江西省抚州市临川区第一中学2017-2018学年高二第二学期5月月考英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江西省抚州市临川区第一中学2017-2018学年高二第二学期5月月考英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读16109ca682c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717ed5b305



卷面满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. How long will the woman study in the UK?

A. One year. B.Three months C.One and a half years. 2. Why does the man call the woman?

A. To thank her. B. To give her a gift. C. To invite her to dinner. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Practicing English. B. Joining an English Corner C. Writing an application letter. 4. What is the man doing? A. Having dinner. B. Doing his homework. C. Playing computer games. 5. What will the man do? A. Leave the museum B. Take photos outside. C. Hand in his camera. .




6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. On the street. B. In a zoo. C. At a store. 7. What does the woman plan to do?

A. Buy a map. B. Take a car. C. Turn to the staff. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What gift will the woman give to Linda?

A. Some seeds. B. A plant. C. Some flowers. 9. What’s the probable relationship between the woman and Linda? A. Sisters. B. Friends. C. Colleagues. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. Why did the man want to leave his job? A. He wants to get a pay rise.

B. He wants to start his own business. C. He wants to work in a new environment. 11. What is the man’s new position? A. The sales manager. B. The project manager. C. The product researcher.

12. How does the man think of his new job?

A. Boring. B. Satisfying. C. Challenging. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. When will the library be closed?

A. At 4:30 pm. B. At 5:00 pm. C. At 5:30 pm. 14. What is necessary if the girl wants to read in the library? A. The ID card. B. The student card. C. The book list. 15. Which of the following can be borrowed from the library? A. CDs. B. Newspapers. C. Magazines. 16. How much will be charged if one book is returned two days late? A. Two yuan. B. Four yuan. C. Six yuan.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What was Jackson‘s childhood like?

A. Normal. B. Happy. C. Painful. 18. When did Jackson become famous?

A. In the 1960s. B. In the 1970s. C. In the 1980s. 19. How many Grammy Awards did Jackson win?

A. Thirteen. B. Eighteen. C. Twenty-six. 20. What title did the Guinness World Records award Jackson? A. Most Talented Singer of All Time. B. Most Popular Artist in the World. C. Most Successful Entertainer of All Time. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Leaders shape history and here is a selection of the most remarkable views into these public figures plus first-hand accounts by those with access to them. Margaret Thatcher by Charles Moore (2013)

Before Moore published the first volume of his biography, there had already been a mountain of books on Thatcher. Moore’s account is different. He shows that far from being fearless, she could often be fearful without cause. The final volume will include her fall from power.

Harold Wilson by Ben Pimlott (1992)

Harold Wilson had become a ghostly figure when this book was published in 1992. The absence heightened a sense of mystery. Who was he? How to explain his seemingly contradictory characteristics? Pimlott solves some of the mysteries; the book is detailed until Wilson’s final phase as prime minister in 1974. Churchill by Roy Jenkins (2001)

Jenkins writes a politician as well as a historian, analyzing Churchill’s historic

moves from the opinions of one who had also spoken in the Commons. Jenkins had resigned from high positions in battles over policy, and as one that changed parties, though not as frequently as Churchill did. Roy Jenkins by John Campbell (2014)

Campbell calmly narrates the many political and personal dramas, including Jenkins’ intense relationship with Anthony Crosland when they were both students at Oxford. Campbell also addresses Jenkins’ various affairs with women. Like Jenkins’s political heroes, he led many lives. Campbell is sharp in describing each of them.

Diaries, Volumes One to Six by Alastair Campbell (2017)

Love or hate him, Campbell remains the master of the inside story, and not just because of his unusual ideas on the relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. This is an incredibly detailed book on what it’s like to live inside No. 10: the cruel space of events; and the constant conflict with the media. 21. Which writer was once a politician? A. Ben Pimlott. B. Charles Moore. C. John Campbell. D. Roy Jenkins.

22. Which of the following leaders has the largest number of books written about them?

A. Margaret Thatcher. B. Harold Wilson C. Churchill. D. Tony Blair.

23. What’s purpose of the author’s writing the passage? A. To introduce some histories on selections. B. To think highly of some famous leaders. C. To tell some mysteries about historians. D. To recommend some books on leaders.


Sometimes we experience pain that seems just too big to feel, too frightening to face - it looks like a tsunami. So, we run. My tsunami came when I was nine years old.