2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and P更新完毕开始阅读1179031526d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bd2c

2016 ASLA 分析及规划类荣誉奖:曼哈顿BIG U防护性景观规划 Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners




“Something quite nice about the simplicity of using natural processes to deal with natural processes. A bold step that pushed the limits of what to think about.”

– 2016 Awards Jury


Grand Teton National Park Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center by Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners.

Appreciation towards ASLA for providing the following description:



Big U是一个辅助沿海城市应对气候变化危机的可复制模块化系统。面对超级飓风桑迪的来袭,景观设计团队所设想的防护性景观将激活城市滨水区域,而非切断城市与水的联系。在美国住房和城市发展部所举办的Rebuild by Design设计竞赛中,来自Starr Whitehouse的景观设计团队与全球知名的设计公司联手,共同将这个理念扩展落实为环绕曼哈顿下城区延伸的一系列保护性基础设施。景观设计师所制定的公众参与性框架赋予了社区居民在其中发现机遇,设置能够促进当地社会、经济发展的基础设施,增添与其相邻的海岸社区的多样性。落成后的方案将沿着海岸线蔓延10英里,预期将减少数十亿因气候灾害带来的经济损失,联系起居民与水岸,在城市最脆弱的地区创造出文化与经济干预措施。美国住房和城市发展部为全长2英里的第一阶段投入了约3.35亿美金,工程预计于2022年正式启动。

The Big U is a modular, replicable system for adapting coastal cities to climate change. In response to Superstorm Sandy, the landscape architect envisioned protective landscapes that could enliven, rather than cut off, the City’s waterfront. For HUD's Rebuild by Design competition, the firm teamed with

internationally-renowned collaborators to expand that idea into a

ribbon of protective infrastructure that wraps around Lower Manhattan. With the public outreach framework developed by the landscape architect, community members were empowered to map local socio-economic opportunities onto protective features, allowing physical infrastructure to enhance the diverse coastal neighborhoods it defends. The final design protects 10 miles of coastline, averts billions of dollars in climate-change related damages, connects neighbors to the water, and creates cultural and economic interventions in the City's most vulnerable areas. The first two miles of the project were awarded $335 million by HUD and are scheduled to be built by 2022.

▲ BIG U环绕曼哈顿下城而建,一系列的防护性景观将为城市挽回数十亿因气候灾害带来的潜在经济损失,保护居于其中的数百万人。内嵌于堤岸与防洪墙中的服务设施将原本生硬的基础设施改造为工人休闲、嬉戏的场所,带来了机遇。

The BIG U wraps Manhattan in a ribbon of protective

landscapes that will avert billions of dollars of climate-change related damages and protect millions of lives. Embedded amenities turn berms and seawalls into places for relaxation, play, and opportunity. Photo Credit: BIG—Bjarke Ingels Group


2012年,飓风桑迪袭击纽约,造成了43人死亡,9万余座建筑被淹没,200万人流离失所,最终经济损失高达190亿美元。这场飓风彻底颠覆了当地居民对气候变化灾害的认知。其后,联邦应急管理局修改了洪涝危险区的范围,将曼哈顿沿海10英里的海岸线 - 包括2.84亿平方英尺建筑面积、2万户企业、以及纽约证券交易所与金融区这片居住着20万名居民,每年吸引5720万游客的区域囊括在内。通过举办“Rebuild by Design”设计竞赛,纽约市政府与联邦政府邀请设计界以创造性的设计手法,一同为保护海岸与其居民不受洪涝灾害的影响而出谋划策。Big U在曼哈顿区域的竞赛中脱颖而出,夺得头筹。

BIG U环绕曼哈顿下城而建,一系列的防护性景观从西54街一直延伸至东40街,在保护城市街区不受暴雨和海平面上升威胁的同时,为当地带来所需的文化、休闲与社会经济效益。

BIG U的设计理念萌生自纽约市长布隆伯格提出“重建与弹