2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P更新完毕开始阅读1179031526d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bd2c

Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 在C3片区的炮台公园中,延绵的高地将阻挡洪水涌入金融区,而经过改造的自行车道、点缀其中的新建文化地标与主题各异的小花园也将进一步提升这片标志性开放空间的空间体验。

At Compartment 3 The Battery, a sweeping arc of high ground will prevent water from inundating the sensitive Financial District and enhance this iconic open space with an improved bikeway and archipelago of new cultural attractions and thematic gardens. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 延绵的堤岸系统将深入居住区开放空间,将原本平整而毫无特色的公共空间改造为兼具暴雨管理与休闲、农业、社会服务和经济功能的防洪景观。

The BIG U envisions an undulating berm system that transforms flat and featureless public housing campuses into flood-protective landscapes that manage storm water and

integrate recreation, agriculture, social services, and economic opportunities. Photo Credit: Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, One Architecture

▲ 并未物尽其用的开放空间将被转变为内嵌休闲娱乐设施的高效景观空间。

The new protective berm transforms underused campus areas with a high-performance elevated ribbon that can house community and recreational facilities within its structure. Photo Credit: Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 在景观设计师的引导下,公众参与程序的参加者利用模型、地图与三维分析图等事务所常用设计工具定义当地社会经济的目标,表达他们对设计与功能的倾好,并为其所在的社区量身定制景观介入手段以提升空间质量。

The Landscape Architect-led public engagement process challenged stakeholders to employ tools of the design studio—including models, mapping, and three-dimensional diagramming—to define local socioeconomic challenges, express design and program preferences, and tailor landscape interventions to enhance their neighborhoods. Photo Credit: Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ 设计团队利用获奖奖金拍摄了一系列的视频,将设计理念生动、直观而明确地传达给所有利益相关者、组织与政府团体,以获得他们的支持,保证项目的最终实现。

The team used winnings from the Regional Holcim Awards to create a video that communicates The BIG U visually and clearly to community stakeholders, organizations, and government groups to secure support & realize the project! Photo Credit: Squint Opera (video stills)

▲ BIG U以精心的设计、植被选择与项目规划向人们描述了


The BIG U’s thoughtful design, planting, and programming illustrates how protective landscapes can improve habitat, bolster communities’ connection to their waterfronts, and enrich residents’ lives through embedded socio-economic, cultural, and recreational opportunities. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group

▲ BIG U不仅将为城市打造一个集合了交通、防护与活动功能的极富凝聚力的城市边缘地带…

Not only will The BIG U create a “cohesive edge,” integrating circulation, protection, and programming . . . Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group