2013八年级英语试卷 - 图文 联系客服

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Mr. Hunt was living in a village and he wanted to go to an office one day. He got into his car and drove to the city. he went there without any trouble and stopped in front of the door. He locked(锁) his car and started to go into the office, but then he turned around and went back to his car. ―I’ve left my keys in it!‖ he said to himself. He called his wife and asked, ―Excuse me, I’ve locked my keys in my car. Please bring your keys to me!‖

Mrs. Hunt got into their second car and drove twenty kilometres to her husband. But while he was waiting, Mr. Hunt walked around his carj and tried the other door. It was not locked! He locked it quickly before his wife arrived. 根据上面的广告牌,选择正确答案.

( )70 Mr. Hunt went to the city _______ .

A. by bus B. by train C. in his car D. by bike ( )71. It was ______ for Mr. Hunt to drive to the office.

A. very hard B. quite easy C. a problem D. difficult

( )72. Mr. Hunt returned to his car because _______.

A. there was something wrong with his car B. he forget to call his wife

C. he took something in the car D. he left his keys in the car

( )73. Mr. Hunt found _______ while he was waiting for his wife.

A. he could get his keys without his wife’s help B. his keys in his pocket

C. he got to a wrong office D. he locked both of the doors

( )74. When Mrs. Hunt arrived she would find Mr. Hunt _______.

A. needed her help very much B. had already got his keys C. had already gone into the office D. was sitting in the car


The police in London were searching for a thief(贼). At last they caught him. But while they were taking photos of him from the front, from the left to the right, with a hat and without a hat, he suddenly hit the policemen and ran off. The police tried to catch him but he got away. Then a week later, a telephone rang in the police station and somebody said, ―You are searching for the thief, aren’t you?‖ ―Yes.‖ ―Well, he left here for Waterbridge an hour ago.‖ The police in London at once sent the four of the different photos of the thief to the police in waterbridge.

About ten hours later, the police in London got a telephone call from Waterbredge. ―We have caught three of the man,‖ they said happily, ―and we’ll catch the fourth this evening, we think.‖ ( )75. In the sentence ―The police in London were searching for a thief‖, ―searching for‖

means _______.

A. find B. looking for C. look at D. look after

( )76. The police in London took _______ photos of the thief. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )77. According to this passage, which of the following is true? A. The thief left Waterbredge for London.

B. The police caught many thieves in London.

C. The police in London tried to catch the thief with a hat. D. The police in London kept searching for the thief.

( )78. Waterbredge is ________ .

A. a river B. a bridge C. a place D. a policeman

( )79. The best title(标题) for this story may be _______.

A. Several Thieves B. Police and Thieves C. Four Thieves D. The Police in London


Most people always like to collect things. For example, they like collecting stamps, books, pictures. But my friend Mr. King likes collecting clocks. He has five hundred clocks now.

There are clocks everywhere in his house. You can see shelves standing in every room. All the shelves are full of clocks. Though Mr. King is glad to do this, his wifej doesn’t enjoy it at all. She has a lot of work to do every day. It’s not easy for her to clean hundreds of clocks. She is also angry at the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so she can hear clock strike(敲) almost any time during the day and night. ―There is something evenj worse. I can never what time it is with so many clocks around.‖

( )80. Mr. King is _______.

A. a clock maker B. a clock seller C. interested in clocks D. good at mending clocks

( )81. Whick one of the following is TRUE?.

A. Mr. King keeps the clock only in his bedroom.

B. Mr. King doesn’t put any shelves in the sitting room. C. There are some shelves with nothing on them. D. All the shelves are filled with clocks on them.

( )82. Mrs. King _______.

A. is busy cleaning the clocks every day B. likes collecting clocks, too

C. helps Mr. King collect clocks D. likes cleaning the clocks

( )3. Mrs. King doesn’t know _______ .

A. her husband’s favorite thing B. which clock tells the right time

C. when the clocks strike D. how to clean the clocks

( )84. From the passage we know _______.

A. few of the clocks keep the right time B. most of the clocks keep the right time

C. all the clocks strike at the same time D. it’s always quiet in their house


There are many kinds of animals on the earth. Some animals, such as tigers and elephants live in the forests. They’re wild animals. Some others, like cows and dogs live with men and they’re farm animals. They’re important to us. We catch wild animals for fur and meat. Farm animals give us food, too. They’re more important than wild animals. Without them, life will be hard.

Sheep and pigs are useful for our food. Skins of some animals can be made into(被制成) coats and shoes. From cows, we get milk. Horses can take us to other places. In some places animals are used to plough fields. ( )85. _______ live in the forests.

A.Tigers and elephants B. Elphants C. Sheep and dogs D. Cows and chickens

( )86. ________ are useful for our food.

A. Elephants and bears B. Deer and foxes C. Sheep and dogs D. Tigers and chickens

( )87. ________ give us food.

A. Only wild animals B. Only farm animals

C. Both wild animals and farm animals D. Horses and cows

( )88. Life will be hard without _______.

A. farm animals B. wild animals C. sheep and pigs D. both A and B ( )89. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Without animals we can’t live on the earth.

B. Farm animals do farm work in some places.

C. Farm animals are less useful than wild animals. D. Farm skins of some animals we can make coats and shoes.

第四部分(共两大题. 满分25分)

Ⅸ.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 90. As we know, panadas f________ on bamboo. 91. The children can learn a lot of k_______ on TV.

92. Bill _______ _______ (做鬼脸) and made the baby laugh.

93. He wanted _______ _______ _______ (成立) an organization in Dalian. 94. Which do you like better, the city or the _______ (乡下). Ⅹ. 书面表达(共1小题;满分20分)

当今的流行乐坛, 有很多让人崇拜的歌星, 如刘德华、周华健、刘欢等, 他们的歌听起来让人如痴如醉, 百听不厌. 请选择一位你喜欢的歌星, 写一篇80个词左右的短文向大家介绍. 题目为My Favorite Pop Star. 内容包括:

1. 歌手的个人情况; 2. 你喜欢他的原因;

3. 歌手在观众心目中的地位.
