carnival, everybody is free to who-or what-they want to be. Perhaps a different gender-or even species. That’s the joy of the mask-nobody knows who or what the person wearing it was before Carnival. A. This year’s Carnival festivities kicked off on February 16 and go on until March 5.

B. During the 18 days of Carnival, the city fills with thousands of tourists from across Italy and around the world.

C. Parts of Venice are well known for the beauty of their settings, their

architectureand artwork.

D. The Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice by seeking to use the traditional Carnival. E. It doesn’t have to be traditional.

F. Carnival virtually disappeared when Napoleon’s troops brought an end to the Venetian Republic in 1797. 【答案】67. B 68. A 69. C 70. E 【解析】 【分析】

本文属于说明文,介绍威尼斯的狂欢节的历史和2020年的相关信息,以及狂欢节的意义。 【67题详解】

根据前一句The annual Venice Carnival is in full swing, with thousands of revelers (狂欢者) gathering the city’s canals and squares in elaborate costumes and extraordinary masks可知,每年的威尼斯狂欢节都是很活跃,成千上万的狂欢者穿着精致的服装和别出心裁的面具聚集在城市的水路上和广场上,本段描述狂欢节的场景和气氛,B选项,在为期18天的狂欢节里,城市里充满了来自意大利和全世界的游客,切题,故选B。 【68题详解】

根据后一句The theme of Carnival 2020 is “Tutta cope della Luna,” or “Blame the moon”可知,2020年的狂欢节的主题是Tutta cope della Luna,介绍2020年的狂欢节信息,故A选项,2020年的狂欢节从2月16开始,一直持续到3月5日,切题,故选A。 【69题详解】

根据后一句The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.可知,泻湖和城市的一部分已经被列为联合国教科文组织世界名录