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71、the teenagers don’t invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket.


72、Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country

girl felt like a fish out of water.



73、To break the ice, Ted spoke of his interest in mountain climbing,

and they soon had a conversation going.



74、She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she

can do what she likes.

她生长在富贵之家,认为凡是都可随心所欲。 75、But the die was cast, he could not go back. 但事已决定,不容翻悔。

76、When he dined with his sister that evening, Madeline helped

herself to a cigarette from his pack on the table, and lit and smoke it inexpertly. He defiant, self-satisfied, somewhat pathetic air made Warren laugh. “When the cat’s away, hey?” he said.



77、The mere thought of appearing before a crowd frightened me. 只要一想到要在大庭广众之前露面就使我胆战心惊。 78、When they met again, each had already been married to anther. 原译:他们重新见面时,一个已是“使君有妇”,一个已是 “罗敷有夫”了。

改译:他们重新见面时,一个已是“有妇之夫”,一个已是 “有夫之妇”了。

79、But as the door banged, she seemed to some to life again. 可是当门砰地关上的时候,她好像又清醒过来了。 (动词附加语) All was quiet and still except for the distant tinkling of a piano. 除了远处一架钢琴的叮当叮当声外,万籁俱寂。 (名词附加语) “Hold him by the nose, dearie, then he’ll splutter and wake


“捏住他的鼻子,阿妹,他就会呼噜呼噜地醒过来啦。” (动词附加语) 80、The train puffed towards Tokyo from Sendai.

火车从仙台开向东京。 81、The train whistle tooted. 火车汽笛响了。

The screeching of the brakes got on my nerves. 煞车声刺激了我的神经。。 The underground train was humming. 地铁在响。

82、The frogs in the fields outside the town were croaking cheerfully. 请外在城郊田野里起劲地叫着。 The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。

The moment he rushed in, the hens chucked and the dogs barked. 他一进门,鸡也叫,狗也咬。 83、Zigurd fell asleep almost immediately. 祖格德几乎到头就呼呼睡了。 The kids are crying loudly. 孩子们哇哇大哭。

There were no sounds but that of tread of the men and the

footsteps of the two shaggy ponies which drew the van.

