新概念一册上期末测试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新概念一册上期末测试卷更新完毕开始阅读14ff1f4aff00bed5b9f31d71

( ) 1. The young officer wants to telephone his mother to tell her _________. A. that he is going to visit her B. when his train is going to leave C. when his train is going to arrive D. that he is now at the railway station ( )2. He looks around for help because he _________.

A. doesn't have coins for the phone call B. has no money to make the phone call C. doesn't have the local money D. wants to change money ( )3. The old soldier _________.

A. is glad to help him

B. doesn't know if he had coins C. doesn't want to help him D. is angry

( )4. The young officer is angry because he thinks the old soldier _________.

A. doesn't know how to speak to him B. doesn't want to help him C. doesn't answer him correctly D. is not friendly to him

( )5. The old soldier in the story is_________.

A. clever B. poor C. polite D. Friendly
