2019届高考英语大一轮复习备考北师大版讲义:Book 2 Unit 6 design 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019届高考英语大一轮复习备考北师大版讲义:Book 2 Unit 6 design更新完毕开始阅读122ee5edac51f01dc281e53a580216fc700a532d

C.exhibits are usually difficult to clean D.exhibits are not always so beautiful 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,清洁工不只会把现代艺术作品扔掉,有时会清理干净它们,也就是说他们有时分不清垃圾和展品。故选B。 Ⅱ.七选五


Knowing your neighbors can make you feel safer and can make your life a little more enjoyable. 12 Start a Facebook group.Many online groups already exist for local communities,but they may just focus on swapping and selling objects,or simply for exploring the local area. 13 For example,starting a Facebook group.

Get volunteering.Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded neighbors and make a difference to your community. 14 Charities are the most obvious place to start.Charities,large or small,are always looking for help in regions across the UK.A simple Google search can help you discover local charities and volunteer opportunities.

Practice everyday kindness.Kindness is the start to possible long-lasting friendships.Everyday acts of kindness can be as simple as saying hello when you see your neighbors in the street or the supermarket.It may be seeing someone struggle with the gardening and offering your help. 15

Start an exercise group.There are a rare few of us that are motivated to start exercising,and even fewer that enjoy doing it alone. 16 Plan big walks of your area and ask neighbors to come along.You could sign up together to attempt a marathon or half marathon.Or perhaps you can arrange a Zumba,yoga,or aerobics(有氧运动) class in the community centre. A.However,you are often too busy to realize this.

B.There are many ways to volunteer in your local community. C.Starting a neighborhood exercise group may be just the ticket. D.So why not set one up simply to get to know your neighbors better? E.It may also be taking in that rather large parcel when no one is home.

F.If you’re new to an area or don’t know how to make local friends,try these suggestions. G.These groups indeed make life in communities easier and more comfortable for you. 语篇解读 作者提出了一些更好地增进邻里关系的建议。 12.答案 F

解析 本空属于总结性的句子,通过下面每一段的小标题可知,这些都是更好地增进邻里关


系的一些方法、建议,F项中these suggestions也是提示词。故选F。 13.答案 D

解析 根据前一句的描述:以前已经存在的在线群的目的主要是买卖和交换东西之类的,可知D项“所以为什么不建立一个只是为了更好地了解你的邻居的群呢?”符合语境,故选D。 14.答案 B

解析 本段的小标题是“Get volunteering.”参与志愿活动。选项中只有B项有volunteer这个关键词,而且B项说的有许多方法和下一句的慈善活动正好是方式之一相匹配。故选B。 15.答案 E

解析 本段的小标题是“Practice everyday kindness.”每天都付出善行,然后接下来就通过举例的方式说明了可以怎样去帮助邻居,E项正好也是帮助邻居的一个例子,且句中有also,与上句相承接。故选E。 16.答案 C

解析 本段的小标题是“Start an exercise group.”建立锻炼群,本段的主题是带动邻居们一起锻炼以增进邻里关系,只有选项C的表述符合本段的主题。故选C。




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