淫羊藿苷调节细胞增殖作用的研究进展 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章淫羊藿苷调节细胞增殖作用的研究进展更新完毕开始阅读1483b50f03d276a20029bd64783e0912a3167c6e

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作者:杨丽红 肖波 侯丽霞 姚冬 来源:《医学信息》2019年第01期



中图分类号:R285.6; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;文献标识码:A; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.01.012


Advances in Research on the Regulation of Cell Proliferation by Icariin YANG Li-hong,XIAO Bo,HOU Li-xia,YAO Dong

(Department of Respiratory Medicine,Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical College,Guilin 541004,Guangxi,China)

Abstract:Icariin is one of the effective active ingredients of traditional Chinese herbal medicine Epimedium, which has been found to affect the proliferation of various cells. Icariin mainly promotes the proliferation of bone-related cells, including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, periosteal cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and icariin inhibits proliferation of various tumor cells, including osteosarcoma cells, breast cancer cells, and ovarian cancer. Apoptosis can also regulate the proliferation of other cells, including neural stem cells and smooth muscle cells. However, the dual regulation mechanism of icariin on cell proliferation promotion and inhibition needs further research to provide a theoretical basis for its application in cell proliferation disorders. Key words:Icariin;Cell proliferation;Promotion;Inhibition

淫羊藿属于蓼科(Polygonaceae)的开花植物属。近代研究发现淫羊藿具有广泛作用,除了传统补肾益气功效外,还可降低血压,促进造血、免疫功能及对抗骨质疏松、衰老、肿瘤等[1]。高分离度液相色谱(high-performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)分析显示,淫羊藿总黄酮由7个复合物组成,淫羊藿苷(Icariin)为主要的有效成分[2]。本文对近年来淫羊藿苷