厦门大学网络教育高中起点专、本科入学考试《英语》模拟试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章厦门大学网络教育高中起点专、本科入学考试《英语》模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读13b4ba36f111f18583d05a0b


A、who I do not like B、which I do not like C、I do not like him D、I do not like it

31、___ to all that Taiwan is the largest island in China.(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、As is known B、As we know C、What is known D、It is known

32、It is thought___60 million people on the Net, connected up to over 15 million computers.(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、to be

B、there could be C、to have D、there to be

33、Post the letter for me, ___ you?(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、don’t B、shall C、will D、do

34、We hope the measures to control prices, ___ taken by the government, will succeed.(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、when B、as C、since D、after

35、___ will take part in the English Speaking Competition will be announced at tomorrow’s meeting.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、Who B、Whom C、That D、Which

36、After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ___ he grew up as a child.(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、which B、where C、that D、when

37、___ the new policy, we are now having a happy life.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、Thanks to B、Because C、For

D、Thank for

38、The teacher spoke loudly ___ the students could hear him clearly.(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、so B、that C、so that D、in order to

39、–I started to study , but then a friend called . –That’s no excuse ____________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、for not studying B、not for studying C、not studying D、not to studying

40、–Why was he so hot when he got home ? –He _______________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、was running B、is running

C、has been running D、had been running

41、–Would you like to go dancing with us tonight, Mary?_ –______________________.(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、I’d love so B、I will like to C、I would like that D、I’d love to

42、One of the two men who ___ with my brother ___ an expensive can.(2.0分) 正确答案:D

A、works,has B、work,have C、works,have D、work,has

43、The classroom is so dirty that it needs ___ badly.(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、clean B、to clean

C、being cleaned D、cleaning

44、It’s time for the TV play. Would you please ___ the TV?(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、turn off B、turn on C、turn into D、turn over

45、–Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow? –Sure. I___ my exam by then. (2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、will have finished

B、will be finishing C、will finish D、have finished

46、My friend Bob sells his own programmers to doctors ___their patients' records on disk(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、wanting to put B、wanting puttin C、to want to put D、to want putting

47、It’s too expensive. I can’t ___ it(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、pay B、spent C、afford D、cost

48、Among the three pictures, this one is the ___beautiful.(2.0分) A、least B、more C、less D、very

49、Was it last Friday ___________you met him ?(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、that B、on which C、which D、when

50、It is dark, but he is ___ in the office.(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、already B、yet C、still D、also
